For many years now it has been my regular prayer to come against demonic spirits of lawlessness, stupidity, blasphemy and profanity, plus foul and unclean spirits. When first discovering the reality of the demonic realm and the need for Christians to engage in spiritual warfare over it, these are among some I identified as having the strongest influence over me before I came to Jesus Christ and would continue doing so if I failed to war against them. Later when taking the gospel of Christ onto the streets of my community they were among the spirits I took authority over before speaking to unbelievers.
Fast forward to the riots and “protests” of 2 weekends ago during President Trump’s Inauguration and once again, those are the spirits I discerned leading the charge over the many hundreds of thousands of misguided and gullible people, not only in the USA but all over the world. What other way is there of explaining the boast of a baby-face young kid in Washington DC called Connor, who proudly admitted to torching a motor vehicle, “I actually kind of started this fire.” When asked why, he responded, “Because I felt like it and because I’m just saying screw our President.” Where did that come from? How about the dirty long-haired “man” who spat into the face of a policeman at the same event? What’s that if not the spirit of lawlessness?
As for foul and unclean spirits, well, women demonstrating across the world the following day gave plenty of evidence that these are alive and sick today. I won’t mention the manner of it on this post but it’s there on the Internet for anyone wanting to search it out. When people willingly forfeit their dignity it is never too long before they’ll willingly forfeit anything else and that’s when stupidity begins to get its grip. Check out the spirit of stupidity manifesting itself in these women, on the Internet. If you’re a Bible Christian you won’t laugh, you’ll cry – inwardly at least. Too, you’ll see it as a result of much that has been passed to them from Satan’s “celebrities” of Television and Hollywood fame.
Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.” So declares Communist Goals 24-26, openly published at least 60 years ago and probably much earlier, but certainly heavily promoted to the western world in the last forty years or so through Socialist Communist-influenced Governments and Universities. And so effective was the promotion of these through former President Obama and his Administration, today’s millennials and others are clueless as to the demonic spirits now trapping them.
Demonic spirits of lawlessness, stupidity, blasphemy and profanity, plus foul and unclean spirits, not only do they control the protesters, they control the global elitists – the Establishment, the so-called movers and shakers – call them what you will. For this post, let’s call them Satan’s deceived despots. There’s no hope for this cabal of criminals; God has seen to it that this is so. Their souls are damned to hell while they stand on their feet! Anyone doubting such, you can read all about them in Romans 1:18-28; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; Revelation 21:8. Each sold their soul to Satan long years ago and there’s no coming back from it. How do we know this? Their agenda for the world is diametrically opposed in every way to God’s agenda for it.
With the swearing in of Donald Trump as US President, it would seem their agenda has been forced to go on hold. For those with spiritual eyes, it is evidence that the biblical Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ, is in control of the world and its people, not Satan’s deceived despots, but not President Trump either. For God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts another Psalm 75:7; He removes kings and raises up kings Daniel 2: 21. Some Christians view the Trump Presidency as God’s reprieve on the nations for the sake of the gospel; others see it as God about to advance the Israeli prophetic time- clock. Perhaps it’s both. In any case, the fact that the name of Jesus was invoked numerous times at the Inauguration is evidence that God’s hand is on the President.
On the other hand, the legions of Trump haters, truth haters and protesters across the world is evidence that Satan knows this to be so too. There is no other explanation for the riots and “protesters” gathering simultaneously throughout the nations. Yes the machinations for it all came from the head honcho of the cabal, but he’s Satan’s number one deceived despot, big time! The good news though; both he and many of his cronies, they’re so old now they’ll be dead by the time the Trump era comes to its completion. They won’t get to see their one-world agenda get kick-started again. That “privilege” will be granted to a new lot of Satan’s deceived despots. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away James 4:14.
Somebody asks, “What sort of a Christian are you? Where’s your love?” Those with the mind of Christ see Satan’s deceived despots as He does. God hates all workers of iniquity Psalm 5:5. The LORD hates…… a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies…… Proverbs 6:16-19. It is certainly true, God is love 1 John 4:8, but such love is not extended to those who willfully hate Him and His Son Jesus and the Bible, nor does His love extend to those who seek to bring down the Jews, the nation of Israel and the church of Jesus Christ. The despots I speak of here are tyrants; they have a dictatorial, totalitarian, demonic mindset and they love it as so.
Now, as lawless, stupid, blasphemous, profane, foul and unclean as they are, the Trump haters, truth haters and protesters are not despotic, they’re simply deceived. The lies, half-truths and doctrines they’ve been fed from Satan’s deceived despots is all they’ve ever known since birth. On a much smaller scale, they remind me of religious people who all their life have been associated with false religions and cults. Tell them the truth of Jesus and His gospel in the correct biblical context and they’ll want to spit on you and rip you apart too. In a group setting they would do it in a flash if they thought they could get away with it and I don’t speak from mere opinion and theory here. There’s nothing like truth to rattle one’s cage!
If it’s true that God has given a reprieve on the nations for the sake of the gospel then then we as individual Christians have no time to lose. These people are our mission field. Now is the time to get close to God and let Him deal with any lawlessness, stupidity, blasphemy, profanity, foul and uncleanness that we’ve allowed Satan to trap us with, especially by way of Television and the Internet. We must be clean before God or something unholy will show up that turns them away. These people will make all sorts of excuses for their own phony beliefs and behavior but they’ll tolerate none from us. Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment, and cause it to give off a foul odor; so does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor Ecclesiastes 10:1.
With countless posts on this blog I have said it is not religion people are looking for, it is reality. And increased measures of reality will only show up as a witness for others when we decide to become totally intolerant of any known unreality within us. This is why the Holy Spirit has been given. We must allow Him to bring the conviction and the deliverance if it shows up. We can’t talk to others about the forgiveness, the love, the joy, the power, the freedom and the liberty that results from embracing Jesus and the gospel if it’s not obvious to a person that this is what we have, this is what we live. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit Galatians 5:24-25.
Speaking of reality, most Trump haters, truth haters and protesters are on their way to hell and sadly, they’ll get there. That’s just the way it is. God will demonstrate His mercy by sending some to us to hear the gospel and whilst some will respond in humility and repentance, avoiding hell, others will not. God won’t overrule their decision so neither should we. In other words, it’s not wise to force the gospel onto them. In all mercy, take it or leave it was Jesus’ approach, so that must be our approach too. We are simply the messengers of the Lord and if we know we’ve been faithful to the message, we can leave the outcome with God and rest quietly. As for Satan’s deceived despots, don’t waste your prayer or lose your peace over them. When the wicked spring up like grass, and when all the workers of iniquity flourish, it is that they may be destroyed forever Psalm 92:7.
© 2017 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
“…Satan’s deceived despots…”
Marx and Lenin referred to them as “useful idiots.”
Yes, Larry … Islam thinks the same. Thanks.