During the presentation of my radio gospel program a lady phoned leaving a message to say she was being, “wonderfully blessed” by what she was hearing and that, “the Holy Spirit was speaking His truth.” During the presentation I was making some distinctions between common church practice and not so common reality. At the end of the program, I took a call from a man who said similar things. He said, “You spoke the Lord’s truth. How wonderful to hear truth.” Similar things get said by others from time to time, making it always a blessing for me to know that God is blessing His word of truth, plus His people, including myself.
The calls sometimes finish with them saying they’ll be listening next week. That too, is a blessing and encouragement, it is God’s way of confirming to me that He’s endorsing the work. Although I don’t ask for specific details as to why or how God is blessing these dear people, I tend to think it’s because what they’re hearing is not new to them … especially the hard things said – or the strong challenges brought. In other words, they’ve been down that road with God and have had their battles and struggles coming to terms with reality long before I came on their scene.
Why do I tend to think this way? I believe it was confirmed for me in the church when sharing certain truths. I found I could say one thing to one person and they would be blessed, but in saying the same to another I would be cursed (insulted) or given the silent treatment. In those early years of gospel work I struggled with this, asking myself, “Is this (what I said) from God or this from me? What’s real here? – one gets a blessing and another gets offended.” God brought the answer through a mature Christian sister, “You can’t afford to be double-minded. If you believe God gave it, speak it and then settle it within yourself that perhaps your earthly walk with the Lord will be a lonely one.”
I didn’t know much about prophecy in those days, but I knew the moment she spoke those words that it was a Holy Spirit-given prophetic utterance, one that has been confirmed on a very regular basis since that time in 1988. I’m surprised at the amount of times I have heard, “Thank You, Jesus” coming out of one Christian mouth and, “How dare you, who do you think you are?” coming out of another when speaking the same words. Someone in leadership once suggested that if more sensitivity be given to the offended then perhaps they can be “brought onside” as well. I could never come to terms with that kind of reasoning for two reasons.
Reason one: As a Christian, I believe it’s my duty to at all times be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, not to those who have the potential to be offended. Why? The reason they’re offended in the first place is because the Holy Spirit is speaking to them, it is not me speaking to them. Which means they are angry with God, not with me. They’re under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. If it were otherwise, they would be saying, “Thank You, Jesus.” That’s the reality for all biblical Christians – perhaps surprised at first when the word comes, perhaps disturbed, perhaps reluctant to respond, but not insulting … and once we’ve broken through all that, it can never be anything else but, “Thank You, Jesus.”
Reason two: As a Christian, I have no interest in getting people “onside” ever. God’s side is my only interest. I spent 39 years getting on my side, I wouldn’t want anyone to come near it! Very early on in the piece I witnessed the “onside” tactic going on in the church and I was repulsed by it then and I’m just as repulsed by it today. And whilst I totally reject ‘Kingdom Now theology’ I whole-heartedly embrace Frances Havergal’s theology – Fierce may be the conflict, strong may be the foe, But the King’s own army none can overthrow; ’Round His standard ranging, vict’ry is secure, For His truth unchanging makes the triumph sure. Joyfully enlisting, by Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord’s side—Savior, we are Thine!
Like most Christian people I too have sat in churches and heard sermons preached on the importance of us being in unity, building relationships with one another etc. And in all cases the Scriptures have been used to support those sermons. Psalm 133:1; Acts 2:44; Ephesians 4:3, 13. They’ve all been brought into the mix along with Old Testament examples. But in reality, I have found that such unity only works when one conforms to the doctrines, teachings and traditions of the group or denomination. Go beyond that and you may encounter trouble … or be branded as such. In other words, proclaim something from the Scriptures that the group hasn’t, then buckle your seat belt – could be you’re in for a rough ride.
Like lots of my Christian brothers and sisters around the world, I have not been content to sit in churches year in year out simply to become saturated with truths that would keep me forever being a spiritual baby. All that achieves is a drying up of the spirit, which is not what true church unity is designed to produce. We sing about the rivers of living water John 7:38 and the life-giving streams of the Spirit, but in reality, many of us ask, “Where is it? I don’t see the evidence. Therefore, if there’s no evidence something’s missing.” In fact, Someone is missing … the very Lord spoken and sung about. And when the Lord is missing I don’t want to pretend otherwise.
A W Tozer said, “The man (or woman) who has passed on into the divine Presence in actual inner experience will not find many who understand him. He finds few who care to talk about that which is the supreme object of his interest, so he is often silent and preoccupied in the midst of noisy religious shop-talk…….so he is avoided and the gulf between him and society widens………” That’s how it is. People may well accuse us of being lone rangers, rebels, self-called to ministry etc, but they are in conflict with God who has called us to be a separated people Leviticus 20:26; 2 Corinthians 6:17. The only way to be continually separated is to be ever seeking the Lord for more of Himself.
What’s the result of ever seeking the Lord for more of Himself? Answer: Progressive reality, which in turn equals progressive liberty. Or – the more one seeks God the less one seeks self, and the less one seeks self, the less one seeks that which conflicts with the mind of Christ. The more mind of Christ we embrace, the more liberated we become. Such a reality can be a threat to those content with the status quo. It was no different for the prophets of old, no different for the Lord, no different for the apostles and no different for those like-minded down through church history. All who seek more of Christ will suffer more for Christ Philippians 1:29-30.
But the good news is when they choose to suffer for more of Christ they will not permanently suffer the religious dictates of their fellow Christians regardless of what or who they might be. They might suffer them for a while as the Lord uses these to teach other things, but when those lessons are learned He removes them from harm’s way. And yes, even under those dictates the earthly walk with the Lord is still lonely – very much so, because the one walking it is not seen as being part of the group. They will even tell you that, thinking they’re rebuking you, but the Holy Spirit will confirm their words, “That’s right, you are not part of this group, but you are part of Me.”
In spite of what some may say, being out of fellowship with other believers (for a time) does not mean you are out of fellowship with God. There are times and seasons in God and as the days get spiritually darker you can expect more people to come out. However, if a Christian hasn’t experienced what’s being written here then he or she will naturally come up with a million Scriptures to justify as to why we should be gathered together. But it can almost be guaranteed they will not include the Scriptures sited above. And, Mr Tozer’s statement may as well be written in a foreign language for all the understanding they’ll get from it.
Added to this, experience has told me that it is folly to try and convince such fellow Christians to agree with you on your decisions to separate from them because nothing you say will change their thinking and all you’ll end up then doing is arguing … then sin enters in, things get said that should not be said. Besides, any form of arguing is in reality a form of self-protection which is in turn a form of insecurity – all the stuff the Lord is delivering us from anyway. Better to give up the right to be right, let God take care of it, bless them and walk away. After all, God’s new plan for you is to experience progressive reality, which in turn equals progressive liberty.
In church fellowships I have encountered Christian people who find it very difficult to accept compliments. “Oh, it was nothing,” they’ll say. Or – straight-laced with straight face, “Let’s give all glory to God, hallelujah.” I’ve never believed them. It’s false humility, not the real thing. It is the nature of God to compliment and the way He does so is through His people complementing one another. In other words, this is the way God shows that what is said or done for Him meets with His approval. Right here someone may ask, “How do you know you’re not just patronizing one another? That goes on in churches, there’s lots of approval seekers.”
Answer. Very true. But if you make it your business to be a truth-seeker and a truth-speaker, genuine compliments could be rare. An approval seeker may try it on for a while but as you stick to the word of truth the Holy Spirit has given, sooner or later reality is going to show up. And when it does you will either hear them say, “Thank You, Jesus” or “How dare you, who do you think you are?” Or, you will get the silent treatment. The former are a blessing to us … the latter we must bless. And if we continue to do so, we will continue to experience progressive reality, which in turn equals progressive liberty. And maybe one day they will too. That is always my prayer. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.” Romans 8:14. “So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free.” Galatians 4:3.
© 2011 – 2020, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
In a time when I seemed to have no friends, was not attached to any church and really felt sorry for myself, I said to the Lord, “I’m so lonely.”
He replied, “Larry, it was lonely at the cross.”
His words destroyed my pity party as I realized He understood my circumstances because He had been in a worse place than me. Not only that, His suffering became my victory for every situation I might ever face in life.
Yes, Larry. Years ago I experienced similar, “Now you know what it was like for Me.” After that encounter I saw it all as a privilege … no suffering, shallow victories. Thanks for sharing, someone will be blessed.
Ah Roger, the things you share with us. Thank you! (and yes, thank You, Jesus too!) Your life is rich with experience. I learn so much when saints share what they have learned or just talk about life stuff. I haven’t been to church for about 9 years. I also don’t get to socialize or fellowship in person much. Dear people often think this sounds terrible. But it really isn’t so bad! ha! (that might offend them right there! ) But He helps me soooo much, so much. He brings me what I need when I need it. Like bringing you!
God bless you for this revelation of progressive reality and progressive liberty!
Bless you, Debbie and thank you for your kind & encouraging words. The Lord understands our circumstances even when others often don’t. Those who think it terrible that you aren’t fellowshipping or socializing with them have not lived in your shoes, but the Lord has and is. It’s easy to be religious – it costs nothing. To be real is a different story isn’t it? You and your daughter are in my prayers.