I was sharing with a fellow Christian that I had been receiving private emails and phone calls from people who had left a fellowship because of false doctrine taught within, plus manipulative tactics used by the leadership to control current members as well as bad-mouth those who had left. He gave me what I now consider to be the classic Christian response, “There’s no such thing as the perfect church, you know.” At least he was gracious enough not to follow through with, “But if you find one and join, it will no longer be perfect.” The first statement may not be the language of Satan, but the second statement is!
I’ve been listening to the “no such thing” thing now for nearly twenty-five years and find it remarkable how often it fits with Galatians 6:7 ….whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. It’s bad enough that the United Nations globalist, socialist agenda is on course without a hitch in Australian society as the people slumber in front of their TV’s, or drug themselves silly with needless shopping and endless sport. But it’s quite something else when Christians get caught up in slumber too. What’s the UN agenda? It is to deliberately dumb down people to a level of mediocrity, average, the lowest common denominator; an “everybody gets a pass nobody wins” mentality.
Many Christians subscribing to the “no such thing” thing don’t seem to realize this is the level they are dumbing themselves down to when they surrender to thoughts and comments such as: ‘We must not be judgmental’ – ‘I’m not one to judge’ – ‘love is more important than doctrine’ – ‘Christians are not perfect, just forgiven’ – ‘I’d rather the faults of the church than those of the world’ – ‘The Lord will have His way anyhow’ and so on. It sounds pious and virtuous, but often it’s a religious copout – little more than a spiritual smokescreen to hide behind. The politically correct folks love this kind of Christian; they know many will be a pushover when confronted with the next social pressure.
I’ve noticed that some more readily speak the language of the world than the language of God when it comes to addressing personal, family, or work problems, or those of society and the world. They talk about what the government should be doing, not what they or the church should be doing. One can ask, “What’s the Lord saying to you about this,” and there’s often no answer forthcoming because they haven’t taken it to the Lord. But they will sigh, look away from themselves, shrug their shoulders, and ask, “What’s this world coming to?” But when one responds from the word of God about, “what this world is coming to,” they lack spiritual ears to hear what the Spirit says.
They have the ability to generalize from the Scriptures about issues, but there’s an inability for many to embrace specific Scriptures for specific issues. That’s because their prayers are more general than specific … “Thy will be done, Lord” instead of, “Lord, Your word is Your will and Your word says…..” That’s the kind of prayer God seeks from His people. It is, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace….. Hebrews 4:16. It is not, “Let us therefore come timidly…..” But that’s one of the big problems for lots of subscribers to the “no such thing” thing anyway; they interpret “the bold” as “the presumptuous.” The can have a lot to say about the need for humility, but nothing to say about the need to be delivered from false humility.
One who is content to subscribe to the “no such thing” thing is rarely going to experience in any great measure, the glorious promises of, Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God? John 11:40 and …..he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him Hebrews 11:6. Both promises require active faith … a decisive act coupled with a sustained attitude. In other words, God said it, by faith we believe it, we’re going to meet the conditions, act on the promises and when the time is right we’re going to inherit the promises. A church of believers subscribing to that would spiritually spit on the UN crowd and their demonic agendas, or anyone else’s demonic agenda.
Christians not subscribing to the “no such thing” thing are fully aware that in themselves they are not perfect people. But they are fully aware that they are complete in Him (Christ) Colossians 2:10, which is how they interpret the word ‘perfect’. Trusting in the perfect blood of Jesus to continually wash their sins away, as they did when first surrendering their lives to Him, they rest in the reality that when God looks at them He sees them as His Son sees them – not guilty, reckoned righteous, made righteous, just as if they had never sinned. They acknowledge there’s a process of sanctification going on but, it’s simply God making them what He first called them – complete in Him. Only God knows where they are on that path.
Christians must break through the “no such thing” thing … it breeds spiritual paralysis. We can know the mind of God on many issues, but where each of us is on the sanctification path is not one of them; God never intended us to know because it either fosters pride within or false humility – or both. Therefore, we ought to accept the truth of what God tells us about ourselves as being perfect in Him and get on with our individual and corporate high calling as revealed to us by the perfect Holy Spirit and His perfect Holy word. That way we can relax and let God get on with whatever it is He wants to do. God does not want His people to be sin conscious, perfect conscious or imperfect conscious, only Christ conscious.
Some subscribers to the “no such thing” thing do not appear to be able to discern the spiritual darkness smothering our churches and society. They acknowledge there’s increased godlessness, violence and crime, but should one say to them that this is exactly how things are to play out in the last days 2 Timothy 3:1-5, it seems to go over their heads as they chatter on about the need for stronger laws, more police and better politicians etc. They can express themselves quite adequately from the natural perspective, but quite inadequately from the supernatural perspective. They can talk in general terms about Satan as being the god of this age, but not so in specific terms when it comes to how he works – in the church or out of it.
When it comes to the discussion of end times and the approaching of the Lord’s return, many subscribers to the “no such thing” thing are too often tongue-tied. Earthquakes, famines, plagues, weather changes, ethnic strife, wars, rumors of wars, One-World governance, currency, religion … they don’t dismiss the reality of these, but they do put them into the too hard basket. “I’m confused,” they’ll say. “There’s so many different opinions on this, it’s hard to know what’s right and what’s not, who’s right and who’s not.” They’re right too, there are mutiple opinions, books, DVD’s studies, etc, out there, some of it very confusing. But they are not right to simply push it aside with some pious expression like, “The Lord will have His way anyhow.”
Such an attitude dulls one’s spiritual senses to the urgency of the matter at hand. Jesus wasn’t playing games with words when He told us to, watch (be vigilant, watchful, wake, keep awake) Mark 13:33, 37. We may have differences of opinion about the exact details of the end times and we may not know the day nor the hour when Jesus returns for the church to take us where He is, but we should know the signs are all around us and, we should know He is coming as a thief in the night 1Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10. It’s enough for God to tell us this once, but when He tells us twice, that should be a grand motivator to shake us out of any slumber, and stay out of it.
United Nations philosophy is one that says, “Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” That’s also the philosophy of religious cults, and far too many churches, even if they use different words. It is a diabolical philosophy! The perpetrators of it take a back seat to nobody; they’ll stomp on you any chance they get. The slumbering world is already being stomped on, but by the time it wakes up to that fact it’ll be too late; the Tribulation will be upon it and the Antichrist and his henchmen will be in full control. This is another reason why subscribers to the “no such thing” thing need to get some sound insight into the end times. It is God’s desire that we not only watch, but warn.
Individual rights are extremely important to God. But as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave the right (power, authority, jurisdiction, liberty, strength) to become children of God John 1:12. How about that! Check out that biblical meaning of ‘right’ again. That’s the exact opposite of UN philosophy! This promise is given always in the context of the individual, never the collective. That’s the promise every individual needs to hear and contemplate, so as to make an informed choice about where it is they want to end up. There’s only two choices – remain an heir to all God’s curses (which includes the UN) for all eternity, or, become an heir to all God’s blessings in Jesus Christ for all eternity.
Something else I notice about subscribers to the “no such thing” thing – not all, but many. Outside of their church or fellowship, I don’t hear them talk about Jesus unless I talk about Him. Recently I was in the company of a Christian man for two days. He shared a work related problem and two family related problems with me and at no time did I hear him mention, “The Lord” or “Jesus”. Jesus is his Lord, but had I not known that, I would not have discovered it over those two days. There’s something wrong when people can’t speak of their Lord in the company of a fellow Christian – even worse when they have problems such as this brother. Our relationship with Jesus is one thing, fellowship with Him is something else altogether!
Probably before the Lord returns for the church, Christians in the western world will suffer persecution just as they’re currently suffering it in the non-western world. If so, we’d better know who Christ is in us and just as importantly, we’d better know we are in Him. If we’ve not done so already, now is the time to wake up from the slumber and find out. In that hour, there will be only one name on our lips – JESUS. In that name we will speak His word with great power and authority into every situation that confronts us, and JESUS is going to honor that word mightily. The “no such thing” thing? In God’s eyes there is such a “thing” … the blood of JESUS makes it so. “God is my strength and power, and He makes my way perfect (complete, full, upright). 2 Samuel 22:33.
© 2012 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
Thank you, Roger! I find comfort and strength in knowing that there is such a thing, because He will make it so! God bless you!
Ah, Debbie … two attributes of our dear Holy Spirit – comfort and strength! Let no man take them from us. God bless you today and thanks.