“Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured.” – Winston Churchill. It was fear-filled appeasers of Hitler and Nazism he was referring to, but how accurately this fits fear-filled appeasers of Islam today, “the religion of peace.” Leaders in governments, politics, media, education, business, civil & community services, legal and judicial services, and worst of all, the mainstream church – just about all of them fear-filled appeasers, desperately hoping the storm will pass.
Churchill continues: “But I fear greatly that the storm will not pass. It will rage and it will roar ever more loudly, ever more widely.” And, just as fear-filled appeasers of his day mocked and ridiculed him for that, they’re doing the same today to all who bring warnings against those in “the religion of peace” deeply committed to world dominance. The Mayor of Greater Manchester UK could be one of these fear-filled appeasers; he speaks like one in any case. After the slaughter in his city, he’s been quoted as saying, “The message that I would want to get over – and this is how the vast majority of people feel – this man was a terrorist, not a Muslim.” Well then, perhaps he was an Anglican terrorist; maybe a Baptist terrorist. A Pentecostal terrorist, perhaps?
How about the Mayor of London, himself a Muslim. He’s been quoted as saying he believes the threat of terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city. Without suggesting he condones such barbarism, that does sound like pretty language for, “Suck it up; get used to it.” And sadly, that’s the unspoken message coming from people in high places all over the globe – not Muslims, only fear-filled appeasers! Here in my country, Australia, fear-filled appeasers are everywhere, from the highest seats of influence to the lowest. If I didn’t have insights into why they’re fear-filled appeasers, I would be daily sickened by the never-ceasing patronizing rhetoric, beliefs and attitudes of this crowd. He who sows iniquity will reap sorrow…… Proverbs 22:8.
What is iniquity? It is rebellion towards God. Like King David before us and everyone before and after him, we were brought forth (born) in iniquity Psalm 51:5. That’s why we transgress against God, going against His set limits or boundaries, thereby falling short of the standards He requires from us. All in all, that’s what sin is and that is why God sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world 2000 years ago. Jesus came to die for our sins on a Roman cross so that we wouldn’t have to die in hell for them for all eternity John 3:16. Basically, that’s the Christian gospel, the good news. Now back in the days of Winston Churchill, most people believed that message and many lived according to it. That is why Hitler and Nazism failed to achieve world dominance.
The only people who didn’t believe and live accordingly were fear-filled appeasers, of which there were not many. Yes, there were thousands of them certainly, but there were hundreds of thousands of Christ-believers. Today that has been turned around. In other words, the Christian influence of that day was a mighty restrainer of all things evil; today this is not so because there are increasingly fewer believers. So what does that mean for us today? It means unless there is a return to Jesus Christ and the Bible this terror will not cease. God has lifted His hand of restraint. Worse: This is a judgment from God upon the Christian world for having turned their backs on Christ, as well as for having turned their backs on Israel. A very bad idea!
Here we have fear-filled appeasers doing everything they can to make peace with religious people deeply committed to world dominance, when they should be making peace first with God and His Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, the Lord Isaiah 9:6. If they were to do so they would find God acting for them in ways beyond their imagination. God confirms it. Righteousness exalts a nation Proverbs 14:34. John Gill clarifies it: “Administered by the government, and exercised by subjects towards one another; doing justice between man and man: this exalts a nation, as it did the people of Israel, while practiced among them; this sets a people above their neighbors, and high in the esteem of God and men; and is attended with privileges and blessings, which make a nation great and honorable.”
On the other hand, when righteousness is not practiced, sin is. That’s why in the same Proverb God says, But sin is a reproach to any people (nation). John Gill clarifies that too: “Where vice reigns, iniquity abounds, profaneness, impiety, and immorality of all sorts prevail, a people become mean and despicable; they fall into poverty and contempt; are neither able to defend themselves, nor help their neighbors, and so are despised by them.” Do you see it? When these things rule people internally, it’s not long before they will rule externally and therein lies the problem of all people, not just Muslims deeply committed to world dominance. There’s one difference between us and them though, our Holy book tells us we can be delivered and set free from our sin, there’s does not.
So now we must look at this more realistically. Those from “the religion of peace” deeply committed to world dominance are not the worst enemy to fear-filled appeasers, they are their own worst enemy! God says to all who humble themselves before Him, You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample under foot Psalm 91:13. Jesus says similar, Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you Luke 10:19. Look at that! What are They saying? They are saying, “If you surrender your life for Mine and live for Me, under My anointing, that’s the authority I’ll give you when you come up against these things, both literally and spiritually.”
Let’s look at the spiritual aspect. These terrorists do not operate under the authority of God, regardless of what they are taught, believe, say or do. They operate under Satan’s authority. Satan is known as a roaring lion, a dragon and a serpent. Jesus trampled on him when He went to the cross, died and rose again. Satan is a defeated enemy so far as Christ is concerned – “defeated, but not defunct” is how someone put it. That’s why evil still reigns in the world; Satan is the one behind it all. Death and destruction are his middle names, it could be said; he loves them. Why? He hates Jesus and the following truth: The thief (Satan) does not come except to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly John 10:10.
Now, imagine if the fear-filled appeasers of “the religion of peace” believed that and submitted themselves to Christ. For a start they’d be emptied from fear, which would then put them on the pathway to being emptied from the tyrant of political correctness, or more accurately, the tyrants of Leftism and Cultural Marxism. To my mind these are far more destructive than physical terrorism. These create mental terrorism; they paralyze the mind. That’s why those trapped by them possess no ability to think and speak rationally as normal, well-rounded, emotionally-mature human beings. They have lost all dignity, all self-esteem, all self-respect and worst of all, they have lost all hope. If you want to know why they scream, shout, rant, abuse and insult, there’s the answer.
So, is “the religion of peace” truly a religion of peace? If you allow yourself to come under its complete domination and control, yes – subjugation! And whether they will admit it to you or not, that’s what the fear-filled appeasers fear most of all. That’s the crocodile! And they believe they have food enough for him presently. It matters not how often he bites and scratches them in the process, they’ll continue feeding him until at last he comes to feed on them. Old Testament Job said it best: For the thing that I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me Job 3:25. What it was poor Job greatly feared and dreaded, there seems to be some disagreement. In any case, God was with him, always. This is not so for non-repentant, fear-filled appeasers.
Is there any hope at all for fear-filled appeasers? Not for most of them, no. They’ve already made up their mind. Or rather, the tyrants of Leftism and Cultural Marxism have made it up for them, and so now it’s a case of the blind leading the blind and Jesus has spoken to that; both will fall into a ditch Matthew 15:14. The ditch is in reality, the lake of fire. But just in case someone reading this is quickened to the reality that ‘fear-filled appeaser’ describes you perfectly, and you now want to come out from hiding, Jesus Christ has His hand on you. Give your life to Christ. Become a Spirit-filled Christ- pleaser instead. Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed John 8:34-36.
© 2017 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.