According to mainstream media, “Are you religious?” was the question each person was asked before dying at the hand of the demon-possessed shooter at Umpqua Community College, in Oregon, USA. Apparently the true question asked was, “Are you Christian?” Imagine the headlines had the question been, “Are you Muslim?” or, “Are you gay?” The Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name and into whose arms the martyred ones fell, has a promise for such media people and others complicit with them, But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven Matthew 10: 33. Rejection of Christ here equals rejection by Christ when facing Him there.
Like all deniers of Jesus Christ, the media are ashamed of Him; so here’s the deal awaiting many up ahead. Should they be living at the time the Lord returns to earth to set up His kingdom, not only will He deny them later before God the Father, He will be ashamed of them right there and then on the spot, long before that event takes place. For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of Him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26. Through idolizing and adulation, this crowd has received the respect of Pope Francis, the man who claims to be the Vicar of Christ on the earth; they’ll receive nothing but judgment from Christ Himself.
Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him…….. And all the tribes of the earth shall mourn because of Him….. Revelation 1:7. Picture it. The greatest show on earth is taking place, with the Christ-offending mainstream media playing a major role. They’ll be riddled with fear and shuddering in their shoes, but the Lord will see to it that they do not miss a trick! Can you imagine the sucking up that’ll be expressed by those clambering to get near Him? No eyes of compassion from Jesus this time though, only eyes like a flame of fire Revelation 1:14. They will not need to hear Jesus telling them He’s ashamed of them. Each one will experience the reality of it the moment He sets His eyes upon them.
The moment of truth will have arrived for each one because TRUTH Himself has arrived. All their lies, corruptions and cover-ups, all their shams, hypocrisy and fraudulence – all exposed in a nanosecond! The word of Jesus, which they spent their entire lifetime denying and mocking, as well as propagandizing the world to deny and mock, has suddenly come alive to shock and shake them. For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light Mark 4:22. And unlike Christ’s followers, it’s too late for them to confess such sins before Him, they will live and die in them for all eternity – “timeless ages” as JB Phillips puts it.
Jesus will be ashamed of them for their cowardice; so will they! All their cowardly, politically correct headlines, stories and documentaries given over to the cause of Islam, the “Palestinians”, man-made climate change, the LGBT crowd, same-sex marriage and the like, but their absolute silence for the cause of truth and justice, the plight of the Jews and severely persecuted Christians. Years ago the odd veteran of World War Two shared the shame they’d long lived with for failing to fulfill a certain duty at a most crucial moment. The good news however, Jesus set them free from their shame; no such mercy for this lot. Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to the least one of these, you did not do it to Me. And these will go away into…… Matthew 25:45-46.
When looking into those eyes like a flame of fire they will suffer the shame of forever knowing it was their cowardly “journalistic” influences that swayed millions of others to became Christ-deniers and offenders. It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come Luke 17:1. Remember too, whilst there will be demons to torment them in hell, there will be none there to stupefy senses and sooth consciences as they do presently. Whatever else hell might be, that will be hell! I’ve known people to shudder at the thought of hell for the harm they did to one person let alone multitudes of them. Once again, Jesus set them free, but only because they were humble and repentant. It’ll be too late for that on the day the Lord returns.
Christians are often frustrated when viewing TV talk-show panels discussing the big issues facing the world today. They know God has the solution for all of them but they rarely, if ever, get to see a true man or woman of God on the panel. They see religious men or women there, but they know they’re as godless as the chairs they sit on! “Why is this?” they ask. Answer: Satan is the ruler of this world John 14:30. He is the god of this age 2 Corinthians 4:4. We are told, the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one 1 John 5:19. He is the prince of the power of the air Ephesians 2:2. That means, therefore, Satan is the boss of these TV Stations; he owns them! What else then should we expect?
Sometimes God overrules and a man or woman of God are on those shows. That’s why the godless who run them will be without excuse on the day Jesus returns. Every piece of truth they heard will come back to judge them; they will not have the ability to deny any of it. Notice how many of them love to charge God for crimes perpetrated by man. On the day they look into those eyes like a flame of fire they will know they’re being charged with the greatest crime of all – unbelief in God. No devil to bolster them on that day, and no acquittal either! One of the features of Satan’s men and women who host these shows – they love to smirk. The good news for Christians: God will wipe every smirk from every face!
Christians are often frustrated at the mainstream media and their tolerance for Leftist/ Communist/Socialist values, but their intolerance for Judeo-Christian values. “Where’s the balance?” they ask. Satan has no interest for balance; neither do his people. For starters, that would mean they’d have to seriously look into the Judeo-Christian values and compare them with theirs. Do you think Satan is going to allow that? No! He would allow hell to freeze over before he would allow it. Not only is he god of this age, he is their god, and as such he has control over their minds; he has blinded their minds. They don’t want to know what’s true and what’s real. They would rather the sun never came up than sit down to face truth and reality.
This explains why lies, corruptions and cover-ups taking place in high places rarely get exposed. It explains why any that do get exposed today, don’t get exposed tomorrow. It explains why we get constant one-sided “news” stories. It explains why newspapers are full of inane and infantile stories on what the “celebrities” are thinking, saying, doing, eating, drinking and wearing today. It explains why sports news has taken over the front pages as well the back pages. It explains why much of today’s society has no clue as to what’s right and wrong – and no desire to find out! It explains why evil is called good and good is called evil. Woe to those says He with eyes like a flame of fire Isaiah 5:20. Woe indeed!
Like godless academics, godless mainstream media people are extremely proud of their qualifications, certificates, diplomas, degrees and PhD’s plus the jobs they’ve acquired as a result of possessing them. That’s how they identify themselves – not by who they are, but by what their qualifications say they can do. Elite and superior is how they genuinely see themselves too. How’s that for blindness! On the other hand, take away their qualifications and jobs and they don’t know who they are, they’ve lost their identity. That’s why so many of them never recover from the shame of being kicked to the curb when they’ve been made redundant. When pride comes, then comes shame Proverbs 11:2.
“The Media has a lot to answer for,” so say us the “common” people, and yes they most certainly do. Rest assured, they will answer for it, every Christ-denying one of them. Regardless of whether it’s at the Lord’s return to earth or at the Great White Throne Judgment, each person in that industry will one day stand before Him with the eyes like a flame of fire and give Him an account for their every motive as well as their every thought, word and act. Is there a way of avoiding this Judgment? Yes, it can be avoided right now, but only if you turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and sincerely repent for your Christ-offending ways. Eyes like a flame of fire – you don’t want to look into those as a Christ-denier! I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life John 8:12.
© 2015 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
The wicked one has sowed lots of tares in the media. Sadly, it has worked well for Satan…so far.
God bless you.
Yes , Larry … “so far” indeed. Praise God for the revelation that it’s not the end of the story. Thanks and God bless your day.
“The little “I am” always sulks when God says do. Let the little “I am” be shriveled up in God’s indignation – “ I AM THAT I AM… hath sent me.” He must dominate. Is it not penetrating to realise that God knows where we live, and the kennels we crawl into. He will hunt us up like a lightning flash. No human being knows human beings as God does.” – Oswald Chambers
There is no place to hide from the lightning flash from “eyes like a flame of fire.”
…..the kennels we crawl into. Wonderful!
No bark, nor bite from this lot when they face the great I AM. Thank you, Lynn.