Expressing Contempt for the Bible

A transgender member of the Church of England, who was born and baptized female but now identifying as male, approached the local Reverend seeking to be re-baptized. If the report is true, the Reverend thought it a good idea and acted on it. “We created a service, which was an affirmation of baptismal vows where we could introduce him to God with his new name and his new identity.” Now the Reverend wants the synod to recognize the need for transgender people to be welcomed and affirmed in their parish church and make this “ceremony” part of official church doctrine. So here we have yet another example of religious people expressing contempt for the Bible.

Moses said, God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them Genesis 1:27. Again, He created them male and female Genesis 5:1. Jesus asked, Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female’…..? Matthew 19:4. So when the Reverend introduced the ‘newly named’ and ‘newly identified’ transgender to God, what do you believe God’s response was? I believe God responded by not showing up! Can you see how self-deceived and devil-possessed these people are? Insanity! What person in their right mind would completely overlook the word of God on this matter, yet at the same time come to Him expecting a blessing for this madness?

God will accept one new name and one new identity only; that which comes from Him to us, never the other way round! Revelation 2:17; 3:12 and John 3:3, 7; Romans 6:6 and 2 Corinthians 5:17. No human being has ever been born in the wrong body, therefore, there is no such thing in God’s eyes as a transgender person; that’s a lie from the depths of hell! And, people who believe otherwise are headed there if they fail to look to Jesus Christ and seek His word on the matter. Personally, I don’t think many Reverends and transgenders will look to the Lord on this; they’ve already made up their minds on what they want to believe and God has handed them over to it. They don’t know God and they don’t want to know Him because it means facing truth.

Researchers across the globe are reporting a decline in church attendances. Reverends and others like-titled are puzzled as to why. There’s only one reason why; they are the reason. People seeking the reality of Christ don’t want to hear about transgender lies, same-sex marriage lies, gender-identity lies, man-made climate-change lies. They are sick of lies – they’ve lived with their own for far too long, they don’t want to become part of anyone else’s; they want out! They’ve heard there is such a reality as the gospel of Christ, but when they listen to people such as the Reverend, the impression they’re left with is that he’s holding back on them. They’re right! Reverends who preach the lies listed here are never going to preach the gospel in its pure form.

As God’s true people, we must seriously come to terms with, For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age (world), against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places Ephesians 6:12. Most of us are aware of this Scripture; we read it, church leaders preach it, but it would seem it’s one whereby we are not doers of the word, but hearers only, deceiving ourselves James 1:22. That’s a high price to pay, for it is self-deception, not devil-deception! We are rarely taught this reality; it’s not one we can blame the devil for. Danger: “If a man be deceived by himself, it is next to impossible to undeceive him, because prejudices have blinded his eyes….” – Unknown.

We don’t want to be like the Reverend and his transgender! And we must not dismiss them as simply silly people saying and doing silly things. They are not silly people they’re the devil’s people! They’ve gone beyond self-deception to devil-possession. They are devil-possessed sons of hell and need to be discerned that way. It’s time for doers of the word to stand up and engage in spiritual warfare. We need to pronounce the judgment of God upon people like these then pray them out of the church. They’ve been sent by Satan to beguile the gullible and shut down the faithful. Too, such people are not restricted to the Church of England; they’re everywhere and spreading like the plague. Jesus won’t do anything for us until we start acting on His word.

Doers of the word know baptism does not introduce anyone to God. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Jeremiah 1:5, is as true for all as it was for Jeremiah. King David wrote: Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them Psalm 139:16. That’s what one should expect from God the Creator! God knows all people before their conception and birth! Baptism is a public profession of your commitment to Jesus Christ, not your commitment to you! Baptism is for redeemed people who have made the decision to link their lives with Jesus. Do you seriously believe Jesus would link is His life with devil-possessed liars and perverts?

Baptism is a picture of death, burial and life. Just as Jesus died and was buried, so we, the redeemed, go down into the waters of baptism to signify the fact that our old life is dead; we leave it behind, trusting God to raise us up to a new life in Him, just as Jesus was also raised to new life. The water to us is burial – our tomb. Romans 6:3-11 gives the details. Let no transgender deceive you into believing that’s what he or she has done or is doing. Males go down into the water as males and rise up as males. Females go down into the water as females and rise up as females! Baptism is a picture of cleansing and washing, not of the body, but the spirit and the soul; cleansed and set free by Jesus’ death and resurrection on our behalf 1 Peter 3:21.

Baptism is a sign to us that God has accepted us! Many there are who claim to have accepted Christ and have gotten baptized; I speak of the Lord, Lord crowd. Jesus does not accept them; He doesn’t know them! Matthew 7:21-23. But for those whom God has accepted, He confirms to them in baptism that their sins have been washed away by the blood of Jesus, that they have been united to Jesus by the Holy Spirit in new life and that they are now part of His people – responsible with them too in doing all they can to get Reverends and transgenders dispossessed of devils – or – to dismiss them from the church if they refuse to get dispossessed. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy…… Luke 10:19.

Church attendances will increasingly decline until God’s word is taken seriously then preached as such. Only the preached word of God has the power to shake up devil-possessed Reverends, transgenders or anyone else – or shake them out, one of the two. That’s what happened with the birth of the first church; that’s why the people flocked to it in droves. They were bored to tears with the Reverends of their day, knowing they were a bunch of phonies; Jesus made that very clear to all when He was still with them on the earth. And the common people heard Him gladly Mark 12:37. Churches choosing obedience to the Scriptures are not declining; especially is this so in nations where Christians suffer under severe persecution – China, North Korea.

“We must keep up with the times,” is the phony catch-cry of too many Reverends, especially advocates of the lies mentioned above. Whenever you hear that, know it is someone expressing contempt for the Bible. He either doesn’t know or doesn’t want to know the Bible is both timeless and timely. Not only does this demonstrate the love of God but also the mercy of God. For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope Romans 15:4. Transgenders need hope, as do all others living lies! God’s meaning of hope is ‘confident expectation’ ‘anticipate with pleasure’. The Reverend who omits to share that with transgenders leaves them with a false hope!

Outside of Jesus Christ there is no hope for anyone, Reverends, transgenders and whoever. So what is the hope of the gospel? It is to have Christ in you, the hope of glory Colossians 1:21-27. But before you can have Christ in you, you have to get the devil out of you. That’s an impossibility unless one opens themselves to reality, humility and repentance. If a person is willing to do that, then Jesus is willing to enter in, throw the devil out, then administer His love, mercy, forgiveness, washing and cleansing. And while this is going on one begins to experience a glorious transformation – so different from religious reformation! Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new 2 Corinthians 5:17.

© 2015 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. How absolutely silly to rebaptize someone because God might not recognize them in their new duds. As you said so well, Roger, such folks have an odd and errant idea of what baptism means.

    It is logical, however, for people who worship another god and preach a different gospel to want their own unique ceremonies and sanctions. These people have tried God and found Him to be in error, not themselves.

    But then, from the gender issue to the baptism issue to every other issue – the center of attention is “I, me, mine.” God was left outside when the doors to the “church” were closed.

    Transgenders aren’t alone in this error. All who judge God rather than submit to His judgment are on similarly thin ice.

    1. God was left outside when the doors to the “church” were closed.

      Amen, Lynn … the Spirit of holiness out, the spirit of wickedness is in. There’s no turning back. Praise God for the Scriptures!

      Thanks and God bless your day.

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