Encouragement for New Christians

Encouragement for new Christians: Each time you are ridiculed for your stand on the Bible, remember these Scriptures within, embrace them firmly, then smile: For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is …

Do You Possess a “Go from Me” Mentality?

A glorious truth declared from a lady delivered from lesbianism: “God never calls you by your shame, folks. He’s calling you by your name.” If there was ever a word for Christianity to shout from rooftops all across the globe today, it is that one! Definition of shame: ‘humiliation, mortification, chagrin, ignominy, loss of face, shamefacedness, …

Characteristics of Christian Haters

Characteristics of Christian haters, in no particular order: emotionally insecure, biblically ignorant, rebellious, proud, angry, bitter, resentful, restless, joyless, threatened, fearful, arrogant, ill-mannered, disrespectful, self-righteous, idolatrous and religious. Religious? Yes certainly, they are their own god; they’re self-worshipers. If Christianity has no influence, Atheism, Humanism, Socialism, Marxism and Communism do, whether they know it or …

How to Know if Your Reverend Speaks for Jesus

Recently I viewed a Reverend on You Tube speaking of Jesus. The Jesus she spoke of however, is not the Jesus revealed to us in the Bible. This was no surprise to me though given the increasing disrespect many Reverends have for the Bible these days, but had I been there, still my challenge to …

What is Happening to Our Freedoms?

What is happening to our freedoms? That’s the question on the lips of countless people in the Western world these days, Christian people among them too, surprisingly. First, an answer for Christians: When we, for decades, allow the Bible to be compromised, humanized and bastardized by godless, false church leaders and their all kinds of godless …

The Spirit of Truth Warns Against Delusion and Falsehood

Quote: “Men (people) can have truth or lies, whichever they prefer. If they will to do God’s will, He will give them truth and the Spirit will guide them ultimately into all the truth. But if men will not have truth Satan will lead them step by step into all manner of delusion and falsehood.” …

The Spiritually Black-hearted

What’s one sign we are at the time of the end? What, the end of the world? No, the end of this age; what the Bible calls the end of the age of grace. What’s the sign? Increasing ridicule of the Bible: particularly that of the first eleven Chapters that speak to the 6-day Creation, …

When Honor for Christ Decreases, Evil Increases

“Why this increase of evil? Why do we see it progressively getting worse?” That’s the question some people from the baby boomer generation are now seriously asking. They should know why though and had they taken biblical proclamation just as seriously, they would know why! Jesus told us why – because of open rebellion against …

Warning to Church Sexual Predators

Recent investigations by the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express News in Texas, USA, have revealed that in the past 20 years, “a disturbing number of Southern Baptists with formal church roles have engaged in sexual misconduct.” About 380 people, including pastors, deacons, youth pastors, other assorted church leaders and volunteers have, “left behind more …

God Has No Grandchildren

The other day my wife and I went for a coffee in a building that was once a church. The coffee shop is situated where the foyer used to be and the rest of the building is now converted into apartments. That night on TV we watched a home renovation program, with one of the …

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