Filled with Jesus

“The reason the world is not seeing Jesus is because people are not filled with Jesus.” – Smith Wigglesworth. Although he made that statement 90 years ago, it is the same reason the world is not seeing Jesus today. He was a man filled with Jesus and his life’s mission was to fill others with Jesus. Before he …

The Sole Source of Truth

Teaching from Romans 1:26, the old preacher shared with his class the moral destruction that came into a church because of one lesbian woman. I gather that because of weak leadership and spiritual immaturity nothing was done to put a stop to it. But he certainly did so. He said, “When I got there I was an …

Starving For the Word of God

Can you imagine yourself as a 91 year old Christian who’s been waiting 50 years for your first Bible – or 40, 30, 20 years, depending on your age? It’s commonplace in China. The 91 year old is not featured in this video clip but no doubt his reaction would be the same as those who are …

God Jumps for Joy!

I asked the lady from the front office how she was enjoying her work. She said the work was fine, but the work environment was horrible. She was not referring to work space, lighting or ventilation, but rather, the human, relational environment. “There’s no fun around here anymore, Roger. It used to be a joy …

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