Take a Long Hard Look

I see the World Communion of Reformed Churches is the latest “Protestant” organization to collaborate with the Roman Catholic Church. Until recently, the biblical Doctrine of Justification kept them separated, but no more it seems. The Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity says, “One of the crucial issues of dissent between the Reformers and the …

Limit Yourself to the Bible

The Protestant Bible theologian asked the Roman Catholic priest, “Do you feel that a person can go to heaven apart from a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ?” The priest replied, “Definitely.” Handing him a Roman Catholic translation of the Bible, the theologian then asked the priest to cite a book or a chapter or …

Who Is This Woman Claiming To Be The Blessed Virgin Mary?

I learned recently of a man who’d been trapped in a cult for sixteen years. The cult leader was a woman, who had so bewitched her group that they believed it without question when she told them she was God; not just a messenger of God or, not just God’s right hand man woman, but God Himself …

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