It was around the time of the first Gulf War when I asked the young man in his early twenties if I could talk to him about his salvation and he matter-of-factly said, “I don’t have any belief in your God or your gospel and I hate everything they stand for!” He told me he was a University student who held to a Marxist -Leninist world view. I thought of him recently when reading these statements: Vladimar Lenin – “We must teach our children to hate. Hatred is the basis of Communism.” Anatole Lunarcharsky – “We hate Christians and Christianity…..Down with love of one’s neighbor! What we want is hate. Only then will we conquer the universe!”
Although the word ‘Communism’ is rarely used in the Western world these days (2012), the Marxist-Leninist agenda remains on track stronger than ever. Let’s look at the on-going accomplishment of four of their longstanding goals in relation to its attack on society and Christians and Christianity. One: Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, radio & TV. Two: Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural and healthy. Three: Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with social religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a religious crutch. Four: Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage easy divorce.
Since the late 1980’s church leaders have often spoken of communism as a thing of the past … “in the former Iron Curtain” or “former Communist Russia….” or “in the days of Communism in the USSR…..” One of the reasons I don’t favor the man-in-the-pulpit /people-in-the-pews setup in the church is, it does not allow people to challenge such language on the spot. It needs to be challenged right there in the public meeting, giving the whole church the opportunity to listen, learn and be challenged ourselves. Example: “Pastor, why do you speak of Communism as a thing of the past when the ideals of Marxism-Leninism are still very much present, infiltrating our own nation right here, right now – as well as the church?”
It’s almost pointless going later to challenge them in private. What good is that to the church as a group when in all likelihood that’ll be the last anybody will hear of it? So easy it is for us to let words roll off our tongue without giving too much thought to the implications of what it is we are saying. If it’s true that less than 30% of what we hear is retained then it behoves leaders to make sure their people retain the right information. Not only that, but the information given needs to be broken down and delivered in such a way that children can grasp it given the pressures they’re put under at school by teachers who are either knowingly or unknowingly under the influences of Marxism-Leninism.
The child in the school classroom may not be comfortable in speaking out against the broken-down cultural standards of morality, but as a result of his or her church education, should be able to discern the evils of those standards and at the same time, know the comfort and protection of God with them in it. Looking at the state of Christendom around the world it’s clear to see that leaders are failing the children under their spiritual care just as much as they’re failing the parents. The same applies to the presentation of homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity – being taught as normal, natural and healthy. It is not only unbelieving young people who see it as such, many young people in the church see it that way too.
In spite of what appears to be otherwise, too many churches have been infiltrated; the revelation of God has been replaced with social religion. Go into many churches today and we find them to be little more than social clubs, the only thing missing is the booze, the smoke and the course language. The Bible has been discredited, each one not accepting anyone else’s interpretation of the Scriptures but their own. Plain-sense meanings are being spiritualized and allegorized by intellectuals rather than being retained and upheld by submitted, Holy Spirit-led disciples of Christ. In addition strenuous effort is put in by lots of church-goers to impress outsiders that they’ve got it all together – “no religious crutch needed in this place!”
Jesus tells us in John 15:16 that He has chosen and appointed us to go and do His work. That is, we are called to preach Christ, make disciples in Christ – train them. The problem is too many people in the church are not really converts. Hell is not spoken of; but if it is, they’re told that the way to avoid it is to, “receive Jesus into your heart” or “make a decision for Jesus.” There’s been no mention of the need for them to repent (turn around, change your heart and mind about sin, turn to Christ and surrender your life to Him), so they haven’t done it! They come to church, they look the part, they say all the right things, but the reality is they’re an unrepentant people – false Christians with years of Marxist-Leninist influence in them.
In reference to the hatred of Christians and Christianity, we born again disciples of the Lord Jesus need to come to terms with that and allow it to become as nothing to us. If we don’t understand we’re a hated people these Marxist-Leninist puppets of hatred and persecution will walk all over us causing us to cave in at every turn. It matters not how hard any church tries to get accepted by these people it will always be hated regardless – remember the man’s words down with love….What we want is hate. That’s the collective thinking it always has been and always will be. Yes, it is true that God can change a heart but if He does so He will do it with a pure word, not a watered down word!
As Christians, we should should expect the politically correct, the pornographers, the homosexuals, the degenerate and the promiscuous to hate us for our stand in Christ, for His light in us cannot do anything but show up the fruits of their darkness. They don’t love light they hate it, because it exposes them. They know their deeds are evil. That’s the way God has ordained it to be John 3:19-20. In our schools, in our workplaces, in our societies in general, we ought to come to terms with being considered by this bunch as the offscouring of the world 1 Corinthians 4:13. At the same time consider this; the one whose desire it is to hate rather than love … who really is the true offscouring of the world, him or you?
Too, born again Christians need to let it sink in that our greatest enemies are those in the church – the social gospel crowd with Marxist-Leninist influences who spurn the gospel of repentance. Not necessarily are they pornographers etc, but they are slaves of political correctness who hide behind lies like, “we must not offend those of other religions or beliefs.” The closer we get to Christ and the preaching of His word, the further they will get from us, but they will despise, hate and persecute us from a distance – especially those who have ready access to the media and the Internet. They’re a spiritually blind lot too in that they have not one iota of an idea that they too are hated and despised by true Marxist-Leninists.
Jesus said of Himself, “they hated Me without a cause” John 15:25. Not so, the committed Marxist-Leninist. Hatred is the underpin or foundation of his cause – a cause that is hell-bent on conquering all – not the least being the family. The elimination of the family as a social unit is still a major doctrine of the Communist Manifesto even if now under another name. Just as Marx saw problems growing out of religion being solved by doing away with religion, that is how he saw the problems of marriage, home and family being eliminated – by doing away with marriage, home and family. Take a look around you and what do you see, what do you hear? Much sneering and snarling at the traditional God-given heterosexual marriage and family unit!
Like elsewhere around the world, their goal to discredit the family as an institution plus the encouragement of easy divorce has been highly successful in this country too. Unilateral no-fault divorce legislation was introduced in Australia in 1975. Today, as I understand it, every third marriage ends in divorce with 43 per cent of marriages ending in separation within 30 years of the marriage. So let’s look at those words of Lenin again, “we must teach our children to hate.” Their job is half done! It’s not really all that difficult for a child of divorced parents to be taught to hate. For a start, mum does a grand job of that by turning the child/children against dad – or the other way round. Any invitation to hate after that comes easy to them.
In my post: The Spirit of Intimidation, I say that intimidators are not confident people. Then I list the nature and character of an intimidator and give the root cause of it all – rejection. They are controlled by a demonic spiritual being called rejection and the spirit of intimidation is simply a working family member. Well, exactly the same nature and character listed there applies here to the Marxist-Leninist. So it’s important for us as Christians to know that these people are not in control either, rejection is in control aided by another working family member – the spirit of hatred. For us, that means physical warfare is not our deal with them, but spiritual warfare is Ephesians 6:10-18.
Communist, Communism, Marxist-Leninist, Marxism-Leninism, Pseudo Marxist etc, etc … these are all simply labels. Christians should never get caught up in labels; neither those put on us or those we put on others. Metaphorically speaking, it’s what’s in the bottle that counts. Those people haven’t got a clue what’s in our bottle – no idea whatsoever. All they have to back up their labels are mere opinions; they run their whole lives on opinions – especially those of others! Not so, born again Christians – we know what’s in their bottle. More importantly, we know what’s in ours – or rather, we know WHO is in our bottle and don’t forget, “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” 1 John 4:4. Prayer and spiritual warfare will confirm it.
Persecution Complex! Christian brothers and sisters, there’s a label they’ll stamp on you. Reject the ‘complex’ part of the label but hold on to the ‘persecution’ bit, plus the reality of the spirits behind it because they are out to get you, just as they are out to get everybody. But the only people who are capitulating are those who have failed to take their stand on the Lord Jesus Christ and His inspired, God-breathed Holy word – the Bible. No wonder the Marxist-Leninist hates you; he’s got nothing like these in his arsenal. The spirits motivating him know the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus and the word of God are the only effective weapons to take him down! “……Those who war against you shall be as nothing, as a nonexistent thing” Isaiah 41:12. “…..Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake…..No weapon formed against you shall prosper” Isaiah 54:15, 17.
© 2012 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
I love this . . .that we know Who is in our bottle.
And I can see the trying to please everyone thing going on so much. . .worrying about what is said of us. Praying for believers to stay true to Him and what His Word says, to not fear the hatred or persecution, for He indeed is greater.
God bless you, Roger, as you give us another reality revelation today!
Thank you, Debbie. The trying to please everyone thing is rampant everywhere now isn’t it? I thank the Lord for revealing and releasing me from it. I have no desire to be a friend of the world and its sordid values & playthings and that’s my prayer for us all. 1 John 2:15. Bless you too.