All Servants of Satan Are Liars

In response to the question of whether or not Christianity’s Jesus Christ presented a truer picture of God than that of Islam’s Mohammed, the newly-elected archbishop of the Church of Sweden has been quoted as saying, “One cannot reduce the whole of religious theology, that is to say the question of how different religions relate to one another, to a yes-and-no question. It amounts to doing violence to a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be found there.” Says she, not hesitating to do violence to the Bible! Apparently she says the Virgin Birth must be understood metaphorically; hell doesn’t exist and that biblical texts should not be taken as truth.

Worse! What violence she has done to the Lord Jesus Christ, all that He is, all that He stands for and all that He said. She makes a liar of God the Father, a liar of God the Son and a liar of God the Holy Spirit. Is there a worse kind of person anywhere? Not really, but there are plenty of her kind throughout the church world! No wonder Paul the apostle didn’t permit a woman to teach or have authority in the church 1Timothy 2:12. No wonder he said, Adam was not deceived, but the woman…… Such a pity too though that the Church of Sweden’s deceived Adam’s have allowed this woman to spiritually emasculate them just as the first one did! The good news however … apparently only 2% of church members regularly attend services.

I suspect this woman is not a child of God, but a child of the Devil. She’s certainly not a servant of Jesus; she’s a servant of Satan. She may not take Biblical texts as truth, but anyone else claiming to be a Christian had better do so. Why? God has fully warned us there would be false prophets exactly like her bringing forth destructive heresies. Swift destruction awaits her and her kind 2 Peter 2:1-3. We had better believe God when He tells us He will not spare presumptuous, self-willed false teachers. They’re headed for hell just as surely as the lawless of Noah’s day and the perverts of Sodom and Gomorrah’s day 2 Peter 2:4-11. We had better believe God when He speaks to us of the depravity of false teachers who have forsaken the right way and gone astray 2 Peter 2:12-17.

We had better believe God when He reveals to us the deceptions of false teachers; they speak great swelling words of emptiness 2 Peter 2:18-23. Multitudes are following their destructive ways and it is only the Spirit of God using the word of God who can wisely and truthfully steer us from them. Men or women or both, these are the people Paul the apostle brought warning of too, savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock Acts 20:29. To not declare Jesus Christ as God Almighty Incarnate is to not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. What kind of a person is that? This is a deceiver and an antichrist 2 John 1:7. European churches have always had antichrist deceivers in leadership, but now they’re on the march all over the world.

How can Christians know who is and who isn’t a deceiver and an antichrist occupying the pulpit? One answer: It all comes back to Jesus Christ. You can know by their attitude towards the Lord Jesus. For example, what do they say about Jesus Christ, the Messiah? Do they agree with everything the Old Testament reveals about Him being God? Do they agree with everything Jesus said about Himself being God? Do they agree with everything the New Testament writers declare about Him being God? If they do agree, your man or woman is trustworthy. If they do not agree, there’s every chance you’re looking at one. My prayer for some years now has been, “Lord, please show me those in Christendom who cannot be trusted to speak accurately for you.”

The moment you hear your man or woman dispute any part of the Bible with regards Jesus the Lord, let the Holy Spirit ring His alarm bell, then prepare to separate yourself from that person. Don’t hang around believing you’re doing the right thing by others in the church; the wrong thing is being done to your spirit! Spiritual contamination is the goal of a deceiver and an antichrist and churches everywhere are full of spiritually contaminated people. One effect of spiritual contamination is the inability to stand solely for the word of God when the pressure is on. Take the pressure of political correctness for example. It has bulldozed its way into churches and people are caving in because they don’t know Jesus and the Bible well enough to stand against them.

Deceivers and antichrists reject plain-sense meanings of Scripture. When interpreting, they spiritualize, allegorize and speak in metaphoric terms of them instead. And God’s people have a penchant for this kind of teaching, it gives them opportunity to think of themselves as more spiritually advanced than those of us who reject that kind of interpretation. As well, Scriptures taught in such manner are much less challenging, much less threatening and much more pleasant to the ear than the real deal. That’s how pulpit devils get away with teaching Scriptures referring to the Virgin birth and hell should not be taken literally. But, it is also the major reason why truth is not known, sought after, acknowledged or expressed in society today.

You see, once so-called reverends and arch-bishops decide to do violence to biblical truth it naturally follows that they do violence to Jesus Christ, THE TRUTH. It can’t possibly be otherwise. Everything everyone is required to know about Jesus Christ is to be found in the Bible alone. It is not to be found in sermons, Bible studies, Bible Commentaries, books, Radio and Television programs, You Tube and Internet blogs etc. Increased understanding and enlightenment may well come from these things but none of them are the source of TRUTH, that privilege is restricted to Lord Jesus Christ; He alone is the Source. It is important to understand too, anyone who does violence to Bible truth has no love for truth and no love for Jesus Christ!

In fact, not only do they not love Jesus Christ, they hate Him! They detest Him, they despise Him. So what does that mean? It means they also hate, detest and despise God the Father too. He who hates Me, hates My Father also John 15:23. Do you see how it is? These devils can stand in their pulpits and talk about love for ever and a day, but they don’t have any. They can stand on their heads and look sideways to Sydney as they talk about love, but they don’t have any. But, Christians who don’t know their Bibles don’t know truth either, so they’re easily seduced by women such as this one running the Swedish church. That’s why they too are indecisive on the question of whether or not Christianity’s Jesus Christ presents a truer picture of God than Islam’s Mohammed.

It is not a difficult picture to present … Mohammed never claimed to be God; Jesus did. That’s what the Universal hatred, detesting and despising of Jesus Christ is all about. We see that clearly demonstrated in the four gospels by the Lord’s own people, the Jews. A greater bunch of religious-loving but truth-despising, God-despising leaders you’ll never find anywhere. Jesus told them He was God, they wanted to kill Him. Jesus said He was the truth, they wanted to kill Him. Jesus told them home-truths about themselves, they wanted to kill Him. Jesus set whores, thieves and all other untouchables free from their sins, guilt and religious slavery, they wanted to kill Him. Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead, they wanted to kill Him.

What does that tell us about religious people today? It tells us that unless they are born again by the Holy Spirit of God, fully surrendered to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and living by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Bible, they would do the same to those of us who are. Yes it does … not all, but many; and I’m referring to church people equally as much as those of other religions. If they thought they could get away with it, they’d kill us just as surely as the religious crowd who killed Jesus. Some of the most angry, envious and jealous people in all the world happen to be those belonging to churches. It is not only the non-Christian religious with a history of persecution and murder of Bible Christians; church people have always been part of it.

Apart from being demonically deceived, how arrogant and self-righteous for a church leader to tell people biblical texts should not be taken as truth. What on earth is going on in the mind of this woman when she reads, “And God said,…..” ? Did God say or did He not say? Yes or No – which is it? What about when she reads of Jesus declaring, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee……” “Most assuredly, I say to you……” “I tell you the truth……” That’s not wishy-washy, fence-sitting language, that’s take-it-or-leave-it language; like-it-or-lump-it language! And should she be one of those spiritual cowards who say certain biblical texts are truth but others are not, then who does she think she is to tell her church which ones are and which ones are not?

It is not biblical texts that, “should not be taken as truth,” it is the Christ-despising words so readily gushing from the mouth of this arch-bishop; that’s what should not be taken as truth. All servants of Satan are liars. Jesus said of such, You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do…….. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it John 8:44. What happens to liars? All liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Revelation 21:8. Yes, the apostle John spoke those words, but they were given by the Lord Jesus Christ, God Almighty Incarnate. Liars of any kind are bad enough but religious liars are by far the worst.

Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. Jesus Christ is the Beginning and the End. Jesus Christ is the First and the Last Revelation 22:13. Truth begins with Jesus Christ and truth ends with Jesus Christ. He is the Eternal Word of God who has revealed Himself in no other book but the infallible written word of God – the Bible. Everything you and I are required to know about God begins at Genesis 1:1 and ends at Revelation 22:21. Everything you and I are required to know about ourselves begins and ends in the same place. Servants of Satan will never tell you the truth about Jesus Christ and the Bible because they have no love for either one of them! All servants of Satan are liars. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away Matthew 24:35.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. The Archbishop provides more evidence of the dilemma Jesus Christ presents. No one dare acknowledge that He is who He is without confessing his or her own sin and need for a Savior. To do otherwise tells the world that he/she consciously chooses condemnation over salvation. That would expose them for the fools they are.

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