Referring to misguided religious people trying to earn their way to heaven, John MacArthur says, “They think God is less righteous than He is and they think they are more righteous than they are.” What a statement! It fits perfectly with the misguided religious people I’ve encountered of which there have been literally hundreds in nearly thirty-two years since becoming a Christian. In numerous early posts on this blog I have testified that it was rarely junkies, whores and thieves who slammed the door in my face when taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to the streets.
No, for 3 ½ years, 3 ½ days a week that was often the “privilege” of religious people as described above by brother MacArthur, but also by the Apostle Paul when speaking of the Jews. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God Romans 10:2-3. I didn’t encounter a lot of religious Jews out there on those streets but church-goers and cultists more than compensated, as they still do today. So what does it mean to be righteous? The short answer: believe God. Religious people believe in God but they don’t believe God. If they did, they would be righteous, not religious.
So how does one believe God? By taking the same stand as Old Testament Abram (later called Abraham). We see in Genesis 15:1-6, God came to him with a promise of an heir and future descendants as uncountable as the stars, and Abram took Him at His word. For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness” Romans 4:3. There it is. God didn’t require from Abram a life-time of religious slavery and ritual-keeping which the Bible calls works to be justified in His sight. For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something of which to boast, but not before God Romans 4:2. Misguided religious people don’t believe you when you tell them that glorious truth.
So important is this truth to God, He declares it again in Ephesians 2:8-9, For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. If you listen carefully to misguided religious people for long enough, you’ll hear them boast. Sooner or later it’ll come out. They’ll let you know one way or another that, “I’m just as good as you.” That’s a classic example of them thinking God is less righteous than He is, and of them thinking they are more righteous than they are. Sometimes there’s no need to listen to their speech, you’ll see it in what they go out of their way to draw your attention to, the display of a gold or silver crucifix and various religious medals worn around the neck and wrists.
Possessing faulty concepts of God is a reason why misguided religious people think He is less righteous than He is. If you tell them, “God is love,” you’ll get no argument from them, but tell them also that He’s a God of justice, judgment and wrath and they’ll argue with you till they’re black and blue! “That’s not the God I know of,” they’ll say, rigorously defending those concepts! “You fundamentalists are all the same; your’e so judgmental.” Whenever we hear that, we must know that the Holy Spirit within us is doing a work of conviction in their soul. Does that mean they’ll seek the righteousness of Christ at some point? That’s always my prayer but many will go on to be judged with the ruler of this world John 16:7-11.
Not believing the Bible to be the sole source of God’s revelation to man is a reason why such people think God is less righteous than He is. They’ll tell you God speaks to us through the books of all the world’s religions. They have no evidence to back that up; they’ve never sought for evidence. Whether someone told them that or whether it just seems logical that this must be so, who knows? But it’s one of the grandest reasons for misguided religious people not to accept everything that’s written in the Bible as being the inerrant word and will of God. That’s why divorces, abortions and immoral sexual practices among them are on a par with those of people in the unbelieving world. If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them Isaiah 8:20.
Believing that which is spoken by Pope Francis is a reason why people think God is less righteous than He is. It matters not if they’re Roman Catholic or Protestant, if he said it that must mean God says it. That’s been the case in the past too, with former Popes. The Popes of Rome claim they are the Vicar of Christ on the earth and most people believe it’s true. The number of Protestants (in name only) falling for that lie steadily increases as their belief in and respect for the Bible steadily decreases. So when he speaks about climate change being man-made and against the temporary banning of immigrants for a nation’s safety’s sake, they haven’t a clue that God differs entirely with what Francis says about such matters.
Church leaders who speak against Israel and the Jews for so-called mistreatment of the “Palestinians” is a reason why people think God is less righteous than He is. Just like the Romanist Pope, when they speak against it, the people sitting under them think it’s the voice of God speaking. They don’t know the real argument of the “Palestinians” is not about land and a “two-State solution.” It’s all about a “Final Solution.” They want to carry on what Adolf Hitler couldn’t, which is to annihilate the Jews from the face of the earth. They’re totally ignorant to the fact that this is an ancient hatred birthed by Satan the devil himself, for the Jews – the chosen people of God, whose fathers are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The fact that misguided religious people are committed members of their church is a reason for them to think they are more righteous than they are. “I’ve been part of this church now for over forty years,” so says the elder with pride, and who thinks this is what qualifies him to be an elder. Look out for anyone who crosses his will though, he’ll jump on that one quicker than Jack Flash! He’s never read in the Bible the qualifications demanded by God for such a position and would ignore them in any case. For a bishop (elder) must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober minded, just, holy, self-controlled, holding fast to the faithful word….. Titus 1:7-9.
The fact that misguided religious people can say they have been baptized and confirmed in a church is a reason for them to think they are more righteous than they are. These are the ones who can take great delight at tut-tutting new people coming into a church for the first time who don’t look like, don’t speak like and don’t dress like they do. But too, if you listen carefully, sooner or later you’ll hear, “Oh, I don’t like to judge people. Judge not lest you be judged.” And when the new people don’t come back after three or four weeks of visiting you’ll hear, “Oh well, church is not for everyone; such a shame.” After the service they can tell you where the church Bibles are to be placed, but they can’t tell you where to find verses within them – not even “Judge not.”
The fact that misguided religious people can tell you where to find verses in the Bible and even recite them word for word is a reason for them to think they are more righteous than they are. These people can be the most misguided and religious of all. Some of them have their doctrines nailed down so hard and fast, that’s the end of it. Should someone come to them highlighting error or inaccuracy in those doctrines they’ll discover in no uncertain terms they’ve got nothing to say. That won’t be verbalized but the person bringing the highlight will discern it in moments as he or she looks into their eyes. Yes, the doctrine “nailer” might smile as he speaks but ignore that; concentrate on the eyes. That’ll give you the true picture of where they’re at.
So how can these deceptions be smashed? How can misguided religious people see that God is all righteous and they are not righteous at all? Only by allowing God to reveal Himself as He truly is through Jesus Christ and the Bible. That requires humility. Only humility will enable them to see There is none righteous, no, not one Romans 3:10. Yet if they’re not righteous they don’t get to heaven. So what’s the solution? They must bow before God and receive the righteousness of Christ. But, no one gets that unless they turn away not only from self-righteousness, but also from self-willed living – sin. That’s what the Bible calls repentance. No repentance, no forgiveness, no heaven, no God! For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter heaven Matthew 5:20.
© 2017 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.