Take a Long Hard Look

I see the World Communion of Reformed Churches is the latest “Protestant” organization to collaborate with the Roman Catholic Church. Until recently, the biblical Doctrine of Justification kept them separated, but no more it seems. The Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity says, “One of the crucial issues of dissent between the Reformers and the …

Always Closer to The Lie than to The Truth

A popular Roman Catholic priest here in Melbourne set up a mobile, drive-through confessional so as sinful drivers could “repent on-the-run.”  A numbered sin-selection list commonly known as, “The Seven Deadly Sins” was taped to the priest’s “Hopemobile”: lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, wrath, envy, pride.  Just as one does when ordering food from a fast-food outlet, a driver then pulled …

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