In his sermon the pastor asked the church, “Why don’t people believe in Jesus?” Answer: “It’s not because there’s no evidence. It’s because they hate the light. The light exposes their sin.” Then he asked, “Why are people angry at Christians?” Answer: “We testify that their deeds are evil.” Praise God for such a pastor in this Laodicean …
Tag Archives: persecuted Christians
Wise and Holy Minds
If one should ever doubt the level of humanitarian, political and journalistic aid and support we Christians in the Western world can expect to receive when we are sorely persecuted for our faith in Christ, one need look no further than the persecuted Christians of the Middle East. You see little evidence of much? Me too! …
The Loveless Church
The Bible teacher told his class,“If you don’t love the Bible you don’t love truth and if you don’t love truth, you don’t love Jesus.” I agree, Christians love to talk about love, but the test of its authenticity can be pointed back to one’s attitude towards the Bible. The one who loves the Bible agrees with every word written within, even when …