“Those who walk by sight, and not by faith, are in danger of losing reason itself…….” Matthew Henry. He was referring to God’s promised curses for disobedience should the Jewish people take that path instead of the path of obedience, which promised great blessings. Had the Jews taken the latter path and made every endeavor under God’s power to maintain obedience, not only would the nation of Israel be different totally today, but so would every nation of upon the earth! Instead of Satan’s kingdom ruling on earth, God’s kingdom would be ruling and we Christians would not be praying,
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven….. Matthew 6:10. If “God’s chosen people” means anything, it certainly means they were chosen by God to be witnesses of His reality to the rest of the world. Not only were they called to be witnesses of that, but also witnesses to the truth of His word and will. Walking by sight and not by faith was the primary reason the Jews failed to discern Jesus Christ as their Messiah, hundreds of years later. He came offering them the kingdom of God and they killed Him for it because by that time they’d lost all reason! The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel Mark 1:15. The offer came again at Pentecost and days following, but once again they rejected it.
Instead of the nation of Israel turning to Christ because of the many miracles done in His name at that time, only a few thousand did so, leaving the disciples and apostles little choice but to by-pass the Jews and take the gospel to the Gentile nations instead. Deuteronomy 28 lists the promised blessings and curses, but for the purposes of this post, the following curse stands out. The LORD will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart Deuteronomy 28:28. The Old Testament gives much witness that this was the fate of Israel before and after Christ, but it’s not only Israel I want to draw our attention to today. The Jews are still God’s chosen people and they will come to acknowledge that at the end of the Great Tribulation with Christ’s return.
Jesus tells us in the gospels that we’re either for Him or against Him Matthew 12:30. In other words, we live under Christ’s rule or we live under Satan’s rule; the kingdom of spiritual light or the kingdom of spiritual darkness. There is no middle ground, no third option. It matters not if we’re in the church or in the world and for any Christians wondering why the church is so spiritually weak, non-influential and powerless in the Western world today, there’s your answer; they are not for Christ they are against Him. If you want to know why we have spiritual cowards in pulpits and spiritual babies in pews, there’s your answer; they’re not under Christ’s rule, they’re under Satan’s rule. This explains why so many church pastors and church people are not the real deal!
One can always tell when a preacher is not the real deal. He or she won’t mention the cross of Christ in their messages. Why not? They don’t want to offend their listeners. To come to the cross of Christ means we deny self, we take up our own cross and follow the Lord Matthew 16:24. Just like the apostle Paul, we will confess, I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me…….. Galatians 2:20. The late David Wilkerson said it perfectly, “God demands more than coming to the cross – He demands going through the cross; and that’s the offence.” It is an offence to most people! If that were not true Christians wouldn’t be persecuted for their loyalty to the Lord Jesus.
Preachers who are not the real deal will avoid persecution like the plague. That’s why they make social issues more important than salvation issues; no fear of anyone being persecuted by taking that path. Choosing the path of least resistance is not restricted to water, electricity and hikers! Fear of persecution and criticism is the reason why most of them remain silent as a door mouse when religious Islamic terrorists blow Coptic Christians and others in the Middle East and Africa into a thousand pieces. These are the same reasons why they bow to Satan’s politically correct crowd, preaching and endorsing their doctrines from hell in their pulpits. That’s one example of how God strikes people with madness and blindness and confusion of heart.
Having said that, it’s my belief God will publicly expose some of these preachers soon, shaming them to their knees. Others will be struck dead! If we think God is going to continue allowing sexually depraved, Scripture-twisters to hold sway in His pulpits, poisoning the hearts and minds of people, we’d better rethink. More than that, we’d better get wise and start taking God and His Scriptures seriously; otherwise we’ll go down with them. And for the Christian who rejects this, you’ll be the first to go down. For the time has come for judgment to begin in the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17. Just as God judged His people, Israel, He’ll judge His people, the church.
And now to those who do not obey the gospel of God – the unbelievers, the God-mockers, the Bible-haters, the Christ-despisers – what will be their end? Only God knows the answer to that, but millions of them have been struck with madness and blindness and confusion of heart. Take our politicians, “news” journalists and reporters for example, who believe Islam is a religion of peace. That’s madness! That’s blindness! That’s confusion of heart! How about man-made climate change advocates among them? Same thing. How about the ones who want to silence all who speak up against their demonic, infantile Leftist/Cultural Marxist/Communist ideologies? Same thing again. One only has to look into their eyes to see they’re devoid of all reason!
“What are they afraid of that they want to shut us down?” That was the question a TV journalist adhering to conservative values asked recently. The fact is they’re afraid of everything. That’s why they label all who don’t agree with them as being homophobic, Islamaphobic, sexist, racist, misogynist, xenophobic or whatever other silly label they can come up with. To elevate themselves they must pull others down. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon,” so “sings” Saul Alinsky in his silly “songbook.” I see too, Alinsky said he would unreservedly choose to go to hell when he died. Why? “Hell would be heaven for me.” That’s madness! That’s blindness! That’s confusion of heart! That’s the ultimate in those. It’s also God’s ultimate judgment upon him!
Look into the eyes of Trump-haters; madness and blindness and confusion of heart running rampant among them. That’s a judgment from God. Once upon a time not too long ago, people with opposite viewpoints could sit or stand and discuss such without any threats of harm coming to them because of disagreements. In the end they would laugh it off, agreeing to disagree. Why is that? For a start, they were not mad! Blind, maybe. Confused, maybe. But not mad! They were not filled with bitterness, rage, anger and hatred, the emotions that drive people to madness if not kept in check. Even the unbelievers once acknowledged these things to be sins, not personality disorders! Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 1 Corinthians 1:20.
More madness and blindness and confusion of heart running rampant in the Western world: ‘Body integrity identity disorder’ referred to also as “amputee identity disorder” – the desire of a person to amputate one or more of his or her perfectly healthy limbs because they believe they’re meant to be disabled. Or, the desire for other forms of disability such as a woman who deliberately blinded herself. Then there is Paraphilic Infantilism, better known as “adult baby syndrome.” Check that out on You Tube. No doubt many there are simply drawing attention to themselves, but even so, madness is what it is; all sense of reason completely gone it would seem. Where there is no vision, the people perish……. Proverbs 29:18.
So, what’s written here is merely a sample of what becomes of one who walks (lives) by sight and not by faith. When the influence of God lessens, the influence of His devil strengthens. And make no mistake, Satan is God’s devil! He only does what God permits him to do. Remember Jesus’ words, “You’re either with Me or you’re against Me.” And to be against the One who shed His blood for us in death so we wouldn’t have to shed ours, that’s most unreasonable. In fact, that’s madness! That’s blindness! That’s confusion of heart! What to do then? Surrender your life to Jesus; avoid the creeping curse of madness and blindness and confusion of heart sweeping the world. I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life John 8:12. God is light and in him there is no darkness at all 1 John 1:5.
© 2017 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
A message that cannot be preached too often!
There are two spirits in the world – the Holy Spirit and the spirit that isn’t of the Father. The Holy Spirit recognizes truth that aligns with the Father’s will.
Demonic spirits consider truth whatever aligns with Satan’s will.
John warns us in this day, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” – 1 John 4:1
People reacting from madness aren’t illogical or ignorant. They’re deluded. One day soon I expect certain theologians to pull out C.S. Lewis’ “The Screwtape Letters” and discover that it speaks truth, not satire.
Thank you, Lynn. My prayer is that they’ll see themselves in that book. Bless you.