Will You Let Truth Bless You or Bite You?

Just a few days before he killed himself, mad Adolf Hitler said to some of his generals, “Everyone has lied to me, everyone has deceived me, no one has told me the truth.” Hitler loved lies; some twenty-five years earlier he made the decision to base his entire life and mission on them. Karl Marx did the same, as did/do his disciples. Here’s what I’ve discovered about truth … if you choose it, embrace it, learn it, love it, honor it and proclaim it, it will reciprocate in kind. But if you reject it, fight it, change it, mock it, sneer at it, stomp on it, hate it and dishonor it, it will come back to bite you! Truth wins in the end and every hell-dwelling citizen now knows it!

I find it interesting that Hitler said everyone had lied to and deceived him when that was his deal to all and sundry. To some extent he possibly still prefers to hold that belief along with every other blame-gaming, finger-pointing hell-dweller, but at the white throne judgment and later in the eternal lake of fire Revelation 20:11-14, he and they will all be confessing, “I lied to me! I deceived me! As for this place, God didn’t put me here, I put myself here.”  That truth will be burned into them … it will haunt them; no respite, no relief, no let-up. You see, for every lie and deceit we impart to others, we impart to ourselves also. It’s a God-given universal principle; any harm we do to others is harm done to our self Galatians 6:7.

Of the seven things that are an abomination (disgusting, abhorrence) unto the Lord Proverbs 6:16-19, one is the lying tongue and another is a false witness that speaks lies. Sadly, the mouth of hell is swallowing up lying tongues and false witnesses by the thousands every moment of the day. But as the swallowing goes on multitudes of others are stepping up to fill the gaps every moment of the day too. The father of lies has never had a recruitment problem since the days of the first man and women in the Garden at history’s beginning. The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies Psalm 58:3. As one Bible Commentary puts it, “they sin naturally, easily, malignantly, and stubbornly.”

I’ve written extensively on this blog about lies and deception, liars and deceivers. Lovers Of Lies speaks of the true nature and character of unredeemed human beings; He Had A Love For Lies They Had No Love For Truth speaks of the similarities between the church of Nazi Germany and the church of today; and These Three Lies speaks of the world being taken captive by three great lies. Perhaps there’s not a lot in those posts to personally challenge Christians who read them, but not so with what’s shared here. Soon, every Christian will be personally challenged by what is to become law in every western nation – same-sex marriage. Presently there are Christians who have no issue with it; that’s because they have not as yet looked into the face of God about it

They’ve looked into the Bible; they can recite “the love chapter” almost off by heart 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 and they’ve embraced every verse … except verse 6, ……(love) rejoices in the truth. It’s not that they’ve rejected that verse, it’s just that they haven’t looked into the face of God when reading it! Love never discounts the need for Christians to seek for still more and more knowledge and all discernment Philippians 1:9. And when one does seek for more and more knowledge and discernment, the Holy Spirit can be absolutely relied upon to lead one to it. Unless we allow the Holy Spirit’s truth to define love for us we don’t really know what biblical love is. Christians who reject this truth will side with the law of the land when this thing is brought into legislation.

Who would have thought fifty years ago that the battle for the heart and soul of God’s people today would be a sexual battle. Back then the battle lines drawn over sexual issues were very clear to believers regardless of their Scriptural knowledge. Sex before marriage? No. Fornication? No. Adultery? No. Incest? No. Pornography? No. Molestation? No. Prostitution? No. Polygamy? No. Homosexuality? No. Lesbianism? No. Same-sex marriage? What?? Bestiality? What?? Now it seems they’re all up for grabs! Although, I find it interesting that even the strongest advocates (especially unbelievers) for same-sex marriage are repulsed at the suggestion of incest, molestation, polygamy and bestiality. Open the door for one and sooner than later the rest will walk in too.

When a famous University such as Yale hosts “sensitivity training” in which students are asked to consider topics such as bestiality, incest, and accepting money for sex, you can back it in that other Universities throughout the western world will follow suit. Down the track a few years and the world will be pushing for it. Ten or so years after that the “church” will accept it! And, they’ll use “the love Chapter” of 1 Corinthians 13 to support their argument. In the meantime, this same sex-marriage deal is going to split homes, families and churches like nothing else before it. Once it is made law, law is what it will be! That means if you stand against it and speak out against it you will be breaking the law. One serious threat of penalty and most people will cave in at that point.

Can you picture the future about to engulf us? If manipulation and intimidation hasn’t shut people’s mouths on this subject to date then law will do so. “Freedom of speech is being taken from us,” people say. That’s never been strictly true; people are free to speak whatever they want whenever and wherever just so long as there’s no truth expressed in their speech. If freedom of speech was the issue then there would be no place for the God-hating, Christ-hating, Jew-hating, Bible-hating, Christian-hating crowd to spew their venom. “Hate speech,” they call gospel of Christ. Who really has the hate speech? What they hate about the gospel is the fact that when they’re faced with it they come face to face with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself! They know it.

Can you picture this family scenario? You’re unbelieving brother-in-law’s lesbian daughter who “came out” a couple of years ago, having had three different partners in that time, has now informed the family that the current one is the love of her life and as such they’ve set a marriage date. Naturally, you and your wife have been invited. God doesn’t approve, you don’t approve, your wife doesn’t approve; yet nevertheless your wife says she’s going to attend the wedding. You’ve asked her to join you in prayer on what decision is the right one, but she refuses to do so, her mind is already made up. “If ever there was a time for us to witness our Christian faith, this is that time,” she says. You know that’s a copout and so does she. What’s your stand on the matter?  

Can you picture this work scenario? Same-sex marriage is now law and everyone in the office thinks it’s a great move, “About time!” They know you’re a Christian, but in all the discussions to date about it you’ve been able to avoid declaring where you stand on the matter. But not now, because the gay boss your direct superior, has just put the squeeze on you to declare your hand. You know what God says about such a practice and union and you agree with God. How will you respond? If your response is the one he doesn’t want to hear then you know your job could be on the line big time. With the economic downturn being what it is jobs like yours are scarce. In addition you’ve got a wife, three kids to feed and clothe, plus the mortgage. What’s your answer?    

Can you picture this church and leadership scenario? Both have been compromising the Scriptures for years but you’ve tried hard not to do so. One day a same-sex couple walks in and tells the leaders they want to join the church. They will be accepted. The leaders and the people believe the couple will change their ways after a few months of “sitting under God’s word.” But they don’t change their ways; they now want to get married – “in the church.” The leaders will cave in along with most of the church. But what about you? What are you going to do? There will be no neutral ground for you, He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad  Matthew 12:30. Will you let truth bless you or bite you?

You can accept the lies and deceits that are sure to come from the minds and mouths of the compromisers and end up becoming one yourself and God will not step in your way or cut across your decision! It’s crunch time for all in the church soon; the chickens are coming home to roost. For Christians all across the western world it has been very easy to express godly disapproval for same-sex marriage because it’s all been expressed from the safety of four walls within. The Lord God Almighty is going to tear down those walls. All biblical Christians are going to be tested by God for their stand on this and there will be nowhere for them to run and hide except to my high tower 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 18:2; Psalm 144:2.

But my high tower is reserved only for those who are willing to be made willing to take the same stand that God has taken. Who is on the Lord’s side?” Moses asked the golden calf worshippers Exodus 32:26. Those who made it clear to him that they were not, paid for it with their lives. They had the truth but they rejected it for the lie. Today the apostate church has done the same and those within will pay for it with their lives too. They have refused to let the truth of God bless them. They have  rejected it, fought it, changed it, mocked it, sneered at it, stomped on it, hated  it and dishonored it and now therefore, during the upcoming seven years of the Great Tribulation it will come back to bite them!

Christians do not hate same-sex advocates and practitioners, we love them. They don’t want to believe that however, because it will undo every perception they have of us, the Bible and God. So when this thing becomes law, hatred and persecution towards us will be unleashed in measures we’ve not experienced before. Too, much of it is going to come from people whom we presently believe to be Christians. The Judas spirit of treachery will come at us from any quarter, so now is the time to seek God for discernment on who can be trusted and who can’t. That’s a prayer most western Christians have never given  thought to. So again, what’s it for you? Will you let truth bless you or bite you? “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” Matthew 28:20. “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14.

© 2013 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet www.radiorevelations.com Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. From my viewpoint, these are the exciting times I’ve longed to see, when we can no longer wiggle through our journeys with Christ. It’s either jump in or jump out. No fence sitting anymore for any of us. Isn’t that what we’ve all prayed for? A Bride without spot or wrinkle. Let it begin!

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