Those Who Confront the Authority of God

In reference to Church history, the late Derek Prince said, “Wherever Satan has persuaded theologians and ministers to question Scripture he has always brought them to the point where they actually deny it.” How does it work? First they question Scripture, then they doubt Scripture, then they disbelieve Scripture, then they disobey Scripture. From this pattern, Satan has never deviated. Even though the word of God was not yet in writing, that’s exactly how he got Eve to do it in the Garden. Most Scripture-questioning, doubting, disbelieving theologians and ministers wouldn’t see themselves as disobeyers, but it’s important that Bible Christians see them as such.

Not only should we see them as that, but if they’re in our church we must separate ourselves by getting up and leaving them. If we don’t, we’ll be subjecting ourselves to questions, doubts, then disbelief and disobedience to Scripture too. Something else Derek Prince said, “When we confront the Scripture we confront the authority of God Himself.” That’s most unwise given that God says, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Notice it says, All Scripture, not some Scripture. Theologians and ministers who confront the authority of God are not equipped for any good work!

The fact that God blesses the odd Christian who sits under their “ministry” is in spite of, not because of. In general terms however, there’s very little in the way of blessing for anyone sitting under them, so they too are not equipped for any good work. True, there will be lots of busyness going on among them within the four walls of the religious playhouse – as well as out of it, but none of it will be Holy Spirit directed or energized. Nobody needs the Holy Spirit for the weekly mix and mingle or the monthly working bee or the annual church car-park sale, but you most certainly need Him if you’re going to proclaim the gospel of repentance for salvation in the name of Jesus Christ. Gospel proclamation is the test as to who possesses the Holy Spirit versus the religious spirit.

If God’s people are to be used of God in any meaningful measure in this last day they must steer away from foolish, arrogant approaches to questioning Scripture. Jesus has told us, the Scripture cannot be broken John 10:35. But, the Scripture will break those who go on to disbelieve and disobey it. Nobody can confront God and expect to walk away freely. Too, the greater the confrontation, the greater the spiritual bondage does that person come under. I have never yet met a disobedient Christian – theologian, minister or otherwise, who is not in spiritual bondage. That’s the pay-off! It often also leads to mental and physical sickness. Satan is the destroyer of multitudes of minds and bodies, not just their spirits, but that’s where he starts.

Theologians and ministers who confront the authority of God are like the Pharisees of old, they have no authority in God. They have plenty to say, but all of it futile. They possess the ability to quote Scripture but they don’t possess the Holy Spirit, the only One who can turn Scripture into a living power and authority. In other words, none of them have the ability to stand up and declare in the midst of all hell on earth, “Most assuredly I say to you….” The poor and the needy come to them seeking ministry and help and the best they can get is a food parcel and a blanket. The perverted and the addicted come to them seeking release only to become further imprisoned if they hang around such people for any length of time.

British pastor and evangelist FB Meyer said, “The infinite variety of Scripture adapts itself to different states of the soul. Whatever our need, we can find its solace and remedy here. Thus we may live a complete life, finding in the Bible an equipment for all our emergencies. In this armory is every weapon for offense and defense; in this pharmacopoeia is a medicine and antidote for every wound.” Is it any wonder those who confront the authority of God are spiritually ineffective people? If their humility, experience and understanding of Scripture was that of Meyer’s, their ministries would be as different from others around them as his was in his day. He was not an accommodator of people’s sin and immorality; he was a crusader against them.

Those who confront the authority of God will be held as much accountable for society’s rampant sins as those indulging in it. The one antidote against it has always been the Scripture, but when it gets questioned, doubted, then disbelieved and disobeyed, hell’s floodgates have every legal right to be flung open. Christians say they are appalled at the headlines they read in the once-respectable daily newspaper and what they see programmed on TV at family viewing times, but they won’t confront their cowardly, shallow pastors and elders for not speaking out against it. It’s common for people to say, “We get the governments we deserve.” Well, the same applies here … we get the churches we deserve!

There are numerous reasons why Christians won’t confront their leaders, not the least of them being they know they could be told to leave the church. They’re not willing to risk that. There are numerous reasons for that too, all of them seemingly more important than taking a stand for the Lordship of Jesus Christ, His truth and righteousness. On the other hand, the one who does take a stand for the Lord and those attributes is very glad to leave – told to or not. It is only the righteous who are bold as a lion Proverbs 28:1, never the religious! In my neck of the woods though, boldness is rarely expressed and one reason it’s not is because most in the church view it as rudeness. Still, if that was no different for Jesus and the apostles, neither will it be for us.

Those who confront the authority of God are not able to agree with Psalm 12:6, The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Not one ounce of vanity, flattery or falsehood do we hear expressed from the mouth of God anywhere from Genesis to Revelation, yet, this disobedient crowd are full of such. A more pompous bunch you will struggle to find anywhere. Again, just like the Pharisees of old they are liars, deceivers and pretenders. Hypocrites and blind guides, Jesus scathingly called them, as well as, fools (morons) and blind , serpents and brood of vipers (snakes), like whitewashed tombs which appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones…….full of hypocrisy and lawlessness Matthew 23:1-36.

The Anglicans ordained another couple of women priests here recently, this time in a regional city that had not done that before. The comment from one very excited but very deceived middle-aged advocate was, “This is so wonderful to see; I think Jesus would be so pleased.” That’s a common trait of those who confront the authority of God, they’re always saying, “I think.” So different from God, the prophets, Jesus and the disciples … you never see them saying that in Scripture. Christians who can only say, “I think” are always going to fall for the wiles of the devil Ephesians 6:11. That’s the problem when Scripture is questioned, doubted, then disbelieved and disobeyed, everything gets reduced to mere human opinions.

Those who confront the authority of God have no faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God Romans 10:17. If they have no faith, it can hardly be expected that those sitting under their “ministry” will develop any either. So what’s the result of that? You end up with a heap of religious people with an inability to please God Hebrews 11:6. That means all their praying, singing and worshiping falls on deaf ears. “Thy will be done, Lord,” they pray, but they don’t mean a word of it! Yet, if you were to tell these people they were nothing more than a bunch of religious idolaters in violation of the First and Second Commandments they’d toss you from their midst! If a cliff was nearby they’d throw you over it like those who intended to with Jesus.

Those who confront the authority of God are in deep spiritual darkness. They’re in hell on earth! Regardless of their intelligence, their academic prowess, their qualifications and certificates, darkness is their spiritual condition. God is the exact opposite. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all 1 John 1:5. Theologians who embrace the authority of God teach that ‘light’ in  Scripture, is the emblem of purity, truth, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, holiness, righteousness, prosperity, and happiness. This and more is what Jesus meant when He said, I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life John 8:12. Were it not for Scripture we could never know this let alone experience it.

How foolish to disobey Scripture and yet claim to be a child and servant of God! That’s the ultimate deception. When God’s word is preached, God is in the midst; when His word gets tampered with or disobeyed, God is not there! Numerous times on this blog it has been said that if you reject any part of Scripture you reject all Scripture. The Holy Spirit made no provision for any part of His word to be tossed aside. So the question to be asked is how come so many theologians and ministers do it? The only answer I can think of is, they are not born again; they have never been spiritually reborn. There is the Holy Spirit of truth and there is the unholy spirit of religion – a counterfeit spirit. This is the spirit residing in all church people who question, doubt, then disbelieve and disobey Scripture.

Those who confront the authority of God are on their way to hell! There’s no mercy for them; that ceased the moment they embraced disbelief of Scripture. Disobeying Scripture is the natural by-product of disbelieving it. It is not wrong to question Scripture; it is how we go about doing it that’s the issue. God expects us to question; He also expects us to come to Him in prayer and humility and ask for insight and understanding. That’s why we have the Holy Spirit in the world – He will guide you into all truth John 16:13. Without Scripture there is no light; without light there is no life. Your choice. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them Ephesians 5:6-7.

© 2013 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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