What’s the difference between Christians and other religious people? Simple answer, but a profound truth; we have the mind of Christ 1 Corinthians 2:16, which means we have the mind of God. Nobody but a Christian can legitimately claim such for themselves because everyone else rejects the deity of Christ. Reject that reality and you reject God Himself Luke 10:16. “There are two types of men. There is the spiritual man, whose spirit is the temple and dwelling-place of the Spirit of God. He knows the thoughts of God, because he has a living union with the eternal Mind. And there is the natural man, possessing merely the intellect and conscience of ordinary humanity.” FB Meyer (1847-1929).
That’s a grand statement; all religious people claim to be spiritual, but there’s only one who is and that’s the (born again) Christian. Why? The Holy Spirit comes to none but those who receive Christ as Savior and Lord. He is the reason we are born again in the first place. In addition, the Bible is the only book the Holy Spirit uses to reveal the mind of Christ, the mind of God to us. If ever there was a time for Christians around the world to lay hold of this reality, now is that time. It is we who are the spiritual and the rest are the natural whether they’re religious or not. Included as the natural are those who claim to be Christians yet reject the Bible as the inerrant word of God. Time for humility; either the entire Bible is inerrant or none of it is!
It is precisely because we are the spiritual that we should be having nothing to do with leaders in Christendom who are hell-bent on dialoguing with leaders of other faiths. The spiritual man can never have anything in common with the natural man and it’s foolish to believe otherwise. Besides, those of other faiths are not interested in embracing what we believe; the whole point of their willingness to dialogue is simply to get you to embrace what they believe. The reason your leader can’t or won’t see that reality is because he is not a spiritual man, he’s a natural man. He has an ungodly mind, not the mind of Christ; so if you continue listening to his misguided reasoning you’ll end up embracing an ungodly mind too.
Islam doesn’t have the mind of Christ. Islam is antagonistic towards the Lord and His gospel in every way. So much so that it teaches that it was Judas who died on the cross, not Jesus. Islam denies Jesus was God Himself who became a man. They’ll say He was a great prophet and a good man, but that’s as far as they’ll go with Him. Mormonism doesn’t have the mind of Christ. Mormonism’s teachings on Jesus couldn’t be further removed from the Bible than they are already. The Jesus they speak of is the first spirit child of Elohim, as are all human beings, angels and demons spirit children of Elohim. According to the Mormons, Lucifer (now Satan) is Jesus’ brother! What’s that if it’s not the mind of the devil? Only Satan could come up with that idea!
The Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t have the mind of Christ. Their Jesus is far removed from the Bible too. They say that before He was born on earth, Jesus was Michael the Archangel. They will say Jesus was a god, but not God, Jehovah. In John 1:1 of their bible they’ve change it to read and the Word was a god instead of as it is in truth and the Word was God. Their Jesus too, was the brother of Lucifer! JW’s deny Jesus’ physical resurrection, limiting it merely to a spiritual resurrection whereby Jesus now once again exists in heaven as Michael. Roman Catholicism doesn’t have the mind of Christ. Their Jesus is the Christ of the Crucifix, continually hanging on the cross as a reminder that the work of salvation is not finished, as Jesus said it is John 19:30.
Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Bahá’ís, Sikhism, Taoism, Spiritism, Scientology, Zoroastrianism, Unitarian-Universalism, Rastafarianism, – none of these have the mind of Christ. None of them desire it either; any that speak of “Christ Consciousness ” are not referring to the Lord Jesus Christ. People say we all worship the same God, we just do it in different ways. Ask some of the hardliners of these other religions and they’ll reject that as outright foolishness. To them there’s one way to worship God but it’s not your way. The naive and gullible are prepared to go along with it though because they rarely stop to consider the truth of anything they’re told let alone what someone tells them about God. In fact, the majority say it to appease the hardliners.
There is a way you could test the truth of, “we all worship the same God, we just do it in different ways.” Enter a mosque, temple, synagogue or church holding up a placard with the name of the God you worship or believe in; add some sacred writings to the placard so that there can be no doubt about who you mean. How long do you think you’ll last in there before somebody comes to talk to you or throw you out? People love to talk about the need for tolerance among the various religions and practices, but that’s all it is – simply talk. Act on what I’ve suggested here and see how tolerant they’ll be towards you. Even people claiming to be Christians hold this belief. Try it … write on your placard, JESUS CHRIST, GOD INCARNATE.
Many people in Christendom simply cannot bear the thought of others thinking of them as an intolerant person. Their personal reputation means everything to them. So much so, they don’t hesitate to cave in to the intolerance of their accusers. I don’t know what goes through their mind when they read of Jesus unashamedly declaring, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me John 14:6. That’s not a statement of tolerance; it’s difficult to find a more intolerant, “take it or leave it” statement anywhere! Reputation was the last thing on the mind Christ when He dropped that on them. If Christians can’t stand up and boldly declare the same of Jesus then their mind is not operating spiritually.
The natural man (person) today is either completely ignorant or extremely desensitized as to who and what the Lord Jesus Christ truly is. I am the way: The way of what? The way of forgiveness for sin, the way of salvation, the way into God’s presence, the way of eternal life, the way of instruction in God’s will, the way to all God’s blessings, the way into God’s heaven. One can be as intolerant as they like about Jesus being the way, yet nothing changes. “There are many roads to heaven,” so says the natural man who accuses the spiritual man of ignorance, superstition and intolerance. The truth is, there are many highways to hell! One of the most popular of these could be called False Religion Highway.
The truth: Jesus is not a truth, He is the truth. Jesus is the owner of truth. Any truth so-called not in harmony with Him is not the truth. Truth in harmony with Jesus, yet expressed in the religion of the natural man is stolen truth. Truth is telling it like it is … the way things are in reality. Jesus tells the truth about Himself, about God, about the Bible and about us; and this is why truth has never been popular to the ears of the natural man, religious or not. He fears it, despises it, changes it, hides it, covers it, sneers at it and rejects it. And where it’s been possible to do likewise with Jesus, the natural man has done it and will do so right up till the day that he stands before Him at the Great White Throne Judgment.
The life: There are three kinds of life and Jesus Christ is the Creator and Source of them all – natural life, spiritual life and eternal life (God’s life). Natural life is fleeting; man lives on earth somewhere between 70 and 100 years and then it’s all over for him. What then? The lie says that’s it, that’s the end. But Jesus says not so, it’s just the beginning. Death means ‘separation’ not ‘anihilation’. The spiritual man dies separated unto God, the natural man dies separated from Him. One is called eternal life, the other is called eternal death. Jesus gives you the choice of which one you want, but He would rather you surrender your life and embrace His; it’s not His will for you to live an eternal death John 3:15-16.
No one comes to the Father except through Me: God sent one Savior, not a variety of them so we can pick and choose. ……..God our Savior, who desires all men (people) to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all……. 1 Timothy 2:3-6. Judaism and Christianity reveals there’s only one God, not any other religion. The others teach that there’s one God but they don’t know how to reveal Him personally to you; only Jesus can do that. We’re accused of worshipping three God’s. If that were true, then we would be committing blasphemy. It’s not true. Exodus 20:3; Deuteronomy 6:4.
Christianity worships three Persons in One God – The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit Isaiah 48:16; 1 Peter 1:2. It is the Holy Spirit who reveals to us the mind of Christ, the mind of God 1 Corinthians 2:10-16 and teaches us how to worship God in spirit and in truth John 4:24. Not only do the other religions deny the deity of Christ but they deny the reality of the Trinity too, so it remains impossible for them to worship God in the manner He requires. Therefore, even with their best attempts they worship Him in vain. People of other religions may well have a zeal for God but if it’s not according to the principles and patterns God has set down for them, then it’s not righteousness, it is self-righteousness and God can never look at that.
The natural man sees the spiritual man as a fool and says so. He has no documented evidence to support him, he only has an opinion; he runs his life on opinions. The spiritual man sees the natural man as a fool and says so. However, he does have documented evidence and all of it from the word of God, the Bible. God speaks of the fool 73 times in that book and on each occasion He has nothing good to say about him. I was once a natural man and looking back at that time, it’s hard to think there could have been a greater fool. But all that began to change in June 1985 when I became a spiritual man. What’s bringing about the change? My possession of the mind of Christ. You too can be in possession of it. “It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life” John 6:63.
© 2013 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
“…either the entire Bible is inerrant or none of it is…”
I’m always amazed by Christians who reject parts of the Bible as though our Father has limits on His intelligence and His decisions to choose various people to record His word. Like hello! Our God is all-knowing.
“….as though our Father has limits on His intelligence and His decisions to….”
That’s a great thought, Larry … thanks for sharing it.