In relation to the slaughter in Paris, France, Friday November 13, 2015 – “This time it’s war,” so say that nation’s media people. “This does look like a war,” so say the politicians of other nations. “It’s always been a war,” so say Muslims and so say Holy Spirit-led Christians. The one grand difference between us though is the kind of war we are involved in. Their war is against flesh and blood; our war is against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places Ephesians 6:12. In other words, this war is spiritual in nature, not physical. So who’s going to win? Jesus Christ; He already has won, in fact.
True Koran-believing Muslims believe they will conquer the world for Muhammad and Allah – that’s their mission. True Bible-believing Christians believe that won’t happen and everyone will know it when Jesus sets His feet back down on the Mount of Olives at the end of the Great Tribulation – that’s our message! Zechariah 14:4; Matthew 24:29-31. Having said that, I pity the plight of the politically correct, filled-with-fear non-Muslim people who have chosen to overlook the mission of Islam and reject the message of Christianity. When the next bullets start flying, bombs start blowing and knives start cutting (and the next, and the next), the level of divine protection for them can be expected to be no better than what it was for the victims of Paris.
Am I saying it was only non-Christians who died or were injured in that slaughter? No, but those who were or are Christians, Almighty God, whose name is Jesus is with them. The same cannot be said for the others. What about any who prayed to Almighty God before they died or were injured, did God answer their prayer? Probably, it depends on whether they saw themselves as sinners about to face a holy and righteous God or if they simply wanted escape from death or serious injury. In other words, did they see themselves as unrighteous or self-righteous? Most people die the way they lived – godless, Christless. The Lord is far from the wicked (morally wrong, condemned, guilty, ungodly), but He hears the prayer of the righteous Proverbs 15:29.
The glorious promise, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble Psalm 46:1, is for the repentant sinner only, not for those fearful of death only. That’s what the Lord is far from the wicked means; far from His favor, far from His assistance and good will, far from hearing and responding to desperate situations. Those who keep God at a distance an entire lifetime will experience God keeping His distance from them in death. “God never answered any of my prayers so I gave up,” said many to me when doing street ministry. The reason why was evident; God was far from them because repentance was not at all on their agenda. One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination Proverbs 28:9.
Calls of prayer for France and the victims came from everywhere, including religious people who have long made it clear they reject the Christian gospel and Judeo-Christian values. What’s God’s response to that? The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord……, Proverbs 15:8. “Even the most sedulous attendance on the ordinances of God, and performance of the ceremonies of religion, is an abomination to the Lord, if the heart be not right with him, and the observance do not flow from a principle of pure devotion. No religious acts will do in place of holiness to the Lord.” – Adam Clarke. It doesn’t get more serious than that. But the good news, that Scripture also says, But the prayer of the upright is His delight. It makes good sense to get a holy heart!
Not everyone wanted prayer for France. On “social” media: “Friends from the whole world, thank you for #PrayForParis, but we don’t want more religion! Our faith goes to music! Kisses! Life! Champagne and Joy! #Paris is about life.” Really? I wonder how the victims feel about that! Another: No don’t #PrayforParis. Talk. Reason. Understand. Terrorists pray. Good people think.” Yes, and don’t the terrorists just love such “good people” – no war there; no freedom either! And another: “It is those who believe a sky pixie is in charge who are responsible. Lobby government, not God.” Now that’s a true socialist! Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord; though they join forces, they will not go unpunished Proverbs 16:5.
It doesn’t give me any joy to quote the abomination Scriptures; it gives God no joy either. If it did, we can be very sure there would be no John 3:16, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. If only the proud would humble themselves and give serious thought to what God wants that Scripture to mean for them personally. “Where was God in all this?” they ask of the tragedy in France. The reality is, He was in it 2000 years ago when He entered the world as a Man and died on a Roman cross for all the sins of the world, past present and future! A more honest question to ask is, “Why am I refusing to believe God is the solution, not the problem?”
An Online Dictionary describes prayer as: ‘The act of making a reverent petition to God, a god, or another object of worship.’ In other words, pick the god you fancy and petition him. No wonder there’s no answer to prayer for most people. Prayer is not simply an act making petitions, it is making conversation with God; prayer is relational, not ritual. Through our relationship with Jesus, we know God, He knows us. That’s why Jesus gave specific instructions on prayer: we pray to God the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit: one God in substance and purpose, revealed in three Persons. For there are three who bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one 1 John 5:7-8.
The three in one God is known by Christians as the holy Trinity. What is less known by people, there’s also an unholy trinity: religion, politics and control. These too are spiritual in nature, hence our war being against principalities, against powers etc. etc. Religions not under the control of holy Trinity come under the control of the unholy trinity and no greater evidence does the discerning person have of that, than Islam. We are the only one’s who can see that however, that’s why everybody else is bowing to their religion, playing politics with them and being controlled by them regardless. So when it comes to prayer warfare, we stand against those spirits in Jesus name, asking God to lift the spiritual blindness from people trapped by them Ephesians 6:10-20.
We’re asking God to reveal the holy Trinity to them instead. And whilst there is little evidence that the world’s politicians are beneficiaries of our prayer, Muslims are. In the Middle East as well as elsewhere, they are committing their lives to Jesus Christ in droves. The gospel of Christ is being preached to them, the Bible is being read by them and not only that, Jesus is revealing Himself to them through dreams and visions – especially His death on the cross and resurrection which Islam denies. The Western media won’t report that, Islam won’t either, and neither will the mainstream church for that matter. They won’t report that thousands are willingly being martyred for their new-found faith in Christ either!
For anyone who doubts the genuineness of a Muslim’s conversion to Jesus Christ, check out some You Tube videos of them testifying to their faith. For a start, focus on their eyes. You will observe peace and joy. That’s the evidence they’ve been released from the unholy trinity by the holy Trinity. Then compare those eyes with those of true Koran-believing Muslims preaching on You Tube. You will observe no peace and no joy. In some you will observe extreme violence. That’s the evidence they’re imprisoned by the unholy trinity. Then take note how freely the converted ones express themselves in speech and body as against the others who do not because they cannot. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free John 8:32.
It was Satan and his spiritual hosts of wickedness Jesus was referring to when He said, The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and to destroy….. One of the most deceptive but effective ways he achieves his goal in this, and has done so in all history, is to use religious people – especially those who claim they act on behalf of God and, “the one and only true religion.” Both the Roman Catholics and the Muslims did this in times past, today it’s the Muslims again. Apart from God, who knows who will join them in the future? Regardless, Jesus also said in the above Scripture, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly John 10:10. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to kill both soul and body in hell Matthew 10:28.
© 2015 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
Wonderful post on a tragic topic. Prayer only “avails much” if the one prayed to is real. Idols have no power and “higher powers” may be instruments of darkness.
I also noted the unity in France demonstrated by singing the national anthem everywhere and often in the days following the slaughter. I did not once notice prayer or humility. If they were represented the media did not air it.
As research for a new book I read Tom Doyle’s “Dreams and Visions.” The noteworthy message, as you described, is the peace found in the lives of ex-Muslims transformed by Christ even in the face of daily peril and potential martyrdom.
Be blessed, Roger.
I did not once notice prayer or humility.
You’re right, Lynn. Imagine if that unity was one of prayer and humility to the one and only true God, Jesus Christ. He would turn that whole thing upside down and inside out. However, like everywhere else in the world, (and quoting yourself), ‘Not God’ is the one they’ve chosen. That means the killing will go on until Jesus returns.
Thank you and God bless.