The pastor said, “The devil doesn’t have a word of his own, he has to steal it from God.” Well, it lines up perfectly with what the Bible tells us of him. Not only does he steal God’s word, but he twists it, misquotes it and misuses it in any way he can. That’s what we see him successfully doing with the woman in the Garden Genesis 3: 1-5 and unsuccessfully doing with the Lord Jesus in the wilderness Matthew 4:1-11. I thank God for learning as a new Christian, “The devil knows the word of God better than any of us.” All praise to God, that statement has been a major motivator for keeping me grounded not only in New Testament Scripture, but Old Testament Scripture too.
I mention Old Testament Scripture because the devil’s own across the world are increasingly telling us in a variety of shapes and forms that the God of the Old Testament is a mean God, a vindictive God, an intolerant God. Not only are the devil’s own in Hollywood creating and promoting that lie, but so too are the devil’s own in pulpits! There is no greater lie when you think about it though. After all, the Old Testament is where Jesus and the apostolic writers of the New Testament got their theology from with regards the nature and character of God and His will, plans and purposes for you and me. They didn’t draw promises of the Messiah, forgiveness and deliverance from sin and the gift of salvation from thin air!
There are very few New Testament books not containing quotations or citations from the Old Testament. Christians sitting under the devils’ own in pulpits need to take this into account when listening to these thieves stealing a word from God to support their same-sex marriage “theology”. The God who speaks so forthrightly on same-sex practice in Leviticus 18:22; 20:13 is the same God who speaks so forthrightly on forgiveness and healing when humility and repentance take place 2 Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 1:18-19. The “mean” “vindictive” and “intolerant” God of the Old Testament is the same God who speaks to the humble and repentant so reassuringly and lovingly in Old Testament Psalm 23:1-4 and beyond.
But a word of warning: You, Christian, cannot legitimately claim for yourself any part of God’s word if you’re going to willingly embrace what the devil’s own in pulpits tell you. God’s word is a whole … you take all or you take none! Too, if you say, “We’re not under the law, we’re under grace,” then you need to refresh your understanding of what Jesus is saying about that. Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the Law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in heaven; but whoever……….. Matthew 5:17-20.
Jesus is speaking about the Moral Law here. The Ceremonial Law doesn’t apply to us but the Moral Law still stands. And to reinforce that reality, this is what Bible Commentator Matthew Henry said about it,”The (Moral) law is the Christian’s rule of duty, and he delights therein. If a man, pretending to be Christ’s disciple, encourages himself in any allowed disobedience to the holy law of God, or teaches others to do the same, whatever his station or reputation among men may be, he can be no true disciple. Christ’s righteousness, imputed to us by faith alone, is needed by every one that enters the kingdom of grace or of glory; but the new creation of the heart to holiness, produces a thorough change in a man’s temper and conduct.”
Did you get that? “He can be no true disciple” of Christ. True disciples of Christ are ever changing to become Christ-like, never devil-like! They’re in possession of “the heart to holiness.” The Moral Law means everything to them. True, they have no power of their own to obey it, but obey it they do, nevertheless, because the Law-Giver becomes also the Law-Keeper when He resides within them. This is one of the functions of the Holy Spirit. In spite of everything they might say, the devil’s own are not led of the Holy Spirit, but rather, the unholy spirit! They don’t come across as unholy though, just the opposite, in fact. For such are false apostles (messengers), deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder!
For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works 2 Corinthians 11:13-14. True disciples of Christ know there’s one of the devil’s own in the pulpit when they listen to him or her constantly stressing the love of God but never the wrath of God. The same applies with, “We must not be judgmental.” If there is no wrath of God there would be no need for Jesus to use the word, perish in John 3:16. If we were not called to make judgments He would not have used the words dogs and swine in Matthew 7:6. He wasn’t referring to animals there, He was referring to people!
The same applies to the devil’s own in pulpits. If we were not allowed to refer to them as such Jesus would not have warned us to, “Beware of false prophets, (religious impostors) who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves Matthew 7:15. It is not the true prophet or messenger who steals, twists, misquotes and misuses God’s word. They’re not on their way to hell. But the false prophets are if they don’t repent and perhaps you too, if you don’t stop following them and repent. So listen no more to the devil’s own who tell you the Old Testament God is mean, vindictive and intolerant. There is only one God; Jesus Christ has revealed Him and His nature and character is exactly the same as that of Christ Himself.
The devil’s own in both Hollywood and pulpits will be with us until the end of this age. Given this reality, it has been my prayer of late that the Lord Jesus would come soon and bring His judgment upon the world. How else can the hearts and minds of young children be spared from the evils spewing forth from this crowd? Young children are like sponges, they absorb whatever they hear. So picture them in “church” with parents or guardians as the devil’s own in the pulpit emotionally and manipulatively expresses his stolen word from God to support his “theology” for same-sex marriage. Now picture them at home watching TV during the week. When programs of the same topic made by the devil’s own in Hollywood come on, they won’t bat an eyelid!
Worse: So conditioned will they now become by listening to the lies and deceits of the devil’s own, they are well on their way to becoming the devil’s own too! Most of them won’t end up in Hollywood or pulpits, but that won’t matter in the slightest to the devil. He knows the truth of what happens when you condition a child from birth to 7 years of age, that that’s what he or she believes as an adult. Satan hasn’t limited himself simply to Cultists and Communists on this one. So my prayer is that the Lord would come and rescue the young children before they get much older. If He doesn’t, then as the devil’s own, they are the ones who will take this evil to the next diabolical level. That’s how it’s been every decade since the sexual “revolution” of the 1960’s.
It used to be years ago that if you took children to a church service they would not come away at the end of it confused as to what’s right and wrong. The Ten Commandments meant something to the man of God in the pulpit back then, so he made sure they meant something to the children sitting under his preaching and teaching also. He reverenced God and he reverenced God’s word. Any temptations to steal, twist, misquote or misuse Scripture were immediately dismissed from his mind. He wouldn’t dare lift Scripture from its context and make it say what God never meant it to say. True, the children under him may not have turned to Christ but they did take their place in society knowing right from wrong!
But now look at society! Most children are embracing wrong as right and right as wrong without knowing what is and what isn’t. Why so? Because the devil’s own are not restricted merely to Hollywood and pulpits. The devil’s own are also parents and guardians in the home, teachers in the schools and universities, communicators in mainstream and online media, politicians in or out of government – and anyone else cowardly caving in to the pressures of political correctness instead of courageously standing up for what they intuitively know to be right and true. For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His father with the holy angels Mark 8:38.
© 2014 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
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