He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first John 8:7. These words of Jesus were the first to come to mind when hearing and reading comments from the many self-righteous wolves ripping and tearing into Donald Trump for his sexual remarks about women that he made to someone as a private citizen in a private conversation eleven years ago. After Jesus’ words came those of an old song from country singer, Hank Williams – “A tongue can accuse and carry bad news, the seeds of distrust it will sow. But unless you’ve made no mistakes in your life, be careful of stones that you throw.” B Dodd. That’s right! We’d better be careful, each one of us.
“He’s not fit to be President” they say. “He’s a sexual predator and a pervert,” they say. “A man of bad character,” they say. “Disgusting, at his sexist, misogynist worst,” the say. “Makes me sick to my stomach,” they say. Who are “they”? These are the hypocrites Jesus doesn’t hesitate to go after. Judge not that you be not judged…….. Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye Matthew 7:1-5. They are hypocrites too. They condone sexual perversion themselves – and murder, even if they do call it same-sex marriage and abortion! True, they may not practice these personally, but while they condone them, hypocrite is the charge from Jesus.
Somebody says, “You’re a hypocrite too. You’re judging them.” Not so. They judge themselves; I’m simply looking at the fruits of their beliefs and actions. You will know them by their fruits…… Therefore by their fruits you will know them Matthew 7:16, 20. Character is successfully tested by its fruits whether it be that of false prophets or false people! The way Jesus sees it, these hypocrites are judging Trump by one standard and themselves by another standard. And as is typical of human nature, they’re far more lenient on themselves than on him. “Whatever I might have said and done, I would never say and do that!” That’s their twisted thinking. It’s the twisted thinking of all desperately wicked hearts.
Something else about these people: Most are not upset with Trump; they simply want to be seen as upset. They’re frightened of what others will say of them should they not say something. They’re make-believe outraged. Showy and pretentious, pseudo and cowardly, fraudulent and self-righteous. How’s that for desperately wicked hearts?! They confirm God’s word, The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9. If they were truly upset about Trump they would say it, but then publicly declare they were praying for him, upholding him before God, like his Christian running mate is doing. Question: Which one of these people would you want in the trenches with you? Trump, or that self-righteous crowd?
When Jesus told the hypocrites of that day, He who is without sin…… it’s a fair bet that they were adulterers themselves. Some in the act itself perhaps, and others in their thoughts. I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind……… Jeremiah 17:10. Too, I’m very sure they were relieved that Jesus didn’t point his finger at them declaring, “You!” These make-believe outraged hypocrites had better be careful. If they are willing to publicly and unashamedly throw Donald Trump’s sins in his face, Jesus Christ may publicly and unashamedly throw theirs in their face in the very near future. And with the same measure (of judgment) you use, it will be measured back to you Matthew 7:2.
To avoid glossing over the above Scripture, let’s note these serious statements. “So we may, as it were, choose for ourselves, whether God shall be severe or merciful to us. God and man will favor the candid and benevolent: but they must expect judgment without mercy, who have showed no mercy.” – John Wesley. “The judging of those that judge others is according to the law of retaliation.” – Matthew Henry. “According to the teaching of some rabbis in Jesus’ time, God had two measures that He used to judge people. One was a measure of justice and the other was a measure of mercy. Which measure do you want God to use with you? Then you should use that same measure with others.” – David Guzick.
One more serious statement: “He who is severe on others will naturally excite their severity against himself. The censures and calumnies which we have suffered are probably the just reward of those which we have dealt out to others.” – Adam Clarke. None of this is Satan’s godless karma being referred to here, which is rooted in paganism, but it is in reference to the Golden Rule which hypocrites take delight in quoting but not doing. Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them……… Matthew 7:12. There’s not a person in the entire world who wants another person to harm them, yet when it comes to the harming of others no such concern exists; which goes to show just how blind human nature is when Christ’s Holy Spirit is not ruling within us.
Given that a large bulk of these make-believe outraged hypocrites are women dumping on Donald Trump, the question many ask is how many of them have read or possess the book “50 Shades of Grey”? The Internet shows us that about 125 million copies have been sold to date, not to speak of the movie which has grossed into the hundreds of millions of dollars. “That’s different,” says the perverted heart, the lustful heart, the deceived heart, the selfish heart, the self-righteous heart and again, the desperately wicked heart. But the Judge of all hearts, the Lord God Almighty whose name is Jesus Christ says, “It’s no different.” For there is nothing covered, that will not be revealed; nor hidden that will not be known Luke 12:2.
“So then,” someone asks, “What have you got to say about Trump’s vileness and lewdness?” My answer: “Not a lot.” As an unbeliever that was my heart too, even if not the acts. My heart was desperately wicked just as yours is – or was. I’m praying for the man, upholding him before God that he would experience God’s reality and mercy, not judgment. When I think of the filth, the vileness and the lewdness that came spewing out from within my heart before Jesus came into it back in June 1985, I marvel at such a merciful God. Something else about Donald Trump: At least he’s not in denial over it. Says Trump, “I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize….. I’ve said some foolish things….” God can work on that. The same cannot be said for his opponent/s.
So now, let me put the question back on you. What have you got to say about Mr Trump’s behavior? Be careful how you answer. I would much rather you receive God’s mercy than His judgment whether you’re a believer or an unbeliever. If the Bible teaches us anything, it is that there’s nothing good or righteous about the nature and character of any one of us until God gets a hold of us. Until that should happen, in God’s eyes we are all polluted and defiled; the very best we do is filthy! But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags Isaiah 64:6. There’s no doubt in my mind, the one who publicly admits their sins is closer to receiving the robe of righteousness from Christ than the one who publicly denies them Isaiah 61:10.
I am not a Democrat or a Republican, I’m a Christian. I embrace the Judeo/Christian value system. Neither do I live in the USA, so politics is not my issue here, truth is. And, I don’t know the level of truth that Donald Trump possesses or values. What I do know though, truth is not important to these make-believe outraged hypocrites. None of them stands for the biblical Jesus Christ who declares, The truth shall make you free John 8:32. If truth was important to them (especially the so-called Republicans) they would chastise him for his foolishness then pray for him, not rip and tear him to pieces. People who rip and tear others to pieces demonstrate that they’re in demonic bondage. They need to get released; otherwise it will slowly but surely kill them.
And now a word of encouragement to all women who have been sexually exploited, molested and raped and you are genuinely outraged. God grieves for you and so do I. You ask, “Well where was God when I needed Him?” I don’t know. But He is here for you now. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, and to preach deliverance to the captives Luke 4:18. Jesus specializes in healing broken hearts and delivering captives from their prisons, especially mental and spiritual prisons. But He can do nothing for you until you permit Him to. I pray you’ll permit Him right now. Too, avoid all influences from make-believe outraged hypocrites. They are poison to your soul. For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he gain much, if God takes away his life? Will God hear his cry when trouble comes upon him? Job 27:10-11.
© 2016 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.