People who only Want to Know a Little Bit about God

The mother of a young school child expressed indignation at the school’s decision to do away with Christmas celebrations this year. “However,” she said, “We are all encouraged to gather and enjoy a halal sausage and salad together.” Muslim children in attendance there are (at this stage) as few as any others of a non-Christian religion, so the mother was puzzled as to why the school was taking this stand, “after all these years.” When a society places no value on God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible, decisions such as that are only to be expected. That’s not what she wanted to hear! “I want her to know a little bit about God,” she said.

That’s the problem with societies such as mine! I have discovered over the years that people who only want to know a little bit about God, do, in actual fact want to know nothing about God. Yes, they think of themselves as Christians and are quick to say, “This is still a Christian country,” but when challenged to put that to the test by allowing themselves an introduction to the biblical Jesus Christ and His truth revealed, they don’t want to know. They’d rather stick with the concepts and imaginations they already hold of Him, no matter how faulty and idolatrous they might be. What’s the result of that? You become spiritually and mentally bound by a religious spirit which in turn, hinders you from getting released by the Holy Spirit.

Important note: The same applies to “powers” that be in schools denying the Christmas celebration in favor of a halal sausage and salad. They can consider themselves atheists, agnostics, Marxists or free thinkers, they can pride themselves all they like for their so-called tolerance and political correctness, but in actual fact they too are bound and controlled by a religious spirit. In their case it is the religious spirit of Islam that binds and controls them.   That’s the reality. “Powers” denying the same in businesses, shopping centers and local government are in the same traps – halal sausage and salad or not! Jesus said, He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad Matthew 12:30.

Whether they know it or not, people who only want to know a little bit about God are enemies of Jesus Christ. There is no such thing as neutral ground. “Every one must be either with Christ or against him; either a loyal subject or a rebel. And there are none upon earth, who neither promote nor obstruct His kingdom. For he that does not gather souls to God, scatters them from Him – John Wesley. Atheists, pagans, heathens, Marxists and evolutionary humanists couldn’t care less about that; they don’t believe it in any case. But you who claim to be a Christian had better care and believe because if you don’t those religious spirits will destroy you in the end. They will destroy you spiritually, mentally, materially, physically … and eternally.

Religious spirits, of which there are many, are on the march all over the world. They belong to Satan, not God. They have one goal only in mind and that is to prevent you from discovering the truth about the biblical Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy one anointed by the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed Luke 4:18. Religious spirits are liars. That has to be so, for Satan, their ruler is a liar – the father of them John 8:44. No wonder the so-called tolerant and politically correct are liars. All who deny or hold back truth are liars. That’s right! You can’t be “tolerant”, PC and truthful at the same time!

People who only want to know a little bit about God are proud to tell me they believe in God, “but not like you!!” I notice none of them have peace though. Authentic peace is not a reality for them because the religious spirits controlling them have no peace. Religious spirits believe in God too – yes, they believe – and tremble! James 2:19.  No fear (reverence) for God equals fear (dread) of God. That’s why these people fear the future, fear death, fear the judgment of God, fear terminal disease, fear economic collapse, fear war, fear natural disaster, fear man, fear LGBT militants and … fear Muslims. And should any happen to belong to a church fellowship, people who only want to know a little bit about God can be the greatest troublemakers in there.

Controlled by an anti-Christ spirit, people who only want to know a little bit about God despise people who want to know everything about God. Only Holy Spirit-led, Jesus Christ-centered, Bible-based Christians come under that category. “Intolerant, bigoted, religious fundamentalists,” they sneer at us. That makes them no different than the “powers” that be who want to do away with Christmas celebrations. Religious spirits are not only liars; they’re envious and jealous too, just like their ruler, Satan. In twenty-nine plus years of discerning those controlled by religious spirits, I’ve never known it to be any different. These will be first in line to throw us to the lions should the Lord Jesus not come soon to remove the church, as expected.

And if Jesus does come soon, as expected, it will be the Great Tribulation saints who get thrown to the lions. Already controlled by an anti-Christ spirit, a “Judas spirit” will come upon people who only want to know a little bit about God at that time too. But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come…..brutal, despisers of good ….. traitors……having a form of godliness but denying it’s power 2 Timothy 3:1. Indeed, perilous times and perilous people! Treachery and betrayal will be the name of the game then with both Jews and Christians being on the receiving end. Why treachery and betrayal? They’ll be doing the bidding of the Antichrist/Beast. Interesting too – they’ll be worshiping him as God! Revelation 13:3-4, 8. 

People who only want to know a little bit about God are deeply impressed by the philosophies and quotes attributed to the Dalai Lama and Buddha. But if you point them to the Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament or the quotes of Jesus in the New Testament they become irritated. Why is that? Although much of what the first two say is true, it is stolen from the knowledge of the tree of good and evil; the latter is freely given from the tree of life Genesis 2:9. The former possess no power to convict, the latter possess all power to convict. Satan knows all truth. He knows how to mix it in with exaggerations, perversions, distortions and lies. Someone said, “……he hides his poison in the bait of wholesome truth.”

Religious spirits love to control ambitious politicians. In late October, a leading politician was the keynote speaker at the Australian Christian Lobby’s National Conference. He spoke on (what he considered) the importance of marriage equality. Quote: “I think I’m like many Australians, I don’t usually talk publicly about my faith – and I shall not make a habit of it.” In referring to his local priest, “he suggested I begin with something from Scriptures, one of my favorites. The passage I have chosen is from Matthew.” With that he quoted the Beatitudes of Jesus, but omitted to read the last three verses. Had he read them he would have blown his whole argument for what followed in his speech.

The speech was typical of what we hear these days whether it’s from politicians priests or pastors. “Tolerance” ‘love” “judge not” “the golden rule” “compassion” “respect” and, “…..discriminating against anyone… a violation of the values that we all share.” People who only want to know a little bit about God love to bring discrimination to the game, but never distinction – especially the distinctions God reveals. The man omitted to read, Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake……Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you Matthew 5:10-12. 

People who only want to know a little bit about God cannot point the finger at the “powers” that be for ridding society of Christmas celebrations, or anything else that reveals Jesus Christ and His truth. They are of the same spirit! Can this be changed? No and yes. Society  is not going to change; it’s in a sewer sliding down a drainpipe  into hell. But, the One society denies, the same One you’ve been denying can change you if you will humble yourself and permit Him to do so. The religious spirit will put you in hell; the Holy Spirit will put you in heaven. Fools go to hell; the wise go to heaven. The wise shall inherit glory, but shame shall be the legacy of fools Proverbs 3:35. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me John 14:6.

© 2014 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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