Pay Attention to Logic not Fear

Quote: “As a human being we should pay attention to fear, not logic. Emotions are the only thing that are real in this world. Emotion is fact!  Emotion is real!” That was the response of a fear-driven, emotionally-driven 20’s-something young woman, “afraid of that hat.'” What hat? A “Keep America Great” hat or cap, worn by a young man of similar age. “It incites fear in all those around us,” she said. “Every person is afraid of that hat!” Of course, we who have learned to no longer bow to fears and emotions on anything and everything, know it’s not “that hat” that’s the real issue. It’s not even about the man that hat represents!

Neither is this post about the man whom the hat represents! It’s about the deep-seated beliefs she and like-minded young people hold and the damage they’re doing to their minds as a result, which will eventually go on to damage their bodies too at some stage down the track, if not discarded. A Universal Law: What’s in must come out; it must eventually expose itself to the full. Just like the apple that’s rotted at the core; if it’s not cut out, the rot will keep moving until it destroys the flesh. The great deception: We know this is what happens to the apple, why do we ignore or reject the same law when it comes to the mind and body? How much wiser it would be for human beings to pay attention to logic, not fear!

Recently I glimpsed a photograph and article from an online “news” site about a manspreading passenger who had divided online opinion after he was spotted spreading his legs, taking up three seats at the airport. Said one person, “This pic is causing me unreasonable amounts of rage!” No it’s not! It’s simply setting off the “unreasonable amounts of rage” already within. Depending on how deeply embedded those “amounts” are in that person’s mind, they too will eventually move on to inflict damage to her (or his?) body also. I wonder if those outraged about manspreading get outraged about she-bagging?!? No, I hadn’t heard of the latter term either until today. But now, thanks to Wikipedia, there it is!

“If you asked any of ——— closest friends about how we thought she’d die, the answer would have been, ‘At her own hands’. Recently, people have been saying that ——— making it through to the end of this year was unlikely,” he said. That’s just one comment of some regarding a fear-driven, emotionally-driven minor celebrity who took her life some time ago, urged on also by jealous cyber bullies from all accounts. I know nothing about of the lady or what might have been her wishes, thoughts, feelings or dreams for a better life, but I suspect all were clouded and finally quashed by a spirit of hopelessness. It grieves me when people who died by their own hand paid attention to fear, not logic – celebrities or non-celebrities.   

For human beings to pay attention to fear, not logic, is illogical in the extreme! Meaning of fear: ‘an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen.’ Similar meanings include: terror, horror, panic, agitation, trepidation, dread, distress, anxiety, angst, unrest, apprehension, neurosis. What a list! Who wants to pay attention to any of that at the expense of appealing to logic? The sooner young people commit to identifying root causes of fear, then commit equally to getting rid of them the better for them. Later in the post I will list some emotional and physical problems destined to plague them if they fail to commit.

Meaning of logic: ‘reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity; science of reasoning, conformity to its laws.’ To pay attention to logic then, requires one to think for one’s self, to question what’s spoken or written. It requires one to be rational, objective, sensible, analytical, insightful and judicious. But therein lies the problem for fear-driven, emotionally-driven people. They have not a clue how to engage in this because they’ve not been taught.  What’s been passed off as education for the past 40-plus years has been little more than indoctrination. The same applies to print and electronic media. Theirs is not a mission of objectivity, it’s a mission of selectivity – a propaganda machine!

Think for a moment on what the indoctrinators and the propaganda machine have done with the Universal Laws of truth and morality; their mission has been to violate them, deny them, bastardize them, mock them, curse them and discard them. So successful has that mission been that even the grandparents of these fear-driven, emotionally-driven young people have been sucked in by them! How dreadfully sad to listen to old people confess, “I don’t know what to think anymore.” Yes they do; they simply have not the courage to stand up and defend those Laws. They know there’s a God in heaven who controls the earth He created, not man. They know God’s moral laws never change; their inner being gives witness to that reality with certainty.

The primary mission of the indoctrinators and the propaganda machine is one of control and conformity. Operating in the same manner as religious cults, their objective is to mess with people’s minds by filling them with part-truths and no-truths. Hammer these home unceasingly and confusion sets in followed by fear. Fear guarantees both controlled thinking and controlled speech. Such control then guarantees conformity of behavior. Observe members of religious cults over a short time and that’s what shows up. But, that’s also what shows up in Western society today too, the largest cult membership of all! Controlled, behavior-conforming people blindly bowing to a bunch of elites and their doctrines of political correctness.

Brainwash: ‘to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them.’ The propaganda machine operating at its very best! The perfect example in our time is the “doctrine” of man-made climate change – a religious doctrine if ever there was one. Definition of brainwashing: 1) a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas. 2) persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship.’ The perfect example today: the mocking, the badmouthing and debasing of biblical Christianity and Jesus Christ, but the exaltation of humanism and collectivism. 

Indoctrinators and the propaganda machine at their most diabolical: Assigning the sex to a new-born baby based on desires or feelings rather than the observable facts of the sex of the baby, is sheer madness. Some want to believe that a new-born baby has within itself a pre-existing sense that it is male or female. That is insanity. Worse, it is blasphemy triple-fold! It blasphemes God, the Creator of all babies made in His image; it blasphemes the nature and character of God; it blasphemes the word of God. Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image…… So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them Genesis 1:26-27. To deny this truth is to pay attention to fear, not logic.  

Now: those emotional and physical problems destined to plague fear-driven, emotionally-driven young people when they get older, if they continue paying attention to fear, not logic. Anxiety, bitterness, depression, despair, hostility, oppression, schizophrenia, resentment, gluttony, hatred, breakdowns (mental & marriage), addictions (sexual, drugs & alcohol), chronic sicknesses, self-pity, insecurity, anger, unforgiveness, resentment, arthritis, angina, thrombosis, blood pressure, cancers, heart problems, bowel problems. In the past I was privileged to speak with numbers of old people about their sicknesses; the few listed here, plagued them. Essentially, they’d been fear-driven, emotionally-driven people all their lives.

Young people, and not so young, pay attention to logic, not fear. Better still, pay attention to the Author of logic, the Lord Jesus Christ. Hand yourself over to Him for life’s direction; permit Him to cut you loose from those things, including indoctrinators and the propaganda machine! All of that comes from the devil, not from God. Choose to believe the word of Jesus on the devil’s mission; he came to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. But Jesus came that all may have life…… and, have it more abundantly John 10:10. You don’t want to squander precious time, and that of your loved ones, running to and from doctors waiting rooms and hospital beds in your older years. That’s not life, that’s existence! For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind 2 Timothy 1:7.

© 2020 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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