“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.” True with the first part, false with the second part! “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Same again – true and false! These old adages may have been effective restraints upon people when written back in the 1860’s, when society’s values were Bible-based, but not so today. The world’s isms have replaced that. Through their harmful and hurtful words plus harmful and hurtful names people world-wide are capitulating more than they ever did from knives, guns and bombs. Even Adolf Hitler might have changed tack if he could see what isms have achieved today!
It is their masterful use of harmful and hurtful words and names, which makes Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Collectivism, Leftism, Humanism, Modern Liberalism, Feminism, Romanism and Islamism the driving forces they are throughout the world today. But better than that, it is their bastard child that’s giving them their greatest success. Political Correctness is the bastard child of isms. It holds measures of sway and influence isms could only dream of! Until Political Correctness came on the scene, almost anyone born outside of isms were not overly affected by them. But not so with PC; since its birth almost everyone is caught in its trap. The isms mentioned are the children of Satan, but PC is his favorite child by far.
The dictionary defines an ism as ‘a distinctive doctrine, practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology……..’ Minus “political ideology” biblical Christianity can be defined similarly. Which means: provided one hasn’t been indoctrinated from childhood, for someone to get true insight into what any one of them stands for, he or she would need to spend much time in disciplined study. But not so those who want to attach themselves to the bastard child, Political Correctness. It takes no study and no insight to do that. It takes no thought either! All you need to be is a highly emotional person – one who runs your entire life on feelings and opinions rather than facts and you’re in. You’re one of them – a crowd-follower and a crowd-pleaser.
However, if you are an intelligent, thinking person you will disqualify yourself. You will not fit the PC bill. Why not? Because intelligent and thinking people don’t use harmful and hurtful words and names when talking with others who disagree with their beliefs. They simply respond with something like, “I don’t agree with you, but will you give me time to explain why?” Expressing yourself in such manner preserves the other person’s dignity. PC people don’t believe in preserving the dignity of those they don’t agree with. Too, you will not be given time because in the PC mind he or she is never wrong and you are never right. The fact that their beliefs are not rooted in facts, reality or truth means nothing; being right is all that matters to them.
The PC mind can be likened to that of young children in the playground at school; when disputes come, so do harmful and hurtful words and names. There is one difference, however; young children are teachable, PC people are not. Given correct instructions and teaching on what’s right versus what’s wrong, children will change. They will mature. Growing into adulthood they become happy, well-rounded people because honesty, validity and integrity underpin all they think, say and do. Those three virtues can never possess the PC mind because to be in possession of them means to be in possession of truth. The PC mind despises truth! The PC mind is more at peace with falsehood, lies and misrepresentation than it is with truth.
In reference to biblical Christianity (there is no other kind), the world’s isms have always used falsehood, lies and misrepresentation to deny and slander its facts, realities and truth – often done so cheerfully as well as brutally. The PC mind doesn’t express cheerfulness when doing the same because it is void of it. It doesn’t express brutality either (at this stage), it simply expresses lots of emotion and anger. Why? Because it is hurt, it is offended; it has had its cage rattled. It is always hurt – always offended. That’s nature of the PC mind, it is an insecure mind. Take God’s Ten Commandments, for example, and being told they’ll be held accountable on Judgment Day for violations of them; what a blow to a mind that thinks itself always right!
Because of its lack of insight, study and thought on what biblical Christianity truly is, the bastard child of isms, Political Correctness, specializes in branding biblical Christians with names, or more accurately – labels. Biblical Christians don’t find their labels harmful or hurtful because, Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight Proverbs 26:2. But they do find them, foolish, ludicrous, ridiculous, laughable and absurd. Why? Because nothing they say and accuse us of is based on any fact! As stated earlier, it’s all based on feelings and opinions. How shallow is that? This is what I call sinking sand philosophy Matthew 7:26. Like all minds embracing an upside down moral world, the PC mind is destined to sink.
The biblical Christian’s beliefs are based on facts – every one of them written down in the Bible. The Bible is the one and only book to reveal the mind and will of God. The Bible is the one and only book to reveal how God wants us to live. The Bible is the one and only book to reveal God’s plan of redemption and promise of eternal life for all who repent of their sins and have them washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ Hebrews 9:22. The Bible is the one and only book to reveal God’s promise of Judgment for Christ -rejectors. Therefore, the Bible is the one and only book God will hold in His hand when He judges not only members of the world’s isms, and PC people, but everyone ever born.
Let’s have a look at some biblical facts that hurt and offend emotionally driven PC people, causing them to spit out a label on biblical believers. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me John 14:6. Labels? Intolerant! Narrow minded! Fundamentalist! Loveless! Deranged! Bigoted! Hateful! Paul the apostle said, I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man 1 Timothy 2:12. Labels? Chauvinist! Sexist! Misogynist! Prejudiced! Woman hater! God says, I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me Isaiah 44:6. God says, You shall have no other Gods before Me Exodus 20:3. God says, You shall worship no other god Exodus 34:14. Labels? Islamophobic! Intolerant!
God says, You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination Leviticus 18:22. God says, If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination…...Leviticus 20:13. Paul the apostle says, For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature Romans 1:26. Again: Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due Romans 1:27. Labels? Homophobe! Homophobic! Judgmental! Unloving! Discriminator!
The bastard child of isms, Political Correctness, does not limit itself to biblical Christians. It has a label for everyone not in harmony with its “creeds.” White people speak out against lawlessness of black, brown, red or yellow people. Labels? Racist! Xenophobe! Never mind that it’s behavior they’re referring to and not skin color or culture. Interesting isn’t it? One will be labeled a racist and xenophobe for his or her criticism of every nation and its people bar one – Israel and the Jews. How about that! One need look no further for evidence that the PC mind is as much racist, xenophobic, intolerant and prejudiced as those they accuse. Phoniness and hypocrisy knows no bounds in the PC mind.
The bastard child of isms, Political Correctness, seeks to shut down the mind and mouth of everyone, not just biblical Christians; but we are its greatest threat. Why? We possess the mind and the mouth and the word of Jesus Christ, the total Antithesis of everything it stands for. When truth confronts no-truth and part-truth, guess which one is threatened? It all began back in the Garden of Eden and it’s been going on since. In spite of all appearances to the contrary, there is only one winner and it’s not them! Satan knows that. The ones who don’t know are the isms and their bastard child! Political Correctness is the bastard child of isms. Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say Exodus 4:12. But we have the mind of Christ 1 Corinthians 2:16.
© 2014 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
Roger, you identified the crux of the matter, politically correct people are not teachable.
Unless — the Holy Spirit take a hold of them. Time is short and divisions will continue to increase until they are too wide to pretend that unity is possible. Then all the -isms will begin to feed on one another.
True, Lynn … watching the mechanisms of Satan being outworked among them all “from the mezzanine” (as Chuck Missler puts it), might be rather entertaining in a way. If God laughs at them – Proverbs 1:25-32, I’m sure we will too!
Thanks and bless you