This is Reality Talk not Religious Talk

For many years now I’ve been saying one can never really know what another person is like until that person doesn’t get his or her own way; then one begins to find out very quickly. And no, I’m not, “being judgmental.” The first person I learned this truth from was myself, not anyone else! It was this “discovery” that caused me to begin questioning, “Who am I? What am I? Why am I?” I didn’t discover the definitive answers until eighteen months later, but I did discover the first requirement would be one of internal change, not external. It was time to find a way of becoming proactive when things go awry, not reactive.

I came to the realisation that unless I embraced internal change, I would not have the capacity to acknowledge any truth of who, what and why I was, or gain mastery over that which caused me to be a victim of rather than a victor over – emotional insecurity and personal selfishness. In other words, the “me” that I’d been up until that point was no longer the me I wanted to be; he was a sham, a phoney! That “me” had to go and the way I thought he would go was by way of reformation. That worked quite well for a while but always I knew something was missing. The “something” turned out to be Someone; the Lord Jesus Christ. When I embraced Him, I discovered transformation was His way, not reformation. So with that, the old “me” died and a new me arose in his place!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new 2 Corinthians 5:17. This is reality talk, not religious talk. Those in Christ receive a new outlook, new inlook, new uplook, new mind, new ways, new thoughts, new attitudes, new responses and new actions. True, outward evidence of such may not readily show up, but in time it will. The Lord works individually in us and on us, not collectively; He’s not a cult leader and we’re not clones! True again, many there are who say they’re a Christian but give no evidence of change. What people say they are and what Christ knows they are will often be different. Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,”…… 2 Timothy 2:19.

Of course, “transformation” is not a word or an idea spoken of by Christians alone. New Age spiritualists, philosophers, Eastern mystics and others speak of and promise such for their followers as well; but it is a counterfeit transformation. It is spiritual alright, but it’s not from God the Holy Spirit. The proof of this shows when put to the test. Mention the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus to those supposedly transformed and the evidence will be clear that they’re anything but transformed. At best, emotional insecurity and selfishness will show up, at worst bitterness, belligerence and blasphemy will show up. Unholy spirits hide themselves masterfully so, in every human being; the only people they can’t hide from are Christians who are being authentically transformed by the Trinity of God.

For the person who says, “How arrogant!” not so. Unless one is transformed by the Trinity of God, he or she is always going to be a victim of, rather than a victor over, no matter whether the circumstances be emotional insecurity, personal selfishness or anything else. The reason people “fly-off-the-handle” is because in some way, shape or form they’ve had their cage rattled. New creations in Christ who’ve been graced with a new outlook, new inlook, new uplook etc, are less likely to do that; they’re made consciously aware of the process of transformation taking place within and they yield to it. When they slip up, they acknowledge such to the Lord then get back into the process. In reality this means, the person I was last year is not the one I am this year and the one I am this year is not the one I’ll be next year.

Transformation is the primary reason why Bible Christians don’t retaliate with abuse and violence when attacked for our stand in Christ. It’s the primary reason why the emotions of fear and panic don’t take us over when the manipulators and the intimidators pounce and when all hell of all kinds break loose around us. For you shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight; for the LORD will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard Isaiah 52:12. Just as that word was God’s promise for Israel in their times of obedience to Him, so it is our promise today for all who choose to obey Him. The Psalmist said it perfectly, The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? Psalm 118:6, cf. Psalm 56:11; Hebrews 13:6. True, man can take physical life, but he can’t take the spiritual.        

The transformed Christian no longer views events of every day life solely from an earthly aspect, but more importantly from a spiritual aspect. That means regardless of what’s happening in the world, good or bad, through spiritual eyes we see God is always in control; nothing slips His attention, all is working out according to His plan. And since the Bible is just under 30% prophetic with much of it being fulfilled in our day, God Almighty is a far safer bet than Nostradamus! I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come Isaiah 46:10. NIV. So when we view the horrors taking place in Israel and the Middle East that have been going on since 1948, we know this is prophecy coming to pass with a lot more just around the corner before the Lord’s earthly return.

The same applies to the present upheavals in the world; its violence, its terror, its evils, its perversions, its inhumanity, its murders, its corruptions, its war, its natural disasters. Once such was applicable to some nations, now its applicable to all. This is exactly what the Bible tells us would happen and will continue to happen right on until the end of the current age. In addition, God’s prophetic word tells us the character of many who will inhabit church pulpits and pews: But know this, that in these last days perilous times will come; for men (people) will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers…… brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong…… having a form of godliness but denying its power….. 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

Yes, the above Scripture speaks specifically of people who will say they are Christians. Repeating what I said at the start of this post: one can never really know what another person is like until that person doesn’t get his or her own way. Well, there we see what a whole bunch of them are like! That’s what becomes of church people when God gives them their own way! None of them have been transformed of course; all those who have, acted on the command of the last part of the above Scripture: And from such people turn away! Transformed Christians know when it’s time to sever themselves from religious pretenders and church hypocrites; the Holy Spirit will make sure of it when we stick close to the Scriptures, making both those and Him our Final Authority.

Lyrics of a Christian song: “And the thing I call discernment is just judgment in disguise.” How can we know when we’re discerning and not judging? My practice has been to turn it in on myself first. What’s my motive? Will this help or hinder? Will it edify or stupefy? Will it draw one to Christ or draw one away from Him? Will it honor Christ or dishonor Him? Above all, I seek to be conscious of this profound truth: the way I treat other people is the way I treat Jesus Christ, even if they are not Christians. Do I always get it right? Not always; it then becomes my obligation to put it right! Having said this, proclaiming truth does offend people; it has done since the days of Old Testament Enoch and Noah. And as has been said before on this blog, Jesus was not killed because He was a liar!

In essence, the reformed person is one who is self-made, the transformed person is one who is Christ-made. The former lives to serve himself, the latter lives to serve the Lord. It is out of the latter that one discovers the true meaning and purpose for life, not the former. That’s why Jesus referred to it as an abundant life; that which abounds – superadded. It’s also an eternal life – God’s life. In other words, it’s a life eternal both in quality and quantity. Is it a trouble-free life? A life of ease? Certainly not. Neither was it for Christ when He was here. But whatever the trouble, whatever the problem, whatever the challenge, the Holy Spirit was with the Lord in them, and He is with us in ours! We are never on our own. Those with spiritual eyes see this clearly; those with earthly eyes struggle to see it.

Whether we accept it or not, it is the transformed Christian who attracts non-believing people to Christ, not the reformed; not the religious, but the real. That’s why I stress, this is reality talk, not religious talk. Religious talk attracts nobody but the religious. It repels just about everyone else, especially in this country, Australia. I make these statements based on 33 years experience of speaking with non-believers; I didn’t get them from some book. Too, transformed Christians will speak with non-believers where they are at, not where religious people want them or expect them to be at. “Come to church,” is not my primary focus, “Come to Jesus,” is. And they will, if they possess a desire to become a new “me.” And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God Romans 12:2.  

© 2018 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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