The preacher told his church that he no longer believed in the biblical account of Noah and the Flood. What’s the big deal? one might ask, given that multitudes of preachers have been saying the same thing since the 1700’s or earlier. The big deal for me was his statement: “It seems even Jesus believed it.” The church is replete with deluded ones of all kinds standing in pulpits today, but no greater deluded one is there than the one standing in it who doesn’t believe what Jesus believed. By the words of his own mouth this man demonstrates his appallingly low view of Jesus Christ and the Bible. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny……. Matthew 10:33.
Any preacher who can stand in front of his church and say, “It seems even Jesus believed it,” does not believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God Almighty Incarnate. Which means he doesn’t believe, In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God John 1:1. That would also mean he doesn’t believe, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth……. Then God said……. Genesis 1:1-26. In addition, it means he doesn’t believe God the Father either, for Jesus said, …..the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me John 14:24. Unlike this preacher, Jesus taught nothing from a humanist standpoint. The words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life John 6:63. This man is dead!
To justify his endorsement of same-sex marriage, the same man, preaching from Romans 1:18-32, told his church that the apostle Paul did not have the information and the understanding we have today about same-sex practice, and, “I think he would see things in a different light were he living in our time.” Once again, he is only one of hundreds proclaiming this message from hell as though it’s a message from heaven, but I draw attention to him because he said there was a time when he firmly believed this act was an abomination, just like the Bible “appears to be saying.” As mature Bible Christians, this is the kind of preacher and message we have to be on the lookout for, not for ourselves, but for those sitting under them who don’t know the Bible as yet.
He looked like the real deal standing in his pulpit – the first time dressed in religious garb, the second time dressed casually, but looking cool! Regardless of how he looked, the reality is he is a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing Matthew 7:15. He’s probably a good family man, an excellent neighbor, fun to be with at a barbecue, but nevertheless he is a spiritual wolf. As such, he is an enemy of Jesus Christ, an enemy of the gospel of salvation, an enemy of the Bible, and, an enemy of souls – redeemed and unredeemed. I’ve lost count on how many posts I’ve placed on this blog alerting us to people like him preaching similar messages from hell. But now that Governments are legislating this “marriage” into law, Christians can expect wolves galore to come out from hiding.
Enemies of souls work hard at giving the impression they are lovers of souls. In his first message from the Old Testament on homosexuality, the preacher gave impressions that he was standing on the word of God. It was not until towards the end did he begin to weave his web of deceit using the words, “I think…..” Watch out for the preacher who says, “I think….” Nowhere in the Bible do we see a preacher under the anointing of the Holy Spirit using that language. Their language was, “Thus says the LORD” “God says” “I say to you” “Most assuredly I say to you.” That’s what made them an enemy to many of their listeners. Like the Holy Spirit Himself, they were lovers of souls, not afraid of rightly dividing the word of truth 2 Timothy 2:15.
He did the same when preaching from Romans 1. He did not discount the sins God gave them over to in Romans 1:28-32, but towards the end, when it came to same-sex practice, it was then that he skillfully but deceitfully talked of Paul as seeing things differently if he were around today. Those holding a low view of Jesus Christ and the Bible will always come up with teachings to interpret Scripture in the “light” of today’s culture, for that’s all they are capable of. They have no Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth John 16:13, because all truth is not what they are seeking in any case. But this doesn’t apply to all of their listeners. Some of these are seeking truth and it disturbs them to hear a minister endorsing what they intuitively know to be unnatural.
Worse: Some same-sex practitioners intuitively know what they’re doing is unnatural. They may not know the language of God but they strongly sense the conviction of God. Romans 1 speaks to them even if they’ve not read it and they’re desperately seeking for a way out. The last thing they want is a deluded one in a pulpit telling them their sexual practice is a blessing from God. Some of them are even aware that they’re devil-possessed. “Is there any hope for me?” they ask. Yes, good God Almighty, there is! Jesus Christ will cast that thing out of you at the drop of a hat if you cry out for Him with all your heart. Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me Psalm 50:15.
Riddled with guilt as much as he was with aids, the man slipped quietly into the church with that question on his heart, “Is there any hope for me?” For many minutes of the holy preacher’s sermon he believed all hope was lost. It was not until the last Scripture was read did he absolutely know for sure that there was much hope. They cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them out of their distresses. And He led them forth by the right (straight) way….. Psalm 107:6-7. When he heard the word “straight” he almost jumped out of his seat, knowing it was the voice of loving, merciful, forgiving Almighty God speaking directly into his heart. He went to the holy preacher, repented, received Jesus Christ, got baptized, testified of his faith and died some weeks later.
Yes, same-sex practice is truly a great sin in the eyes of God, but is denial of truth from a deluded one standing in a pulpit any less so? Imagine had the man above gone into his church seeking hope! He would have listened to delusive, deceptive preaching and walked out of there in absolute despair. I wonder how many same-sex practitioners have done that around the world. Not in the slightest would his conscience have been appeased. In fact, he might have gone home and killed himself before aids killed him! Regardless, had he died without Christ he would suffer for all eternity – not because he was a same-sex practitioner, but an unredeemed sinner. Which, by the way, is what the deluded one can expect to experience should he fail to seek redemption from his sins.
But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death Revelation 21:8. The deluded one of this post is a coward; he’s running from God. He is unbelieving; he doesn’t believe what Jesus believes. In God’s eyes he is abominable. He is a murderer; he sends souls to their first and second death. He is sexually immoral; he sides with same-sex practitioners. He is an idolater; he idolizes his opinion and teaching above Christ’s. He is a liar; he denies truth and misrepresents THE TRUTH – Jesus Christ. I would rather stand in the same-sex practitioner’s shoes than his, at the great white throne judgment Revelation 20:11.
Preachers who don’t believe what Jesus believed, are the church’s greatest enemy. They are Satan’s insiders. True, Satan has hordes of outsiders working feverishly against the truth – educators, entertainers, politicians, mainstream media and “social” media; but none have the influence of his insiders, for it is they who bring the work of the outsiders into the church. Where holy men of God stand in pulpits, the work of Satan’s outsiders has a much lessor effect because the Spirit of God and the word of God rule both corporately and individually. But such men and churches are a rare and precious jewel today! That is why mature Bible Christians must be on the lookout and protect the immature.
Satan’s insiders, and his outsiders, are no match for Jesus’ insiders. We’re inside Him; He’s inside us. We win! “Love wins” so say the rainbow flag-carrying crowd. No, truth wins. Those on the wrong side of truth are on the wrong side of love. God is love 1 John 4:8. Deny God and you deny authentic love. Certainly not all, but multitudes of same-sex practitioners left alone quietly with their thoughts, know that’s their reality but they are dreadfully afraid to admit it openly. They know they’re anything but “gay.” Lots to pray for; lots to pray about. Satan’s insiders – no match for Jesus’ insiders. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth go before Your face Psalm 89:14.The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly John 10:10
© 2015 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
Wonderful, clear message. Meshes perfectly with my present work. Thank you for speaking God’s Word and calling those who idolize human opinion to account. Ears willing to hear strain for truth, yet truth is difficult to come by.
Thank you, Lynn.
It’s good to hear the Holy Spirit is revealing similar things to you.
“Ears willing to hear strain for truth,….”
I like that! From now on I’ll take those words to prayer.
God bless your day, every day.
Whatever the pathetic views of deluded people are the grass withers, the flower fades but the Word of God stands FOREVER!
AMEN, Joy. Yes it does! Were it not for the Word of God I would still be among the deluded, holding to “pathetic views.”
Thanks and God bless you
G’day Richard,
Why not name these ones that you speak of?They have not been regenerated,therefore their fruit is rotten. They are fake.Not at all an authentic Christian. Name them Richard,so that the ‘body’ will be helped in identifying those workers of iniquity.
Hello, Steve
Thank you for your comment.
I must stick to what the Holy Spirit gives to write and naming people, so far, has been rare.
Perhaps one reason they’re not named is, the focus then gets to be placed on that one person, when the bigger truth is there are hundreds in pulpits like him across the world with many more hundreds to come. We are well and truly in the Laodicean church age … rotten fruit everywhere!
Therefore, my daily prayer always, is to know truth versus error, lies and deceit more so than who’s bringing it, since many are now bringing it.
Thanks again, Steve and God bless you
G’day Roger,
So sorry to not use your name. I understand your reply. My point being that Paul openly named the ones that were against truth.
That’s okay, Steve.
Should the Holy Spirit lay it on me to name, I’ll do it. Thanks.