It’s God’s Way Not Your Way

I watched a TV program the other night about a man they called the Face Doctor. He is a jaw and face reconstructive surgeon whose patients are mostly young victims of drunken violence. Asked how often was he putting people’s faces back together again because of violence, he said, “Every single week. It just goes on and on and on.”  He’s been doing this work for seventeen years so far. The interviewer described the surgery as, “a human smash repairs” and because the Face Doctor sees between 45-65 patients every Monday morning, he called it, “bloody Monday.” I thought of Jesus’ words, because lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold Matthew 24:12. 

The street scenes were vile … young men and women in their late teens, early twenties, very intoxicated, heavy vomiting, people falling over and physical violence – “for some, getting smashed also means smashing someone else.” Police injuries are part of the smashing. In relation to “bloody Monday” the Face Doctor said, “We get our cases together on a Monday morning and we just rattle through the week until we finish them.” More:  “This is only one hospital, one city. My colleagues in every city are all doing the same thing.” The same “boozy bedlam” is going on in every Australian capital city every weekend, as well as towns and smaller cities across the nation.

Asked who gets a kick out of smashing somebody’s face in, the Face Doctor said, “I have no idea, its beyond my level of comprehension.” He gave his long term solution, “throw your money into education. That’s all we’ve got left.” His short term solution, “three simple steps … alcohol pricing- you can’t buy alcohol from take away outlets until you’re over 21 – and let’s consider server liability.” Finally, “I’m out there yelling and screaming. I just need the politicians to listen.” So who is it that does get a kick out of smashing somebody’s face in? One suggestion today: Could it be someone who’s godless, one who’s never known anything but an environment of godlessness? He or she may have asked about God as a child but their question was quickly dismissed – forever!

It’s sad how many young children do ask about God only to have parents or guardians immediately shut them up, laugh at them or get angry with them. Some of the “nicest” people in families do that. Butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths until asked about the existence of God – especially Jesus Christ. Then they’ll spit fire; the child is made to feel stupid to the extent that he’ll never ask parent or guardian again. And should he ask a teacher at school he’ll get similar responses. So now he’s learned the deal … as he gets older, that’s how he responds to his peers who ask. By the time he has his own kids he’s well and truly geared up to respond in like manner as mum and dad. In the meantime though, before that happens, he’s a deep seated godless, angry young man.

Part of his anger develops as a result of confusion. In other words, in his formative years he observes double standards being expressed from most everybody around him – (godless) parents, guardians, relatives, neighbors and teachers. He hears them saying one thing but sees them doing another. He questions this to himself but he comes up with no answer. What he’s learning though is how to pick a phony person from any distance! In adolescence it’s the same; this time from his (godless) Uni lecturers, work bosses or anyone else he’s subjected to. He turns on the radio or the TV and there it is again, now coming from (godless) community leaders, legal and judicial people, business leaders plus State and Federal politicians.

At best he’s learning his (godless) society is made up of many phonies and liars, at worst he’s learning it’s made up of many (godless) criminals, perverts and despots. The latter is a surprise though for a while, because they’re not in jail, they’re out here running the show! He notes they’re wearing the latest fashions – smart outfits, sharp suits – not prison clothes. He’s also learning that these are the type of people who never will wear prison clothes! These are the wheelers and dealers, the movers and shakers in society, well educated, quick with words, having an answer for everything! What he doesn’t know too, when some were his age they thought nothing of cheating to get certificated, nor selling out or stomping on anyone who dared getting in their way.

Many would say they have deep concerns for violence in society but they don’t really, unless it touches them and theirs. That’s why the Face Doctor can’t get the politicians among them to listen. The legal and judicial among them may well speak up for new laws to be brought into play but they fail to comprehend that when a society throws God’s laws out, the violent young men (and women) will throw their laws out. That’s how it is … throw God away and He’ll make sure your godless intentions, efforts, energies and so-called laws are thrown away as well! That’s why when tyranny becomes the rule of law in the upcoming World Order, God’s rule of law is coming down in the form of massive, devastating judgment

We’ve already had glimpses of what a World Order will look like under tyranny and judgment. When Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany threw God’s laws out, their godlessness looked good for a few years; but then God’s judgment came. The result? Massive death and devastation all around. One victim of violence getting his face reconstructed said, “It’s not fair. I don’t know what goes through people’s heads, it’s stupid, it shouldn’t happen.” When God is not ruling in a person’s life, Satan the devil is. It is he who “goes through people’s heads” and any ignorance or denial of this reality changes nothing. People say the devil doesn’t exist, but they didn’t originate that thought, Satan did. “Satan doesn’t exist,” is his greatest lie. All other lies are puny by comparison.

People everywhere are asking, “What’s happened to our society?” It’s almost a mantra! And they’ll accept any answer but the right answer. If you should respond, “This is what a society gets when it throws God out,” they’ll throw you out! Some people get very angry because that’s not what they want to hear, even though they know it’s the truth. God has put that witness within them and they know they’re without excuse. That’s why I say when it comes to God, the Bible and the Lord Jesus, there’s not a lot difference between the violence in these people and the violence in drunken young men and women. They’d smash your face in too if they didn’t have reputations to worry about. It’s the same devil … he just operates a little differently with them that’s all.

How many violent men are smashing their wives and girlfriends faces in behind closed doors on a regular basis? A quick glance on the Internet shows there are heaps of them; domestic violence has reached global epidemic proportions. Yet most of these people wouldn’t dare behave that way in public no matter how drunk they were. What about so-called road ragers? They’re not road ragers, they’re simply men and women who happen to be full of rage; the road and the other driver are incidental. Jesus Christ is known by Christians as the Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6. That means Jesus Christ is the owner of peace, which also means any peace within that the godless possess comes from God as well.

But when people who know better make deliberate decisions to throw God and His Ten Commandments out there’s always a price to pay further down the line … unhappiness, discontent, turmoil, confusion, conflict, violence – war! That’s where we are now; it’s the opposite of peace. When God was thrown out of this nation, He wasn’t thrown out in the manner that Hitler and his Germans did it, it was much more subtle and sophisticated than that. But the results are the same, nevertheless, even if it has taken 50 or 60 years longer than Nazi Germany for them to get exposed. In other words, with each passing generation, godlessness increases, lawlessness abounds and the love of multitudes  grows cold just as Jesus said it would.

But it gets even sillier than that. Those happy to have God thrown out are the same snaring, proud and arrogant lot snarling,Where’s your God?” They come up with the same dumb question every time disaster, tragedy and violence strikes. No wonder wisdom says, Because you disdained all my counsel, and would have none of my reproof, I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes, when your terror strikes like a storm, and your destruction comes like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you Proverbs 1:25-27. That’s God’s answer. You’ll notice that Scripture says when not if. It makes good sense to honor God’s counsel as an individual as well as a family, despite what the rest of society is doing.

So, is there a way out of this? Not for society, it’s fast-tracking it to hell in a hand-basket. There is a way out for the individual … it’s God’s Way not your way. Jesus is the Way. He’s also the Truth John 14:6. The first thing you have to do is come to terms with truth, not about society, but truth about yourself. The truth is you are dead in your sins Colossians 2:13. Death is the wage you are paying for your sins, not life; you have no life, you only have existence. You have the appearance of life but it’s an illusion. You have no life until you humble yourself and by faith, receive The Life, the eternal life of Christ living and reigning in you Romans 6:23. Most people love their sins too much to exchange them for Life … including those who get their face smashed in!

If education and stricter laws were the answer to solving society’s violence, there would be no violence. People are more educated today than they’ve ever been. The same goes for laws … we are bogged down with laws. However, as laws increase, so does lawlessness. This is a universal principle that the godless fail to understand – even the “educated” godless. So you see, they’re not really educated at all! It is not those with empty heads smashing people’s faces in, it is those with empty hearts. Only Jesus Christ can deal with that … and while He’s at it He’ll deal with your head at the same time. That’s God’s way … so different from man’s way. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” Isaiah 55:8-9. 

© 2013 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. Thanks as always, Roger… it’s so sad to see all of this. Praying for as many as possible to make that decision for Christ, today. God bless you!

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