Death by Suicide Grieves the Heart of God

If online reports are accurate, suicide is the leading cause of death among Australians aged 15 to 44 years. Two or three decades ago this was not the case, so why the change now? One answer today: it was in the 1970’s when the denial of God and all things biblical got a firm foothold in the education system here, from the kindergartens to the universities. Ably helped along by movies and television programs messaging the same denials in one form or another, it became the in thing for the in crowd to do! “God is dead,” they parroted, not because they believed it, but rather, they wanted to believe it! I was one of them.

What did I know about God? The same as the in crowd – nothing! So today, we “know-nothings” are parents and grandparents. If these denials of God and all things biblical have remained the same since those days then the chances are extremely high that we are in agreement with kindergarten to university deniers and have therefore, cemented such denials in our children. For most of them they’ll go through life not greatly affected one way or another, but for others, when things go wrong they’ll lose hope, question life’s meaning, depression will set in followed by despair. As I understand it, these are what drive multitudes of people to suicide, not just in the above age bracket, but beyond it. Sadly, the denial of God and all things biblical will continue to rise, therefore suicide may continue to rise too.

“Death comes to all,” so say those unaffected by suicide. Yes it does, but it is not the will of God that people would bring it on by way of suicide. If they were to acknowledge God and all things biblical instead of denying them, hope would become their joyful experience and the meaning of life for them would begin to unfold. The promise to the Jewish captives in Babylon is the promise for all who will believe God. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope Jeremiah 29:11. Belief is a choice. God doesn’t force it on us, which is the answer to, “Why then does God let a person commit suicide?” Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you shall glorify Me Psalm 50:15.

Perhaps there was a time when some parent and grandparent “know nothings” did know something of God. Perhaps they knew Christmas was a celebration of His earthly birth and that Good Friday and Easter Sunday memorialized His death and resurrection, but that would have been the extent of it. Whether that knowledge came from Roman Catholic or Protestant teaching makes little difference; Jesus Christ in all probability would not have been spoken of as One whose desire it was to be known by them on a personal basis. And so by the time the 1970’s had come and gone, they were more than ready to parrot the denial of God and all things biblical. What is God’s response to that? He calls them fools! The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Psalm 14:1. For good measure, He says it again! Psalm 53:1.

Whilst Communist and Marxist ideologues are the ones largely responsible for the denial of God and all things biblical throughout the globe today, we Bible Christians can’t let ourselves off the hook. Theirs is a dead word, ours is a living word – twice over! In the beginning there was the Word (Jesus Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God John 1:1. Their dead word is a lie, our living word is the truth. Up against God, their dead word is powerless, our living word is powerful. Up against God, their dead word is non-authoritative, our living word is totally authoritative. For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart Hebrews 4:12.

There never has been a word, Communist, Marxist or religious, that can match the living Word of God (Jesus) and the living word of God (the Bible) and, there never will be. All Christian sermonizing and theological belief fails to have the effect God wills and desires for us until we come to terms with that truth and apply it to our lives. Does that mean we’ll then change the world by throwing out the Communists, the Marxists and the religious? No, but it does mean God will place more and more of us alongside people who believe there’s no hope, that life is meaningless and therefore not worth living. It does mean the Holy Spirit will speak through us and convince them they are listening to a demonic spirit of evil that wants to take their life away long years before God wants to take it.

Quite a number of 15 to 44 years old people know about evil spirits, they’ve been harassed by them for years; some experiencing them visually, others “hearing voices in my head,” regularly. They don’t talk about it though, knowing they’ll be mocked, ridiculed and told they are mad. Even some Christians say that, sadly, especially the intellectually and academically certificated among them. Jesus said, The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly John 10:10. Who is the thief? Satan the devil and his demons. These are the powers behind all evil ideologies and practices, not just those of Communism, Marxism and Christ-less religions.

Someone rightfully asks why would demons appear to young children? There’s more than one answer, and the one given here is incomplete too. But given that occultist practices are common and popular among parents or grandparents or guardians, that’s how demons can enter a home. They are unknowingly invited in, but therefore have a legal right to stay, working havoc on whoever, but especially the young and the defenceless. The same applies for those who are or were once associated with Christ-less religions and secret societies. These too are demonically inspired, hence the reason for suicides among multitudes of old people presently or formerly associated with them. Many old widowed ladies are glad to hear “No, you’re not going mad. ” Gladder still are they when they turn to Christ and get them thrown out!

Communist and Marxist ideologues are messengers of death. Anyone who can tell a very young child they are mere accidents of life, that life has no meaning, that there is no such thing as right and wrong and that all truth is relative, is not simply demonically influenced but demonically controlled, even if they’ve never experienced a demon or seen one or heard voices in their head. Talk about child abuse! These devils are up there with religious devils who abuse the minds of children with their false religious doctrines plus the bodies of same with their sexually perverted, pedophiliac practices upon them. I don’t know how many of the latter have terminated their life by suicide in Australia, but worldwide it is in the thousands. God have mercy on them – and I’m sure He does. 

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…… Genesis 1:26. Us and Our represents the Trinity of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Image and likeness speaks of our immaterial being, the human soul – mind, will, intellect, emotion, moral reason and everlasting existence. The animal kingdom was created according to its kind but the model after which human beings were created was God Himself. That’s why the soul is our most vital asset. To pervert, distort, corrupt, abuse, deprave, debase, debauch and poison the soul of a human being made in God’s image is to dehumanize him and her. That’s Satan’s legacy! That’s Charles Darwin’s legacy! That’s Carl Marx’s legacy! Ultimate fools, every one of them!

Apparently for every death by suicide in this country, there are around 30 people who attempt suicide. This is what makes the Gospel of Jesus Christ so vitally important. Only Jesus Christ can fully restore a human soul so severely damaged. Psychiatry can’t do it, psychology can’t do it, medicine can’t do it, man-centered religion can’t do it. Only Jesus Christ can do it; He is the only One capable of offering true, genuine hope and meaning for life because it is His hope and His life He offers in exchange for ours; they’re divine, not human. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; 2 Corinthians 5:17-18.

Did you see it? By grace alone, God Almighty has given the ministry of reconciliation to Christians whom He has divinely equipped to live high above and beyond the denial of God and all things biblical. Yes, we are merely a remnant in this country as in other countries, but we must remind ourselves, it is through remnants that God has done His most effective work, not crowds. Be reminded that Gideon called 32,000 men to the work of God but God Himself had him whittle that number down to 300 men. Nothing has changed. The same principle applies today for all who will believe. All premature death is tragic, but to my mind death by suicide is the most tragic of all. Death by suicide grieves the heart of God. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God 2 Corinthians 5:20. 

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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