Here in Melbourne, Australia, home invasions, car hijackings, armed robberies plus riots at public events are almost daily occurrences it seems. They are certainly every-weekend occurrences and the powers that be are powerless to stop them. And although the politically correct among the powers seem super reluctant to identify the nationalities of the culprits, very rare but courageous members of the news media are frequently identifying them as African, Pacific Island or Middle Eastern youths. Says one member of the public, “Ah, the joys of multiculturalism!”
He continues, “These people are just practicing their culture as we’ve encouraged them to do. After all, aren’t all cultures equally valid with no one culture better than the others? I notice the police are going soft on them too, no doubt to give them time to learn what Australian culture is all about.” The PC crowd defending “the joys of multiculturalism” would no doubt label him a racist and bigot, but the reality is, before this nation was emotionally blackmailed into embracing multiculturalism, home invasions and car hijackings and public riots were non-existent. Too, lawlessness and violence on the scale we’re now seeing it was not the culture of migrants and refugees from earlier days. The value system they possessed was similar to ours.
It’s a value system much maligned, mocked and sneered upon today because of its Judeo/Christian biblical heritage. A respect or reverence for God, the sanctity of human life, a high regard for traditional marriage and family, personal responsibility and compassion for other people – these were the things once valued, until they became slowly but surely devalued, which happened first in the church. That’s right, that’s where the devaluation began around fifty or sixty years ago. That’s the time when God’s people started to view sin less seriously than God does. Yes, they did preach whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them Matthew 7:12 but they tossed away the Foundation it was based upon.
On the surface, multiculturalism sounds harmless enough. The existence of multiple cultural traditions within a single country, what’s wrong with that? There’s nothing wrong with it if that’s all it was limited to. After all, this nation wouldn’t be what it is today were it not for the migrants and refugees of earlier days settling here. But that’s not what multiculturalism is about. Those promoting it don’t value our Judeo/Christian biblical heritage. To my mind, multiculturalism is a sophisticated word for Socialism and Communism. If Sir Winston Churchill were around today he might include it with those godless ideologies: “a philosophy of failure, a creed of ignorance, a gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
Old Testament Israel tossed away the Foundation their truths were based upon too. The result of that being God’s judgment upon them. It took a long time but it came. Of this, Bible Teacher Alva J McClain said, “The well-being of men, not only physically but every other way, is morally and spiritually conditioned by a principle confirmed by divinely imposed sanctions. Now this principle holds good generally in all nations in every age. But its operation has often been obscured to human eyes by the time “lag” between the moral breach and the infliction of the sanction. While it is always true that the nation which has sown the wind shall also certainly reap the whirlwind Hosea 8:7, the harvest is generally and mercifully long delayed.” 2 Peter 3:9.
Continuing: “For this very reason men often fail to see the causal connection. Further more, in the general history of nations, the divine penalties are inflicted through secondary causes behind the veil of providential control Jeremiah 51:28-30. For these reasons, says brother McClain, the skeptical have been able to question the existence of any divinely ordained moral government in human history, and the Lord’s own people at times have been greatly troubled and perplexed by the problem.” Habakkuk 1:1-4. Right now in this town, Politicians, Police, Media and Community leaders of all kinds are “troubled and perplexed by the problem” these young criminals are inflicting upon society but they’re not looking God’s way for the cause or the solution!
Some of us are old enough to remember the days when one could go to sleep at night leaving the doors and windows of the home unlocked. There was never a fear of anyone entering, let alone invading it! Same with motor vehicles; the key could sit in the ignition for days and weeks on end without a thought that anyone would steal it. Next to no armed robberies; certainly no public rioting as in other nations. One could walk the streets day or night without fear of being raped, bashed, maimed or murdered. When you tell young people that today they find it hard to believe. But speak with those who lived during that time and they find it hard to believe a society could deteriorate to the level it has. “Who’d have thought?” they ask.
Not everyone in society back then lived strictly according to our Judeo/Christian biblical value system but they benefited from those who did. In other words, people coming under God’s salvation grace were the cause of so many around them coming under God’s common grace. The blessings of God rubbed off! That’s why the latter lived by a stricter moral code at that time than the same kind of people do in this time. God’s Ten Commandments had a certain meaning for them which in turn gave them a greater motivation to respect society’s civil laws. But with that generation gradually dying off, the devaluation of God’s word increased. Sin is now called any other name but sin and so, what was once a church morphed into a religious institution.
So what can the powers that be not looking God’s way for the cause or the solution to the problem we have here in Melbourne do? Not a lot, sad to say. They’ll make tougher laws, propose tougher jail sentences and the like, but it won’t make a lot of difference. Lawlessness and violence is part and parcel of the culture of these young criminals. What do they care? And, when a Nation, State, City, Town or District fails to take a stand and value its own culture, lawlessness and violence will eventually fill the gap. Advocates of multiculturalism don’t see that. In any case, it takes wisdom to see it. And here’s the great failure of those church leaders of yesteryear. When they tossed away the Foundation, they tossed away His wisdom too!
When church leaders abandon their obligation to preach according to our Judeo /Christian biblical value system, they not only fail the church, they fail society. They’re not the salt of the earth. They’re not the light of the world Matthew 5:13-14. And especially is this the case with the media darlings among them. That’s why all their PC talk often fails to impress even PC audiences they get to speak to. The latter will never admit it to their peers, but many are looking for something more concrete than that from a church leader. They’re well aware they could be the next home invasion or car hijacking or armed robbery victim. They too need to know that the angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them Proverbs 34:7.
The greatest witness a fear-ridden society can have to the reality of the God of Judeo /Christian biblical values, is that of Holy Spirit-empowered, Jesus Christ-centered, Bible-based people among them. Again, the fear-ridden will not admit that openly but they watch their every action and reaction when things go wrong in society or the world in general. One way or another, such Christians leave their mark upon them; the Holy Spirit makes sure this is so. The truth that these are the salt of the earth and the light of the world at such times will be denied outwardly by the fear-ridden, but not inwardly – especially when left alone with their thoughts as they toss and turn in their bed at 3 o’clock in the morning!
However, please take note: If Scripture is anything to go on (and it certainly is!) lawlessness and violence will get worse everywhere, not better. Now the PC crowd and multicultural advocates don’t believe that of course, but neither do lots of Christian leaders. Nevertheless, 2 Timothy 3:1-5 makes it quite clear what to expect. Read the passage and study it. Why? Because it speaks of what’s coming to the last days church. If these are the people we can expect to see in the church, then God help society! Upon reading the passage one might rightly ask how could people behaving like that ever be part of a church? Well, they tossed away the Foundation – Jesus Christ. And when churches do that, anything is likely to happen! For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 3:13.
© 2017 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
If only we could turn the clocks back, but we can’t. So, we somehow must confront the age we live in NOW.
True, Larry. On our knees first, then up and at it! Thanks and God bless.