There’s No Other Road to Happiness and Fulfillment

I was in the company of two unhappy, unfulfilled women recently, one in her late sixties and the other in her early twenties. The older woman hates the Jews, the younger one dishonors her mother. As a result, both women are giving witness to the truth declared in the Bible that they are under a curseI will bless those who bless you and I will curse him (her) who curses you Genesis 12:3 applies to the first and, Cursed is the one who treats his father or his mother with contempt (dishonor)Deuteronomy 27:16 applies to the second. In the past I’ve spoken to the older woman about that curse but she simply dismisses it with a laugh.

As yet, I’ve had no opportunity to speak with the younger woman, but unless she allows the light of Christ to enter her life she’s going end up like the older one. The world is saturated with unhappy, unfulfilled people and whilst there are loads of reasons why this might be so, I strongly believe the violation of these two truths lies at the heart of much of it and as such, can be guaranteed to bring about tremendous unhappiness and unfulfillment in a person’s life. Years ago I listened to friends speak of their hatred of Jews. One of them died suddenly before his sixty-first birthday. Another one died at the same age with cancer and two of them are now dying with cancer. In all cases they’ve been unhappy and unfulfilled people.

Like the woman in this post however, they were very successful operators in business or career. On the outside life was good; plenty of money, plenty of pleasure, plenty of leisure, plenty of whatever they wanted whenever they wanted it. Not only were they Jew-haters but also Jesus-haters. That has to be of course, anyone who hates the Jews hates God; and Jesus, being the Incarnation of God can never be excluded John 5:23. That’s why so-called Christian evangelicals speaking out for the so-called Palestinian cause at the expense of the Israeli cause are spiritually blind and foolish for ignoring the reality that when they take on the Jews they take on God … and God has never been known to lose.  

Some of the most physically sick people I’ve met have been those who migrated here from Europe after World War Two. They’re all dead now (most of them before reaching seventy) but when alive I noted them as being big drinkers carrying lots of guilt, lots of bitterness and lots of hatred and disdain for Jews. Knowing what I do today, I would have told those men that it was because they were Jew-haters that they were afflicted with all the other stuff. When God curses a Jew-hater, it means he or she is execrated. Execrate means: ‘to detest utterly’ ‘abhor’ ‘abominate’ ‘imprecate evil upon’ ‘damn’ ‘denounce’ ‘to bitterly curse’. It’s one thing to be cursed by another human being, but quite another to be cursed by the Lord God Almighty.

Why do people hate the Jews? You can find all sorts of reasons if you click around the Internet, but unless you read of Satan the Devil’s involvement in it all you’ll be listening to and embracing lies rather than truth. Satan is a liar. Jesus said of Satan, ……he does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it John 8:44. People who refuse to listen to what the Bible declares have Satan as their father….. “Not of his substance, but by imitation and example; and as being under his authority and influence, his instructions and directions, and ready to follow after him, and obey his commands…..” John Gill – Bible Expositor.

Satan hates God, because God threw him out of heaven Isaiah 14:12-17; Ezekiel 28:11-19. Satan hates God because God cursed him for his lies and deception in the Garden of Eden Genesis 3:14-15. Satan hates the Jews because they are God’s chosen people. He revealed Himself and His written word through them. Satan hates Jesus because Jesus defeated him at the cross. The seeds of lies and hatred are planted within each human being at the moment of conception.  That’s why it’s more natural for a person to lie and hate rather than speak truth and love. Each of us has to work at the latter, not so with the former. The seeds of anti-Semitism are planted within each non-Jewish human being at the moment of conception too.

Anti-Semitism doesn’t show up in a person until he or she learns of some kind of negative behavior or practice attributed to Jews. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, those indwelling anti-Semitic seeds will begin to germinate and sprout! And should one personally experience such negativity from a Jew, they will go into overdrive on the matter every time the word ‘Jew’ or ‘Israel’ gets mentioned. In other words, they’ll tar every Jew with the same brush; Satan will see to it that this is so. True, some Jews are corrupt – some big bankers, some business people, some wheelers and dealers some legal and judicial people and some politicians … some, not all. Only ignorant, bitter and prejudiced fools believe otherwise. That’s why Jew-haters are cursed.

On the world scene, most political leaders and their nations have turned against Israel and the Jews, and those that haven’t as yet will do so; Bible prophecy tells us this. The world’s media has already turned against them, as has the so-called United Nations. Not only has the UN turned against them, but one day they will turn on Israel and attack her. That’s the day God will show His hand! Whilst the slaughter of Jews at the hand of her enemies at that time will be great, the slaughter of her enemies at the hand of God will be absolutely horrendous. And, all Jew-haters not militarily involved will, nevertheless, experience God’s massive, devastating judgment too. 

Now to the dishonoring of parents. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you Exodus 20:12. ‘Honor your father and mother,’ which is the first commandment with a promise: ‘that it may be well with you and you my live long on the earth’ Ephesians 6:2-3. Everyone’s desire is to live a long life and for things to go well; this is how one can get to do so. Too, one doesn’t have to be a Christian to reap the blessings promised for honoring one’s parents and neither are the promises restricted to young people – they’re given to all people with parents or guardians, dead or alive. Sadly, too many unforgiving and sick old people are ignorant of this truth and life is hell for them.

I’ve met old people carrying all sorts of mental and physical sicknesses and diseases and when asked how they got on with their parents when they were alive, the answers given were very often negative. Even after decades with the parents being well and truly gone, some spoke with unforgiveness, dishonor, disrespect, bitterness and even hatred. The parent or guardian may well have been guilty as charged, but the real issue was, those “kids” were the suffering ones. They had reaped the curse from that which arises from dishonor and not the blessings that arise from honor. Sure, some of them got to live long on the earth, but it wasn’t living, it was dying – a slow death!

The dishonoring of parents is rampant in today’s society. In most cases we see parents obeying their children rather than the other way round. The kids demand, the parents don’t reprimand; the kids insist, the parents can’t resist; the kids manipulate, the parents capitulate and on it goes, with both parent and child completely ignorant that each is making a rod for their back … two rods in fact – one from self and one from the other. The other night there was a documentary on TV concerning increased alcohol and drug-fueled violence among young people in this nation. Someone mentioned that years ago if there was an altercation it would be over in a matter of moments, “but not so today, they think nothing of stomping, maiming and killing.”

The stomper, maimer and killer is simply the spoilt, parent-dishonoring child only now he’s inside a grown up body. He’s the same snivelling, whinger and whiner he always was, full of insecurity, fear, anger, anxiety and bitterness, but this is how he gets to express himself these days. He still thinks he’s getting his own way, being too silly, ignorant, arrogant and belligerent to see it that it might be otherwise. He’s cursed –execrated. Then again, he (or she) might be a corporate man or a union man, but he uses emotional blackmailing and bullying to get his own way. He thrives on pushing people around just as he did as a kid to his parents at home and his peers in the school yard. He would tell you he’s happy and fulfilled, but he’s a liar.

The child that has no honor for parents grows up to have no honor for anyone. They will use people and flatter them, they will tell them what they want them to hear, they will give appearances that they’re conforming and co-operative, but the moment their will is crossed, look out! They are masters and mistresses of manipulation and intimidation, they’re experts at turning the innocent party into the guilty party making their life hell just as they’ve made their own life hell. They are completely ignorant of any truth and principle that says, ‘what you give is what you get’ …..for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap Galatians 6:7. Worse: One who hates Jews and dishonors his/her parents reaps a double curse!

What to do then? Most people won’t do anything … as far as they’re concerned they’re right and everyone else is wrong. That’s how they live, that’s how they die. For those who want to do something, there’s two “somethings” to do; humble yourself and repent before God … His name is Jesus. ‘Repent’ means: to reconsider, change your thoughts, your mind, your will, your purpose, your views and embrace God’s. God says you’re a sinner and cursed. Jesus is your Savior and the only one who can break  curses. Put your entire being into His hands, get washed in His blood, get delivered from all curses and come under God’s blessings and experience His love from here on in. There’s no other road to happiness and fulfillment. “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” John 8: 12.  

© 2013 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. A few more reasons why Satan hates Jews are all the promises God has made to Israel. If Satan could cause enough problems to stop just one of God’s promises from being fulfilled for Israel, then Satan will end up being declared the victor over God.

    It ain’t ever happening! God sees the end before the beginning ever starts.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this, Roger! I have a friend, a Jewish believer, who also tells of how those supporting Israel / Jews come under attack from the enemy. Not that that should stop us . .. just more evidence that it is something we should do. 🙂 God bless you as you minister to us!

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