For a few brief minutes every work-day morning my wife and I have the TV on so as to catch up on news and weather reports. As far as the “news” is concerned, we are aware that they’re only reporting that which they want us to know rather than that which we ought to know, but oh how so brief it all is! Unless there’s been a disaster somewhere, the news report is over in two to three minutes … and then they move to the sport report, which can often be treble that time. Talk about a dumbed down society! I read the other day, Television is the most powerful weapon of psychological warfare in history. I don’t doubt it.
There are four codes of football played in this country and it seems one or more of them is played nearly every night of the week. In any case, during that sport report the next morning there’s an expert on hand to analyze every positive move, every negative error, what coulda been/shoulda been, followed by his predictions for the next game. So sure of himself is the expert, one can’t help but think that if he were a medical specialist his hospital would be cleaned out in a week! Think of it. We have increasing unemployment, a major war pending in the Middle East, a financial crash of horrific proportions up ahead not just in Europe, but the entire world and all Australian society is fed on breakfast television every morning is this garbage.
In between, of course, we have the advertisements … as many as eight 30 second ads, telling us what to buy … anything from pills and medicines for prevention of heart attack, stroke or cancer, to health and car insurances, overseas holidays, new home finance lending, to quick-fix breakfast foods and dinners for busy parents and kids. Often the food ads feature a single parent – usually it’s well-groomed, smiling, multi-tasking mum rushing out the door leaving the kids to finish their breakfast and get themselves to school. It’s all rush, rush and go, go. All of it presented in such a way to give impression that life’s a breeze when the reality is thousands of such people are dependent upon doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists to get them through the day.
Then there’s the TV guest. The politician who never gives straight-up ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers to anything, followed by a do-gooder of some kind expressing worry about everything – the air, the soil, the environment, the planet, some working over-time in their attempts to fill us with guilt – boat people, whales, endangered species, human rights and animal rights. So here we have the medium of television, “serving us” many would say, but in reality it is constantly assaulting and insulting our intelligence with lies, part-truths, errors and deceptions. Should it be suggested there’s a higher order of command in the world programming us for their (one) world order, one finds that not only do most people not know this, but they don’t want to know.
Karl Marx said of religion that it is the opiate of the people. That’s very true of man-centered, institutional religion, but if he was alive today and honest, he would have to include television in general, “reality” TV shows, football, mass advertising, mass entertainment, mass media, “social” media, amusement venues and 24-hour, 7-days a week shopping. All of them are designed to keep the mind occupied with lesser importance; to dumb us down; to not have us think too much. It’s all part of the Globalist one-world strategy which is certainly on target with its goals. Let’s take children’s education; in the basics it is appalling. Not only can far too many of them not read or write adequately, but they can’t spell, speak or express themselves adequately either.
We’re told that we have better teachers, smaller classes and more efficient education methods than any previous generation, but if that’s true, why this sorry predicament? Where are the well-informed, educated kids capable of critical thinking? There are some out there, but what about the majority of kids? They can tell you all about their football teams, they can tell you about iphones and apps but they can’t tell you what’s going on in the world or where they see themselves in it. Like their parents, too many are simply following the crowd. It is not that parent or child is not capable of critical thinking, it’s just that they’ve never been taught to do so. The powers that be don’t want that kind of education. Why not?
Once a person decides to think for themselves and do a bit of research, reading and study they’ll wake up to the reality that they’re living in a world controlled by an evil, humanist, global system whose only ambition is to control them; to keep them in the dark; to keep them subordinate or subservient to them. There’s no better way of achieving this goal than to start with kids. It begins in the child day-care center, it continues through kindergarten and on into primary school. By the time that child is seven years old he or she is programmed. Both Romanism and Communism knows this. Both say, “give me the child till he is seven years old and I’ll show you the man.” No wonder we have so many brainwashed, messed up people in those two systems.
But the Globalists know this too. Here’s why. ‘Globalist’ ‘Capitalist’ ‘Romanist’ ‘Communist’ … really, they’re simply labels, all designed to dumb us down. Most people have the impression that there are vast differences between them, resulting in things good, bad, helpful, harmful, honest, dishonest, productive, non-productive. But when one seriously looks into the very core of them all, he/she finds something else. The truth is, one finds they’re all tarred with the same brush. If there were such a word as ‘Evilist’ that would be a much more accurate description because it’s the intention of them all to control you. Collectively, they will control you for seven years, in what Jesus and John call the great tribulation Revelation 2:22; 7:14.
“The (one world) system will be made up of a single currency, single centrally financed government, single tax system, single language, single political system, single world court of justice, single head (one individual leader) single state religion. Each person will have a registered number, without which he will not be allowed to buy or sell; and there will be one universal church. Anyone who refuses to take part in this universal system will have no right to exist.” Kurt E. Koch
Recently I heard someone say in relation to deliverance from addictions, laziness and foolishness, that the development of the human mind is a “slow and loathsome” process. Personally I know the process is slow, but I’ve never found it loathsome, all thanks to God! The person suggested that this is why the vast majority of humanity never comes anywhere near their potential in terms of their brain capacity, their talents or their understanding. He too said the reason is that they’re not taught to exercise their minds so that they’re able to think, to learn and develop large segments of their brain. Having been there, I find it sad that the vast majority of people will continue to remain victims to circumstances in life rather than masters.
How fortunate for leaders that men do not think. Adolph Hitler
If the gospel of Jesus Christ shows us one thing, it shows us that without Jesus as Lord of our being, we’re losers without direction in life – lost, just like the Lord says. We drift aimlessly believing we’re going somewhere, but the reality is we’re going nowhere. We believe the lie we’re fed about ourselves as being the most important person in the world (hence, ‘I’m looking after number one’), but the reality is, we give no thought to the fact that this is how everybody sees themselves. So honestly now, how many number one’s can there really be? Nobody ever asks that question; they only ever begin to find out when push comes to shove. We do discover that we’re a number in the ‘Evilist’ system … but only a number, and never number one!
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in Democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is formed. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. Edward L Bernays 1928.
I recall the words of our Army Lieutenant during National Service in the late 1960’s. He told us it was the army’s intention to break our individualistic, civilian thinking and that by the end of our basic training we’d all be thinking and acting as one. Then he said, “Which ever way you look at it, we’ve got you.” And get us, they did. It’s the same with the ‘Evilist’ crowd; they’ve “got you” too, only they are not so brave, honest and transparent as the Lieutenant. He was a warrior; these people are cowards, criminals and despots – all of them! This is the crowd that eventually runs away from the wrath of the Living God Jesus as He brings His judgment upon them. They cry out for the mountains and rocks to fall on them Revelation 6:16.
In my post: The Perpetrators Of Lies & Evils I say, Most people like to think of themselves as being on the ball, sharp as a tack, ‘you could never pull a fast one on me’ … what they don’t realize is it’s that kind of thinking that the perpetrators of lies & evils take full advantage of. How do they do this? By placing before you the opiates mentioned here in paragraph 5. If you are “hooked” by any one of them … you’ve had a fast one pulled on you! You’ve been dumbed down! Who are the perpetrators? Today I’m calling them ‘Evilists’. Evil is their nature, evil is their character, evil is their thinking, evil is their doing, evil is their plan and, evil is their father – his name is Satan.
What to do then? Ignore all that’s written here and experience ultimate tyranny once God has removed the church from the world. Or – embrace what’s written here; turn from your defiance, rebellion, self-will and sin; humble yourself before God; turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and ask Him to save your soul and cleanse you from all your unrighteousness. If you do so, Jesus will do so. And when God is ready to remove the church, you’ll be part of the removal. Heaven for you, hell for them! Your choice. “Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived, and you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them……” Deuteronomy 11:16. “But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” 2 Timothy 3:13.
© 2012 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
“…So honestly now, how many number one’s can there really be?…”
Actually, I’m God’s favorite. I am #1. But of course, I’m tied with every other believer who has ever walked the earth. We are the apple of His eye.
Good post, brother.
Amen to that truth, Larry … a great reminder. Thank you.
Great post, Roger and thank you for using your mind and your heart for Him, for not dumbing down His word! God bless you!
Thank you, Debbie. God’s best to you today.
Roger, substitute “America” for “Australia” and you would still be spot on. The Israelites were tired of judgement and personal responsibility so they demanded a king. God provided one. Even today some people willingly forego freedom in exchange for governmental support.
Someone once said that what is taken by force can be regained by force. What is given away without a fight is gone forever.
History continues to repeat itself. But the time clock of human history is running down. The King is Coming and we will meet Him face to face.
The King is Coming and we will meet Him face to face.
Indeed, Lynn … what a day that will be. For us, nothing to fear; for them, everything to fear. Bless you heaps.