The Ultimate Tragedy

“How patient God was,” I’ve heard it said, in reference to the wickedness of the antediluvian world. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually Genesis 6:5. Amen, indeed; not only patient, but merciful! We don’t really know the …

The Christ-less Ones

Christ-less men and woman galore have recently come out of the woodwork here to sneer at and or chastise the Federal Government for daring to consider placing the persecuted Christian people ahead of Muslims when they bring in 12,000 refugees from Europe who fled the Middle East. Whether that’s what will happen or not, it certainly shows up what’s …

Jailed For our Stand in Christ

Jesus said, Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you? John 8:10. If He asked the adulterous woman that question today, her response might be, “No Lord. They’ve gone off to Kentucky, USA, to accuse Kim Davis instead.” Have you heard the accusing sodomites? “How many times have you been married, Kim?” How about …

Jesus Came to Do Away with Religious Systems

Since coming to office in 2013, Pope Francis has made a few statements that must be classed as anti-biblical. Each time it’s happened, his minders have quickly come to his aid saying he’s been misquoted. They have not come to his aid this time with the following statement however, because they and he believe it …

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