Spiritually Asleep Christians

If you say to the average Christian, “The devil knows his time is short,” they’ll nod their head and agree. Some won’t be able to tell you exactly where it says that in Scripture, but they will agree nevertheless. But then if you should ask them what does that mean for them and the church in general, I doubt their answer will be, “It means our time is short too!” Yet that’s the reality and I would to God everyone who names the name of Christ acknowledge that fact. To believe that the devil’s time is short should mean we fully believe we’re in the last hour of human history as we know it, right now.

A fellow brother in Christ was recently telling me why we should all be “doing what we can in looking after the planet.” When sharing with him my greater concern, the Lord Jesus’ return to “the planet” to remove the church, he asked with skepticism, “And when will that be, Roger?” He might say the devil’s time is short but I’m not convinced he would say the same about his own time. Now, I haven’t said that as an attack on him or any other Christian whose concern it is for looking after the planet. But the greater concern I have is the lack of expectation among Christians of Jesus’ return for the church, which is always imminent. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not expect Him Matthew 24:44.

Probably the above Scripture speaks of Jesus’ physical return to earth rather than the rapture of the church, so all the more reason for us to be in expectation of the rapture because it takes place beforehand in any case. For the reader who disagrees, if I’m wrong it doesn’t matter. The issue is, how prepared are you to meet the Lord Jesus face to face should that happen in 10 seconds time – whether by rapture or your death? For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air…….. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. 

Sad it is that the post-Tribulation return of Jesus to earth to set up the Kingdom of God is mocked by unbelieving scoffers by the millions 2 Peter 3:1-9. But sadder for me is the fact that many Christians, whilst they may not scoff at the pre-Tribulation rapture teaching (some do), they are skeptical of such. Why so? Because their leaders are skeptical of it and therefore don’t preach it let alone teach it! That’s why the church is spiritually asleep to the truth that the last days the apostle Peter speaks of are these days! “Every Christian in every generation has believed Jesus was coming back during their lifetime; even the apostles believed it.” That’s one common excuse Christians will use so as not to look into what the Bible teaches about the last days or end times.

Evidence that the church is spiritually asleep in these last days is everywhere to be seen for Christians spiritually awake. Take a look at how many churches have climbed into bed with the LGBT crowd. Take a look at what they’re doing with the Muslims and other Christ-despising religious institutions, bringing them into “fellowship” with themselves. It’s my belief that some of these church leaders know exactly what they’re doing. Satan has his willing false apostles and deceitful workers 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, standing in pulpits in countries all over the world now – Marxists and Communists, Scripture-twisters and truth-haters galore! I don’t grieve for them but I do grieve for the multitudes of passive pew-sitters being doctrinally poisoned by them.

Take a look at the spiritually asleep Christians who protested against the 7-country temporary immigration ban US President Trump undertook for the safety of the people of America. Scripturally ignorant, most of them! Misquoting and misusing Scriptures to support misguided beliefs, plus ungodly behavior in some cases. [Important note: Not every Christian with concerns about the ban fits the “asleep” category, but in their quoting of Scripture to support their argument they fail to quote all that God says about “the foreigner residing among you.” In other words, they may quote the promise from God regarding the foreigner, but overlook the need to check the conditions from God to inherit the promise – adherence to a nation’s rule of law, for example.]

But now take a look at the spiritually asleep Christians who are elated with the judges who overruled the President’s Executive Order on that matter. Overcome evil with good, they shout from Romans 12:21. But never will you hear them shout the important versus that immediately follow that one: Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities…….. the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God…….. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil…….. Romans 13:1-3. Unless governing authorities command us as Christians to go against the holy word of God, civil disobedience is, as well, divine disobedience. It’s unwise to fight God, spiritually asleep or awake!

“Don’t get too focused on the end times,” so say many church leaders whose sole focus is on “building the church – saving souls for the kingdom, amen?” Whose kingdom? If they answer, “God’s kingdom,” then all the more reason for us to get focused on the end times. After all, wouldn’t that be part of the great message God would have us tell the people listening to our gospel? They most certainly need to know, “The time is short.” Yes, leaders will say from their pulpits, “Jesus is coming again,” but it’s a rare one who says it with any deep, Holy Spirit-powered conviction. That’s why much of the church looks at what’s going on over in Israel and the Middle East, yet falls asleep spiritually as God’s prophetic end-time clock steadfastly clicks towards midnight.

Society’s disrespect for law and order is a sign of the last days. Most Christians have heard it preached, But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men (people) will be lovers of themselves…… 2 Timothy 3:1-5. Even the spiritually dead can see that, if you can get them to shift their attention from their cell phones and their backsides from their televisions for two minutes! Take a look at their obsession for “selfies” – what’s that if it’s not proof they’re lovers of themselves. Every generation has been a me-generation but never has there been a generation like this one. Lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unforgiving. All on display; no wonder the disrespect for law and order.

But this paragraph explains the real reason for the one written directly above. Spiritually asleep Christians are caught up in the same disrespect for society’s law and order. They think nothing of driving over speed limits, not stopping at stop signs and running red lights when driving, they talk and text on their cell phones while driving. Like those above they will arrive late for work and leave early from work. But the first thing many of them will do when discussing these last days of lawlessness is point their finger outward at “the idiots” and say something similar to, “That’s what happens to a society when the church is not relevant to it.” The statement is true, of course, but then the question to ask is, why is the church not relevant to it?

Answer: Jesus Christ is nowhere to be seen in the lives of many Christians associated with it. He might get spoken about in there but it’s anyone’s guess as to whether it’s the biblical Jesus they’re referring to or if it’s another Jesus 1 Corinthians 11:4. My guess is it’s the latter, not the former, so therein lies the biggest problem society has – no light in the church means no light in society. You are the light of the world Matthew 5:14. The truth of that Scripture is rooted in reality, never in religiosity. And so, the moment spiritually asleep Christians step back out into society and back into the workplace or into the local club of whatever kind, a minimum of thought will be given to God and the Bible until the next Sunday, unless there’s a crisis of some sort in the meantime.

Satan the devil knows that he has a short time Revelation 12:12. He doesn’t know how short and neither do we; only God knows. But in observing his vile, multi-layered tactics plus the rapid spread of them all at once into every nation of the Western world, it is imperative for spiritually asleep Christians to wake up and get close and serious with Jesus the Lord. Failing to do so doesn’t mean loss of salvation but it does mean loss of rewards at the judgment seat of Christ and what a tragedy that would be. God has given us everything we need to serve Him and if opportunities for such can’t be found in a local church because of another Jesus in there, the biblical Jesus will make it a reality outside of it. Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me Luke 9:23.

© 2017 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet www.radiorevelations.com Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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