The Words of Eternal Life

Fear not.” “Be not afraid.” “You shall not be afraid.” “You shall not fear.” We see those encouraging phrases expressed by the LORD God Almighty many times over in the Bible. Whilst some say there’s one for every day of the year, I didn’t find that to be the reality in correct context from the Authorized KJV and Strong’s Concordance. But I didn’t find it to matter either. What matters to me is God said it – all glory to Him! What also matters to me too though is the following quote: “Fear makes compromisers out of people, courage causes people to stand firm.” – John MacArthur.   

The context of his statement was made in relation to obedience to God. As a body of born-again believers in Jesus Christ, it’s my prayer God the Holy Spirit quickly convicts us the moment we’re tempted to disobedience, for if we ignore the conviction long enough, fear will come knocking, we’ll open the door, it’ll walk in and compromise to the word of God will then become the name of the game. We might still go to church saying and doing all the right things, working overtime at looking the part but the fire we once had for the Lord is out and others know it. Yes, Scriptures such as For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind 2 Timothy 1:7, stay in the head but they go from the heart.

On the other hand, as a gospel messenger on the streets of my community years ago, it was not uncommon to be standing at someone’s doorstep and hear him/her say, “I used to be a believer once,” or “I used to attend church and do Bible studies.” The odd person had even spent time in ministry – deacon, elder, song leader etc. When asked what stopped them from continuing on, a range of reasons were given: marriage, divorce, University studies, career change or promotion, church closure or church split, change of location, sickness and death. It was a rare person among them who failed to express some kind of guilt for their actions and decisions, and wherever guilt shows up, fear hides in the shadows. Compromising God guarantees it.

Although those people permitted me to pray for them (some even inviting me into their home) I don’t know what happened to them in the end. I’m glad I didn’t judge them however, because after three and a half years on those streets my own “opportunity” to compromise came along. That’s what many people in the church we were committed to, gradually did, so the Holy Spirit left the place. Reality got the shove in preference for religiosity and for a large part that’s what’s going on there today. I have no desire to gloat though; were it not for the compassion and mercy of God plus the desire that He placed within me for Himself, I would be among them today. Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life John 6:68. Praise God for Simon Peter!

True, fear was later to temporarily ensnare Peter causing him to be a compromiser, but it was the words of eternal life that delivered him from it. Too, it was his proclamation of the words of eternal life that got him arrested and imprisoned and it was his obedience to the words of eternal life that got him released. Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life Acts 5:20. Earlier, it was the words of eternal life that empowered him, filling him with boldness and the courage to stand firm against the authorities who commanded him not to teach in the name of Jesus. Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard Acts 4:19-20.

It was the words of eternal life that caused courageous Peter and the other disciples to boldly declare to Christ’s enemies and Satan’s allies, We ought to obey God rather than men Acts 5:29. The good news: Jesus tells each one of us who confess Him as Lord and Savior, “You too have the words of eternal life.” He does. Based on everything we read in the Gospel of John about abiding in Him and He abiding in us, we can come to no other conclusion. It’s my prayer today that the Spirit of God let this reality sink deep down into the heart of every individual believer. I say every “individual” believer because unless the Lord returns soon for the church, it will be individual believers that Satan’s bullies will go after.

No doubt he’ll go after churches, fellowships and groups but it’s unwise to rely on the collective. Many within whom we firmly believe are born-again are not, so they’ll cave in, walk away and run away when the pressures come and that will leave true believers devastated. Included in the cavers, walkers and runners will be leaders. “We will obey men rather than God,” may not be expressed from the lips of these people but that will be the reality; it already is. The only difference being they haven’t walked or ran as yet. One other reason why it’s not wise to rely on the collective; it might get split up with some getting imprisoned, others getting killed and you’re the only one left. The fact that you know you have the words of eternal life will be your grand comfort then.

In any case, coupled with guilt within, fear within is a major reason why a non-believer’s life falls way short of what he/she knows it ought to be. During those few years of door-knocking on the streets of my community, guilt and fear within was evident in most people and admitted by many others. So bad was it for some, they’d compromise their values at the drop of a hat! Nothing’s changed – guilt-ridden, fear-ridden humanity is still with us, only it manifests itself openly now, not behind closed doors as was mostly the case back then. Today if I was out there my message would be, “I have the words of eternal life! Do you want them too?” True, the majority would think I’m mad and get away quickly from me, but that’s what the majority does!

Our concern though shouldn’t be with the majority, but rather, the minority. If the majority ran from Jesus when He was here, we can expect it to be no different while we’re here. Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it Matthew 7:14. That’s a timeless truth we must come to terms with in this age of grace. Things may change during the age of judgment and wrath in the Great Tribulation, should that happen in our time, but we won’t be here. Perhaps it will be those who heard the words of eternal life from us in this age that will embrace them in that age and who go on to lead others to embrace them too.We do know multitudes during that awful horror will turn to the Lord Jesus Christ Revelation 7:9-10.

The Lord’s prayer to God the Father: You have given Him (Jesus) authority over all flesh (people), that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You sent John 17:2-3. For the benefit of newly born-again believers, there’s the key to what’s being said in this post. We are the only people throughout the entire world who can rightly say we know God the Father and Jesus Christ whom He sent. “God and I are great buddies,” we sometimes hear people say. Not so, if they’re not born-again. And, if they are born-again they’ll discover God is not their great buddy either; they’ll discover He is the Great I AM!

Reverence, respect and awe is what they’ll discover. The same applies to Jesus. “Jesus is my best buddy,” we hear from time and time – even from ministers in pulpits. I suggest any Christian holding that notion will be among the first to compromise the Lord and bow to Satan’s bullies when and if the pressures truly come to the church. He or she may believe they’re in sound possession of the words of eternal life, but that belief will be tested for its soundness for certain. Yes, it’s true, Jesus is our Friend, but only if we do what He commands us to do John 15:14-15. Besides, “buddies” don’t command. But even if they did we wouldn’t obey them! I believe it’s this thinking that causes Christians to disobey the Lord. No wonder “fear makes compromisers out of people.”

“Courage causes people to stand firm,” says brother MacArthur. He ought to know! Were it not for his commitment to the words of eternal life he possesses in his heart, he would have caved into fear and compromise many decades ago. So there’s another key – commitment to those words is what gives courage; the Trinity of God makes sure of it. We speak for Them; They speak for us. We stand with Them; They stand with us – and nothing Satan’s bullies throw at us will cause us to be moved. All power and glory to the Great I AM whose name is Jesus! Encouragement for us all: “Fear not” “Be not afraid.” “You shall not be afraid.” “You shall not fear.” I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say Exodus 4:12. It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life John 6:63. 

© 2016 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. ” Yes, it’s true, Jesus is our Friend, but only if we do what He commands us to do John 15:14-15…”

    During the last twenty or so years, God’s love hard been emphasized by the Church, but little has been said about His requirements of obeying His commandments. The two go hand in hand. God bless you.

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