Some time ago here in Melbourne, a priest held a funeral service for a petty criminal who was also known by the priest and many friends to be an atheist. In his eulogy the priest spoke about the man and his meeting with God. Someone later said, “But Father, he didn’t believe in God.” The priest replied, “Well …
Yearly Archives: 2012
The Destructive Power of Uncertainty
A television presenter recently interviewed a couple whose family was experiencing severe trials and she said, “Our thoughts and prayers are with you.” It was the second time that I’ve heard this presenter use those words, but I have also heard her on another occasion express uncertainty about the existence of God. A man on the radio …
Goal Number 27
I was blessed by listening to a church pastor the other day on the Internet telling us he loves to pray and that, “I can’t live without prayer.” He told us there was no way he would know what to do or know what people are thinking if he didn’t pray. More, “you have to pray …
These Marxist-Leninist Puppets of Hatred & Persecution
It was around the time of the first Gulf War when I asked the young man in his early twenties if I could talk to him about his salvation and he matter-of-factly said, “I don’t have any belief in your God or your gospel and I hate everything they stand for!” He told me he was a University …
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Truth And Belonging Will Go Hand In Hand
On several occasions on this blog I have mentioned that many Christian people do not join or attend churches because they are searching for truth and a desire to live it out under the power of the Holy Spirit. Every so often I am reminded of this when meeting up with someone that I have not seen for a period …
The Spirit of Intimidation
The other day on the Internet I came across an article on how to speak confidently and intimidate people. The article suggested that sometimes people will need to speak more confidently, whether for the purpose of intimidating others or to keep them from intimidating you. More – “speaking confidently to intimidate people involves having more confidence, authority …
Divine Physical Healing
For the past couple of months it has felt as though God has had me attend His school of divine physical healing. As is the usual practice when asking the Lord what is on His heart that He wants me to know about Him or His church, He begins to place certain things on my heart or quicken me through …