Quote: “The purpose of pleasing God, is basic to the purpose of avoiding sin. I say that because some Christians perceive their whole Christian life in terms of avoiding sin. Whereas according to the New Testament avoiding sin is a big thing, even bigger is the practice of rejoicing and hoping and thanking and pleasing …
Tag Archives: joylessness
God Jumps for Joy!
I asked the lady from the front office how she was enjoying her work. She said the work was fine, but the work environment was horrible. She was not referring to work space, lighting or ventilation, but rather, the human, relational environment. “There’s no fun around here anymore, Roger. It used to be a joy …
God’s Response Was Swift!
Recently I watched some video teachings on Babylonian religious practices. I found the subject extremely interesting as the lecturer tied in Babylonian temple deities and religious symbols and objects with what we see in Romanism and Islam … statues and symbols representing all kinds of deities, sun gods, moon gods, goddesses, ritual care and practice and the worship of anything considered sacred. Following …