Definition of fact: ‘a thing that is known or proved to be true – reality, actuality, certainty, truth.’ Definition of opinion: ‘a belief based on grounds short of proof’ – or – ‘a belief or judgment resting on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.’ Fact, and not an opinion: the moment you testify that you have discovered, embraced and intend operating your life out of the former, you can expect to receive plenty of insults and put-downs, both covertly and overtly, from people operating their lives out of the latter. In addition, there will be no exemptions from loved ones; they may be among the first to dish them out.
Why the insults and put-downs? Why do people respond in that manner? Why do they not simply disagree, give their reasons for doing so then leave it at that? That’s pretty much the way it used to be prior to Generation X, Generation Y/Millennials and the introduction of “Social” Media. One answer: Back then there was much less of a focus on self – all me and all mine! Most people were not brought up under that environment. Those who were and who outwardly expressed it, carrying the reputation for it, were simply not given the attention they’re given today. Whether in the family, at school, at work or socially, respect and co-operation with one another was the expectation and those constantly failing to give it were avoided as much as it was practicable.
The term, “Emotional Intelligence” was not widely used before Generation X, but people were more emotionally intelligent at that time. With few exceptions, people curbed their emotions. They exercised internal restraints, knowing that if they didn’t the alternative would a price of some sort to pay. The family and educational institutions were quick to sort out the young rebels; the law/legal institutions acted just as quickly to sort out the old rebels. “Mind your manners!” That was one of the first instructions for young people. “Please” and “Thank you” were the order of the day. “Don’t interrupt when others are talking,” was another one. Others: “Excuse me.” “Ask for permission.” “I’m sorry.” “Can I help you?” Fact: Such expressions teach an unfailing universal principle.
Question: What’s the principle? Answer: Treat others with respect and you will be given respect. In other words, In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you,…… Matthew 7:12. Fact: The same principle works in the negative too. Habitually treat others with insults and put-downs for example, and that’s what will be reciprocated. Not necessarily will the reciprocation be in the form of insults and put-downs, but come back to you in some form it will, often by way of physical and mental sickness. Elsewhere I’ve written similar on this blog regarding this principle. Fact: when such people move towards their late 50’s and beyond, the doctor’s waiting room begins to lure. “That’s part of life at that age,” some might say. Fact: That’s simply an opinion!
Whilst curbing or bottling one’s negative emotions makes for a more pleasant environment for all immediately concerned, it’s not enough long term, for the one trapped in that. Why not? Insults and put-downs are not the root cause of the problem, just as habitual feelings and expressions of guilt, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness and the like are not root causes of problems. These are merely symptoms of much deeper causes; these are the fruits of problems, not the roots. Deal with the roots and then for the most part, over time, the fruit dies and the lure of the doctor’s waiting room diminishes. What are some root causes of people’s problems then? Rejection, primarily – hereditary rejection, factors in the family home, problems caused by teachers and or class mates, to name just some.
Fruits of rejection, to name just some: rejection of other people, aggressive attitudes, stubbornness, defiance, rebellion, inferiorities, insecurity, fear of other people, anxiety, depression, self-centeredness, self-righteousness, criticism, judgmental attitudes, envy, jealousy, pride, arrogance, emotional immaturity. Quote: “This is the original Satanic ‘I-disease’, now a spiritual virus which affects all mankind, including Christians.” – Unknown. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the one and only antidote to rejection. So why is it affecting Christians? It depends on how much they personally value the Scriptures. Many people profess to follow Christ, but they follow the doctrines of religious men, not the doctrines of Christ. That’s spiritual bondage/slavery, not spiritual freedom John 8:31-32, 36.
Rejection is the evidence people expressing themselves with insults and put-downs are emotionally insecure; not at all sure of who they are and what the facts are they argue for. If it were otherwise their reactions and responses would be like those of most in society prior to Generation X; they would listen to the arguments, offer their counterarguments, agree to disagree, then move on. But it was God who made the difference back then. People still held to some kind God-consciousness even if that was as far as it went. The rule of law, based on the 10 Commandments was still upheld, everybody knew right from wrong, everybody was intellectually and emotionally intelligent enough to know wrong was never right. Everybody knew if they questioned those realities they would be fools!
Nietzsche’s “God is dead,” plus similar Satanic anti-Christ seeds against God, the Bible, and Christianity were sown and beginning to sprout during Generation X, with “Christian” theologians among them being primarily responsible for it. Sons of hell they were, every one of them! By the time X’s children, Generation Y/Millennials arrived on the scene the roots had well and truly taken hold with the plants flourishing, so to speak. With the arrival of “Social” Media, the harvest (to date) has been ever-plentiful. When one is born into a generation ignorant of God, facts increasingly become relegated to opinions and opinions increasingly become elevated to facts! Hence, “All truth is relative; you’ve got your truth and I’ve got mine!” Fact: That’s not the truth!
However, facts now being relegated to opinions and opinions now being elevated to facts explains the spiritual, mental, moral chaos the world is now drowning in. Take the facts about God for example. God is not dead! It is a fact He exists. It is a fact He has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ. It is a fact the Bible is His word to humanity. It is a fact the entirety of His word is truth from Genesis to Revelation. It is a fact every word within is flawless. It is a fact that every person will stand before Him one day to give Him an account for the way they lived and what they did for Christ. And yes, it is a fact that most people in every generation has and will continue to reject these facts right up until the day Christ returns to rule the world, from a dramatically changed Jerusalem.
Fact: The spiritual, mental, moral chaos mentioned above is a judgment from God. The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse…… Although they proclaimed to be wise, they became fools…… Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done Romans 1:18-20, 22, 28.
“Climate-change deniers!” Just one of the insults and put-downs spewing forth presently towards people who question the man-made aspect of it. “The science is in!” they say, yell and scream. No it’s not. There are numerous scientists saying climate change is not man-made but they have been shut out or shut down. Mainstream media will not give them an equal voice. Imagine if they did though. People would be more accurately informed and their expressed viewpoints would be less one-sided. The result? Reductions in emotional outrage, insults and put-downs. Fact: While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease Genesis 8:22. God Almighty Himself said that, so it’s definitely not an opinion!
Jesus experienced insults and put-downs. He did so for over 3 years; every one of them as a result of proclaiming facts to religious people who preferred to operate their lives out of opinions. Each fact He proclaimed exposed their envy and jealousy. They claimed to be God’s right-hand men but in reality they were God-deniers. Worse. They told Jesus God was their Father. That was an opinion! Jesus told them their father was the devil. That was a fact! And He confirmed the fact: He who is of God hears God’s word; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God John 8:47. As Bible Christians standing for Christ’s facts, insults and put-downs are an on-going part of life. Fact: Jesus bows to nobody’s opinion! Neither should we. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake Matthew 5:11.
© 2020 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.