Ignorance, Arrogance and Apathy

As I understand it, pinpoint accuracy and safety in space travel is due entirely to the humble submission of space scientists to the fixed, physical laws operating in the universe. They bow to those laws, knowing them to be inviolable, unalterable and absolute. These scientists know everything in the entire created universe operates on such laws; nothing is random, therefore they are confident nothing will go awry in any way that will violate those laws. They are humbly submitted to the reality that fixed, physical laws control everything in the universe from the smallest single cell to the largest planets and stars hurtling throughout.

Imagine the opposite however. Imagine they were not in humble submission to the laws, kicking them to the curb so to speak. One scientist says one thing about them, another says something else and yet another has a differing viewpoint altogether. But here they are working together as a team on a new space project, all in possession of an “each to his own, there are no absolutes” mindset regarding the operation of space laws. Question: Knowing the scientists were in disagreement or even denial about the laws, would you take your seat in that space craft if offered to you? Free of charge even? I very much doubt it. Yet there are spiritual, moral laws equally fixed, inviolable and unalterable operating and they’re being kicked to the curb world-wide by millions of its citizens. 

Why is this? Ignorance is one reason why, arrogance is another reason and apathy is yet another. Definition of ignorance: ‘lack of knowledge, education or awareness.’ Moral laws work as they should in one’s life when one’s sense of right and wrong is based on truth, the solid foundation of these laws. If truth is not the solid foundation, part-truth or non-truth becomes such and one’s sense of right and wrong is warped. On the other hand, allow your truth foundation to decay through neglect and your sense of right and wrong will, in time, decay with it. If the result of that simply limited itself to the one who allows it, then it’s harm to him or her only. But rarely is that the case. When people become parents, their offspring will inherit their moral foundation. The result then? Like parent, like child.

Ignorance of God’s moral laws is no excuse; we are not exempted from paying a price for violations of them. Why not? As mentioned above, they are fixed. In real terms then, that means we don’t break God laws, they break us. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to the flesh will reap corruption, but he who sows to the (Holy) Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life Galatians 6:7-8. For example, if hurts, bitterness and unforgiveness towards others are sown, that is what we reap; that’s our harvest! And depending on the depth of their roots, mental and physical sickness can be part of the harvest. On the other hand, sow to the Spirit and we reap a harvest of His fruit Galatians 5:22-23.

Train up a child in the way (manner, habit, course of life, moral character) he should go, and when he is old he will not (not easily, not ordinarily) depart from it Proverbs 22:6. Quote: “There are exceptions to this observation; but generally, where there is a good education, the impressions of it do not easily wear off, nor do men ordinarily forsake a good way they have been brought up in; and, however, when being come to years of maturity and understanding, their hearts are seasoned with the grace of God, they are then enabled to put that in practice which before they had only in theory, and so continue in the paths of truth and holiness.” – John Gill. Many of us as parents have failed badly here but it’s never too late to acknowledge such to God and ask for a turn around.

Ignorance of moral laws, damaging such as that is, is nowhere near as damaging as arrogance towards them. Definition of arrogance: ‘an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions.’ Important distinction: Arrogance doesn’t mean ignorance of moral laws. The arrogant despise moral laws because they’re convicted by them; they’re made uncomfortable by them, hence their overbearing manner, presumptuous claims or assumptions when refuting them. It’s all an act, a sham – a smokescreen! Remember that, when listening to atheists, Socialists, Cultural Marxists, Communists, intellectuals and pseudo-intellectuals. Don’t be intimidated by their intelligence so-called, it is no match for spiritual wisdom and discernment. 

The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate Proverbs 8:13. Arrogance, arrogant, pride, haughtiness – all are attitudes and behaviors despised by God. Worse: those who express such are an abomination to Him: Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the LORD; be assured, he will not go unpunished Proverbs 16:5 ESV. Of the seven things the Bible tells us God hates, a proud (haughty, arrogant) look gets first mention Proverbs 6:16-19. The arrogant believe themselves to be a law unto themselves, morally so! Too, the arrogant thrive on the slip-ups and failures they hear of or witness in Christians. “Calls himself a Christian huh? He’s no Christian!” They’re comforted by their delusions.

Not simply are the arrogant a law unto themselves morally, but in every way; they are their own god. They are “experts” regarding the Bible (a book of myths for gullible, deluded people) and Jesus Christ (a very good man and teacher of morals who doesn’t judge others) and Christianity (a religion of love, not judgment). They are experts on how to solve the world’s problems, plus how to make the world a more tolerant, safer and environmentally cleaner place; they have opinions about everything and if your opinions don’t line up with theirs then you are a bigot, a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe an Islamaphobe and intolerant! Do you see a man (person) wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him Proverbs 26:12.

To my mind however, world-wide ignorance and arrogance towards God’s moral laws are not nearly as damaging as world-wide apathy towards them. Definition of apathy: ‘lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.’ Scores of people I have spoken to have told me they believe the greatest reason for societal breakdown is due to disregard for society’s civil laws. Yet when suggesting the root problem being that of disregard for God’s moral laws, from which our civil laws are derived, they slipped into an “each to his own” mentality. For example, when asked if they believe violations of God’s Ten Commandments (worship of false gods, idolatry, blasphemy, dishonoring parents, murder, stealing, lying, slander, coveting) are wrong, “I don’t like to judge,” was often the response. That’s apathy. 

It’s also pathetic; they do judge! But it’s not about judging, it’s about facing up to the reality that God’s moral laws are as fixed, inviolable and unalterable as those laws operating in space. Humble submission to the operation of them guarantees a safe landing in life. We will have mishaps along the way, as the space scientists do, but the laws are designed to work for us not against us; we can recalculate and readjust. However, continued apathy expressed towards God’s moral laws brings the sowing and reaping principle into play. In other words, sow apathy and you reap apathy. That’s the harvest! One doesn’t sow apathy and reap a harvest of interest or enthusiasm or concern. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they pick grapes from a briar bush Luke 6:44.

Important Note: There is one grand difference between God’s physical laws and His moral laws. Whilst both must be submitted to for positive outcomes, it is simply not possible for us to submit to the latter without God’s intervention. The Ten Commandments, from which come our moral laws, are impossible to obey. That’s why we need a Savior and that’s why we have one. It was never God’s intention for anyone to live according to His laws without His power, which is to be received by faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross, not by works. Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith Galatians 3:23-24.

Ignorance, arrogance and apathy. These are the primary reasons why God’s spiritual moral laws are being kicked to the curb world-wide by millions of its citizens. Are the citizens to blame for such? They are, but not entirely; the Church must shoulder much responsibility for this too. Everything God wanted the world to know about His moral laws, plus the sowing and reaping principles both positive and negative applicable to them, He entrusted to the Church. Why has the Church not done a better job? Why is the Church not doing a better job? The same reasons: ignorance, arrogance and apathy. How else does one explain its spiritual anemia? What to do then? Pray to God in Jesus’ name for the release of people you know who are trapped in these things. Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill Matthew 5:17.

© 2019 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet www.radiorevelations.com Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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