He Had A Love For Lies They Had No Love For Truth

When forced to choose between the swastika of Nazi Germany and the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, Adolf Hitler was convinced that German Christians wouldn’t hesitate to betray, “their God.”   Speaking of the church leaders, he said, “They will betray their God to us.  They will betray anything for the sake of their miserable jobs and incomes.”  Hitler was mad but he was not stupid … he understood what drives human nature like most people will never understand it, including far too many Christians.  As a result, most of them did exactly as he predicted they would, as did much of the church under their leadership.

One of the many reasons Hitler was able to make that prediction was because he had been testing the church with his ideology for many years.  He did not drop it on them all at once knowing that that’s not the way one gains the trust of any person or group, let alone the masses.  But test the church he did, and each time they bowed he was emboldened to drop some more on them.  Adolf Hitler was a demonized man, some would say he was possessed by Satan himself.  Yet that’s not what the church discerned of him.  After suffering the horrors of war and economic disaster, they saw him as an answer to their prayers for peace, jobs and incomes.

“They will betray their God to us.”  I first read this statement five years ago and it alerted me because that’s similar to what I was discerning as I witnessed the church around the world increasingly caving in to the pressures of tolerance for diversity in lifestyles, anti-Christ religious and non-religious belief systems, sexual preferences and political correctness.  In other words, the church is caving in to demands to be tolerant to those who are intolerant of us because of Who and what we stand for.  And just like Hitler, the demonic spirit that motivates the people placing these pressures upon us knows that slowly but surely lots of Christians will betray Christ and accept these other ideologies as well.

As a Christian I have learned that it would be very easy to betray God.  All one has to do is to go against what one knows to be true. “Do not lie to one another….” Colossians 3:9.  A pastor of a church once asked me to lie should I be questioned by others about a meeting that he and I had.  I’m glad I told him I would not.  To do so would have meant betrayal of my God which then would have led to further betrayals later.  In a roundabout way, that refusal was later to cost me my “miserable” job and income.  As a family it cost us big time, but by the grace of God I’m pleased to say I have never regretted that decision.  It was the beginnings of learning to trust in nobody but God Himself for our financial needs.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” 2 Timothy 2:15.  Some years ago I asked the Lord to reveal to me what was on His heart about the church.  When He began to reveal truths that religious man is twisting, deleting, distorting, perverting, mangling and rejecting, I began to speak up.  In doing so, this has cost me my “miserable” reputation.  I’m glad it has, for there’s no other way for one to discover that it’s not reputation that’s important to the Lord, because that has all to do with self … and Christ-ones have been crucified to self Galatians 2:20.  We need not be concerned; God will take care of our reputation at some point down the track.

A Christian man was in prayer seeking the Lord’s guidance for himself and his church because his denomination had recently voted to ordain homosexual ministers.  Just like the tactics of Hitler, I’m sure this man’s church leadership didn’t drop this on them all in one hit, so the question I ask is; what have he and the members Scripturally compromised on before reaching this point?  It can be almost guaranteed that they have compromised on much.  Besides, what is it he wants to know?  God has already spoken about it and since so many in the church insist on twisting, deleting, distorting, perverting, mangling and rejecting what He has said, I personally don’t believe God has anything more to add.

To me, that’s like asking God for permission to commit adultery or murder!  So many of God’s people are not looking for answers so much as they are looking for arguments and reasons to justify their behavior and practices.  If I were that man, I would shut myself in with God and the Bible, prostrate myself to the floor and not get up until such time as God had revealed to me the compromises and betrayals I’ve been engaged in that brought the church to this point.  It’s easy to use the Scriptures as a spiritual six-gun to justify … not so easy to be in the Most Holy Place with the Lord and look Him in the eye as you do the same.

The world calls it “same-sex marriage.”  So does the institutional church.  God calls it “an abomination” – ‘abhorrence’ ‘disgusting’ ‘idolatry.’   Why does the church agree with the world and disagree with God?  Answer: It has never gotten close enough to God to allow Him to deliver it from the fear of man. And so it is snared by man – both religious and secular Proverbs 29:25.  In other words, its “miserable” reputation means more to it than God’s reputation.  Hitler knew that about the church of his day and so do those putting pressure on the church of our day.  Our Federal Government seeks to push for a conscience vote on this issue and so far the silence from the church has been deafening!

The world calls it “abortion”  So does the institutional church. God calls it “murder – infanticide.”  Years ago a religious woman told me that she was horrified by what she knew of the Old Testament, “all those primitive people who sacrificed their children to the fire.”  I said, “Oh, do you mean like mothers and fathers of unwanted children are doing today in offering them up to abortionists?”  Slam!! … went the door in my face!  Another time when discussing abortion with a group of Christians, I called it, murder.  Some among them were not at all comfortable with that term and pulled the ‘we-mustn’t-be-judgmental’ card.  That’s Satan’s mantra … alive and well in that kind of church.

People are often bewildered by the evils of Hitler and his Nazi ideology; some ask how it could ever have happened.  It happened because the people turned a blind eye.  But in doing so, they gave Hitler a legal right to do whatever he wanted.  The secular people were ignorant of the spiritual realm, but the church was not.  In other words, powerful, evil spiritual beings were in control of that man and his henchmen – and the church hierarchy should have known.  But they were looking the other way.  The same applies to abortion.  It is a spirit of murder that’s controlling human beings to do this and much of today’s church hierarchy knows that.  But they’re looking the other way too, giving the spirit of murder a legal right to kill whenever it wants to!

The church doesn’t seem to grasp that reality.  Where was the church when abortion legislation first came up for discussion in this country?  Yes, “tut-tut” was common, but corporate prayer and fasting and the exercising of spiritual warfare was most uncommon.  The same now applies to same-sex marriage legislation, which is just around the corner.  We are the only body of people mandated with the spiritual power and authority to deal with the demonic realm (spirits of murder, sexual perversion etc), but because we’re not dealing with it on our knees as a church before God, murder and sexual perversion have legal rights to run rampant in society.

The world reels in horror when murderous mad men run amok with bombs, bullets and knives.  So does the institutional church.  Well, murder is murder … it’s the same spirit that murders unborn babies … Satan makes no distinctions.  Open a door for one and you open a door for another.  Again, the world reels in horror when it learns of sexual perversions done to children and babies.  So does the institutional church. Well, sexual perversion is sexual perversion … Satan makes no distinctions.  Neither does God when it gets down to it.  Only a spiritually dead society and a spiritually asleep church make distinctions.   Open a door for one and you……

“They will betray their God. They will betray anything for their miserable jobs and incomes.”  They will … they are.  Especially is this now the case with so-called political correctness in Western society.  A few years ago kindergartens and primary schools, businesses, shopping centers and society in general celebrated Christmas.  Christmas trees, Nativity scenes, Christmas songs, songs about Jesus, Christmas cards and “Happy Christmas” were all part of the deal.  Have a look around today at this time of the year and what do we see … what do we hear?  We see and hear anything but Christmas, anything but Christ.  Now all we see and hear is cowardly, patronizing garbage like “Happy holidays” and “Seasons Greetings.”  What a betrayal!

The world calls it “political correctness” but denies it’s caving in to it. So does the institutional church.  God calls it the spirit of anti-Christ.  So do I.  The politically correct say we must respect peoples of all other religions.  They really only mean Islam, which they are deeply and intensely afraid of but won’t admit it.  They couldn’t care less about those other religions.  So this “respect” has been dropped on us at the expense of “disrespect” for Jesus Christ and Christians.  This is the nature and character of the spirit of anti-Christ – it despises God, it despises the Lord Jesus Christ, it despises the Bible, it despises born-again Christians and it despises truth.

There will be no turning back from any of this either from the world or the institutional church.  Both are headed for hell.  God will see to it that this is so, but not specifically because people have been caught up in homosexuality, sexual perversion, same-sex marriage, abortion, murder, political correctness or Christmas/God Christ/Bible/Christian-despising … all of that is forgivable.  All anyone needs to do here is acknowledge before God that it is sin, humble him or herself in repentance before the Lord Jesus Christ, ask for the forgiveness that He waits to give and all those things will get washed away by Jesus’ blood never to be remembered by God ever again.  That’s the gospel message!

But what is not forgivable is the despising of truth – the unwillingness to face up to truth about one’s self and God. “….they did not receive the love of truth, that they might be saved.  And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie” 2 Thessalonians 2:10.  That’s why Hitler was so immensely successful with his people.  He had a love for lies, they had no love for truth.  Hitler knew that when human nature’s creature comforts are threatened they will do anything to hold on to them, even if it means betrayal is part of the deal.  The spirit of anti-Christ knows that too. “Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding” Proverbs 23:23. “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.”John 14:6.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet www.radiorevelations.com Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. We believers are all ambassadors of the Kingdom of God which is headed by a glorious King. As ambassadors, we have one responsibility: loyalty to the King. Our words are not to be our own thoughts, but rather, those of the King. This is the duty of an ambassador.

    Yet, when we speak our own words and cave into man’s ideas because of fear or whatever, we are not only being wimpy ambassadors, but also we are committing acts of treason against the King. And no matter how you look at it, treason will always be severely punished. Always. Always.

  2. Roger, thank you. I read this and want everyone to. And I read this and must fast and pray more faithfully, more often. . .right now. And ask Him to reveal to me where I am denying Him and His Lordship.
    God bless you and the ministry He has given you. We need to know the Truth.

    1. Be encouraged, Debbie and rest in the Lord. Your writing shows that you are sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Based on the revelations God has given us as individuals we’re all at different stages in our walk with Him, with deeper levels to go, but I believe if you were one who was denying His Lordship in some area He would have revealed it to you 1 John 3:20. Thank you too.


  3. Hi Roger … how sad but true … “So many of God’s people are not looking for answers so much as they are looking for arguments and reasons to justify their behavior & practices.” They are missing on the abundant life that Christ came to give by following the king of this world, Satan, instead of Christ the king. Shows you how great the deception is that they would follow after Satan and worship his ways by living by them and ignore God’s truth and ways that bring love, peace and rest. The statement is eye opening “They will betray their God to us. They will betray anything for the sake of their miserable jobs and incomes.” How often people do this by putting the cares of this world above seeking FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness .. Matthew 6:33.

    The flock has been greatly misled by the spiritual principalities of darkness .. and the reign of those principalites are soon coming to an end, as God brings in His kingdom here on earth. And how I can’t wait until hell which has imprisoned many souls in this earth is destroyed by the brightness of His coming.

    1. Yes, Rachel … it’s amazing isn’t it? The Lord stands before all offering a pathway to an unimaginable peace, liberty & freedom right here right now – Satan too stands before all, but the best he can offer is a pathway to imprisonment, bondage & chaos, yet the world and much of Christendom demonstrates preference for his path rather than the Lord’s. There is no greater deception! Thankyou and best blessings to you.


  4. Was I really surprised to find that we are working on the same thing again? I just finished 4,000 words on the same issue – from a different angle but using the same illustrations of homosexuality and abortion. Homosexuality seems to be the drug of choice for society today.

    Humanists do not believe in absolute truth or absolute right. Therefore there can be no absolute untruth or absolute wrong. The point where your freedom and mine collide is only established by personal opinion and who gets the prize, defining ‘tolerance.’

    Taken to the end of the argument we arrive again at, “Is there God or is there No God?”

    Many Christians are sitting in a kettle that preaches a gospel message of tolerance and love as “different strokes for different folks.” The water in the kettle has been slowly heating up for decades (as you so rightly pointed out) and many don’t realize that they cannot identify any absolute right because there is always a corresponding absolute wrong. The water is close to boiling but the change has been so gradual they don’t know they’re being cooked alive.

    Thanks, Roger. I’m saving this to share.

    1. “Humanists do not believe in absolute truth or absolute right.”

      Yes, Lynn … Marxist-Leninist brainwashing at its best! I’ve got more to say about it in a post coming up in February. You’re right about Christians in the kettle. If they don’t wake up to themselves surely they will become the tribulation saints that Revelation talks about. Not a good way to die!

      Bless you & Larry, Lynn and the horses etc.


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