Reading some quotes of English writer Aldous Huxley on the Internet recently, this one grabbed my attention, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.” Amen! Since becoming a Christian in 1985, multitudes of times I have found Mr Huxley’s statement to be every bit as true as Jesus’ statement, You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free John 8:32. The late writer is reported to have been an atheist, but I don’t believe it. Based on that statement, “God-denier” would be a more accurate description of what he was. There are no atheists … ‘I don’t believe in the existence of God’ really means, ‘I don’t want to believe in the existence of God!’
And there’s no truth like Bible truth to make a person really mad! Here are some examples of what I mean: The book of Genesis is the book of origins. The first chapters of Genesis are literally true. God exists. God created the universe and the earth in six, literal, 24-hour days. Both universe and earth are around 6000 years old. God created the first man, Adam. Out of Adam, God created the first woman, Eve. They lived in a garden called Eden. They got seduced by the serpent in that garden. They doubted God’s truth, disobeyed God’s truth and believed the serpent’s lies. They rebelled and sinned against God; they knew it. Each played the blame-game for their actions. God banished them from the garden. This make you mad?
Adam and Eve are our first parents. We’ve inherited the Adamic nature. We are born rebels and sinners. But also, we’ve added lots of rebellion and sin of our own. We lie, we cheat, we steal, we kill, we curse, we mock God, we deny God, we hate God. We’re blasphemous, idolatrous, covetous, licentious, selfishly ambitious, envious and jealous. This is what makes us accountable before God. The book of Genesis tells us that rebellion and sin so permeated the antediluvian world, that apart from sparing eight people, and a boat load of animals, God drowned the rest of humanity by a massive world-wide flood. Why? They refused to repent of their evil ways. This make you mad?
God hates rebellion and sin; He can’t look at it. As a result, all rebels and sinners are under God’s condemnation and judgment. But, in Genesis 3:15, God also reveals His great mercy and compassion by declaring He would one day provide the rebellious and sinful with a Savior and Redeemer. Around 4000 years later He did so – Himself! God came to the world as a Man – God Incarnate. His name is Jesus. Jesus died on a cross outside of Jerusalem for rebellion and sins – all of them – from Adam to the last person to be born upon the earth. In other words, all rebellion and sin for all time was put upon Jesus instead of being put upon us. To take advantage, however, Jesus must become your Savior and Redeemer. This make you mad?
The land of Israel belongs to God. God decreed the land to Abraham and his descendants through Isaac. Abraham’s descendents through Isaac are the Jews. The Jews are God’s chosen people. God made promises galore to the Jews; promises which have been fulfilled are being fulfilled as I write this, with many more to be fulfilled in the not too distant future, as well as beyond. People, institutions, governments and nations who take on the Jews are taking on God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Nobody in natural or supernatural history has ever done that and had a win … never have, never will! The biggest loser of all in this is God’s Arch-enemy, Satan the devil and all those who have sold their souls to him. This make you mad?
God’s other chosen people are the church. The church is not a denomination, not an organization and not an institution. The church is not the Roman Catholics, not the Protestants, not the Anglicans, not the Lutherans, not the Church of Christ, not the Baptists, not the Pentecostals, not the Assemblies of God, not the one million and one other different Christian Fellowships, not the Mormons, not the Jehovah Witnesses and not the one million and one different cults who’ve attached the word ‘Church’, ‘Christ’ or ‘Christian’ to their name. In addition, being a member of a “church” doesn’t make anyone a Christian. In fact, unless one has been born again by the Holy Spirit of God, he or she is not a Christian John 3:3,5,7. This make you mad?
Church means: ‘the called out ones’ – called by God out of the world system of darkness and into His kingdom of light. Called out ones may be associated with some of those groups mentioned, but they are cut from a different cloth. They hunger for on-going, unfailingly clear distinctions to be made between darkness and light. They know God has revealed distinctions. That’s why they love the Bible and it’s Teacher, the Holy Spirit. They will refuse to compromise either one. Those who live according to the Bible and the Holy Spirit are declared by God to be most holy and righteous. Such people are persecuted and often ostracized for their stand, however. Some are told to leave their “fellowships” as a result. This make you mad?
Those who press into the Bible and the Holy Spirit quickly pick up on the world’s lies. When the world tells us something is true, we know it’s a lie deliberately spread so as to deceive and dumb down the masses. Check these out: man is the cause of climate change – man is the cause of global warming – the Palestinians have a right to the land of Israel – the Palestinians want peace – same-sex marriage is a human right – all religions lead to God – the earth and the universe are billions of years old – there’s no first cause – everything happens by chance – evolution is not theory but fact – 6-day creation is a myth – the first chapters of Genesis are myths – all religion is the cause of the world’s problems. Truth is, these are lies! This make you mad?
God is in control of His earth and universe, not man. God knows everything about everything there is to know. He knows every detail of every person’s life from birth to death. He knows every detail about every person who is yet to be born. Nothing can be hidden from Him; not our secret thoughts, our secret words, our secret motives or our secret actions. All that is done in the dark will one day be exposed to the light. All unrepentant perpetrators, manipulators, intimidators and dominators will stand before God one day and give Him an account of themselves. They will discover that their names have not been written in God’s book of life Revelation 20:15. They will be utterly devastated! This make you mad?
……Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last….. CT Studd. That is what it will come down to when we all stand before Him. For the born again Christian, what has not been done for Christ will get exposed and burned up at the Bema seat judgment 1 Corinthians 3:15. That means loss of rewards, not loss of life. One thousand years later standing at the great white throne judgment, all unbelievers will discover the seriousness of having done nothing for Christ and will suffer not only loss of rewards, but loss of life Revelation 20:11-14. On that day it will not only be “unbelievers” losing their lives, it will be the religious, phoney church-goers, deacons, elders, pastors, priests, popes and…..This make you mad?
The maddest (angriest) and most resentful people Jesus and the apostles ever had to encounter were the religious – those who believed they were already good enough. Nothing’s changed. Not only are they still sitting in “churches” clinging to that misguided belief, but also in synagogues, mosques and temples. They don’t mind you talking about a Jesus that fits with their opinion and imagination, but the moment you talk about the biblical Jesus, the Incarnation of God, the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me John 14:6 and they’ll get mad as all hell with you! Butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth up until that point, but now they’re spitting fire at you! This make you mad?
Close on the heels of the religious are the do-gooders; those heavily involved in community service and social work. They too believe themselves to be already good enough. Many of this crowd see Christians as hypocrites and are not backward in coming forward to tell us so, any chance they get. They fail to see that when they hide behind hypocrites they make themselves smaller than hypocrites. Often they’re the first to tell us the Bible is, “a load of old superstitious rubbish.” They’ll still quote from it however, when it suits their purposes to do so – especially when giving us lectures on what Christianity and Christians ought to be and do. They see no need for any God to rule over them and look upon those of us who do as weak. This make you mad?
Then we have the bulk of society; they’re neither religious nor do-gooders. Most of them are good living people, doing nobody any harm. Some would give you the shirt off their back. The Golden Rule is their only rule; it serves them well right throughout their earthly lives. They acknowledge the existance of a Supreme Being but reject He is the Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, there are those who acknowledge nobody and nothing except them and theirs. They see the world as their oyster so they’re out there making it happen; no time for God in their thoughts, “I’ll think about that when the time comes for me to need to.” Money, materialism, career, sport, pleasure and leisure become their god’s; they never do get to meet the real One until too late. This make you mad?
Jesus said, I did not come to bring peace but a sword Matthew 10:34. Somebody says, “That’s a contradiction. Your Jesus is supposed to be the Prince of Peace.” True, He is. But it is peace according to His terms and conditions, not yours. If you embrace His terms and conditions with humility and obedience, you will experience a peace way beyond your understanding Philippians 4:7. But with that peace comes separation and division – from within family, friends, associates etc. They will notice that you’ve changed and will ask you what brought it about. When you tell them it was Jesus, some will laugh, others will mock and ridicule, sneer and snarl. With your own eyes and ears you’ll see and hear plenty of it. No need for you to ask, “This make you mad?” “……Everyone who is on the side of truth hears My voice……What is truth?” John 18: 37-38.
© 2013 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
Another hard hitting truthful post, Roger! Thank you and God bless you as nothing He does or says makes you mad.
Yes, Debbie … not a post to win friends and influence people! But the Holy Spirit knows who He’s talking to. Thanks and blessings to you.
“…But it is peace according to His terms and conditions, not yours…”
Amen. Great post and exhortation for all to read. Thanks.
Thanks for your kind words, Larry. God bless your day.