The Do-gooders Are Seduced

In viewing an old video the other day, the Christian lecturer was explaining ‘evil’ to his audience.  He told them that the most dangerous evils in the world are presented to us in, “very pleasant shapes.”  Saying too, that many advocates of such are, “very pleasant people, as people.”  He gave the example of the do-gooder, who, “only wants to do good to you, whether you want it done to you or not.” He went on to say that for such do-gooders, the next step is very logical, “so I can do this good to you, I only want enough power.” His ‘power’ is not according to God’s truth or proper authority, however – he finds these to be, “oppressive, restrictive and reactionary.”

I’ve been thinking about this in relation to the governing authorities of our nation.   No wonder there’s confusion all about … the do-gooders in charge being every bit a part of the problem as the downright not-so-do-gooders in charge, with evil intent. Rejecting God’s truth and authority, both have forged ahead dumping their “this is the way it ought to be” on us and we’re finding out what truly is oppressive, restrictive and reactionary; not God’s laws … theirs!  I love the way a preacher (sorry, I don’t know his name) gave a classic example of the difference between God’s laws and those of Government in relation to Noah building the Ark.  He said in America today (I say Australia too), it would be impossible for Noah to obey God.

He asked to consider the scenario of Noah in this generation trying to achieve the rescue of righteous people from a pending flood.  Noah would have to say to God that the reason the Ark was not yet built was because, first, he had to get a permit for construction because God’s plans didn’t comply with the building codes. Second, he had to hire an engineering firm and redo the plans.  He got into an argument with O H & S over whether or not the Ark needed a fire sprinkling system and flotation devices. Next, his neighbor objected because he was violating zoning ordinances by building the Ark in his front yard.  So Noah had to lodge a rezoning application with the City Council, “and it’s now with the Land and Environment Court.”

Noah couldn’t get enough wood for the Ark because there was a ban on cutting trees … to save the woodpecker.  He tried to convince the Department of Conservation and Land Management that he needed the wood to save the woodpecker. The National Parks and Wildlife wouldn’t allow him to catch any woodpeckers. The carpenters hired for the job, formed a Union and went out on strike. He had to negotiate a settlement with the Department of Industrial Relations before anyone would pick up a saw or a hammer.  When Noah started rounding up the animals he got sued by the Humane Society.  They objected to the confined conditions on the Ark and reminded him of Section 4, Sub-section 2 of the Act, under which…..

The licence to keep indigenous species was granted, ‘states a minimum space requirement.’  And just when he got the lawsuit dismissed, the Environment Planning Authority notified Noah that he couldn’t complete the Ark without filing an Environmental Impact Statement on God’s proposed flood.  They didn’t take too kindly to the idea that they had no jurisdiction over the Creator of the Universe.  Then the Department of Land and Water Conservation demanded a map of the proposed new flood plains.  Noah was trying to resolve a complaint filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that claimed he was practicing discrimination by not taking godless, unbelieving people aboard.

The IRS seized his assets and his passport because they said he was building the Ark to flee the country to avoid paying taxes.  The Waterways Authorities told him he owed them some kind of user tax; he failed to register the Ark as a recreational water craft. Further – Noah had continual visits from Greenpeace, The Humane Society, Workers Comp and Insurance Authority, The Sheriff’s Office … and numerous Government Departments he never knew existed.  The Council for Civil Liberties convinced the court to issue an injunction against further construction of the Ark, saying that since God is flooding the earth it is a religious event, therefore, it is unconstitutional.

Noah then went on to tell God that he didn’t think he could finish the Ark for at least another 5 or 6 years.  Finally Noah looked up into the sky and he saw a great big rainbow.  He asked God if He still intended to destroy the earth and God said, “No, I don’t have to.  Your Government democratic bureaucracy already has!” All those Departments! Can you see how much power and influence the do-gooder has? He’s every bit as dangerous as the downright, not-so-do-gooder with evil intent! Interesting isn’t it?  God gave us Ten Commandments as guidelines for government; Jesus even simplified them into two! Matthew 22:36-40. The laws of our land are based on biblical principles, they are embodied in the Australian Constitution.

For a some years now God has been impressing upon me the deep darkness of the world system, so I asked Him to show me how it all works.  The answers have been coming in various ways but the other day I came across some material with regards to law – Common Law and Civil Law.  Common Law: the body of customary law, based on judicial decisions and embodied in reports of decided cases, that has been administered by the common law courts of England since the Middles ages. From it has evolved the type of legal system found also in Civil Law in Australia, NZ, USA, Canada and in most member states of the Commonwealth. Common Law stands in contrast to the legal system derived from Civil Law, now widespread in Continental Europe and elsewhere.

Civil Law today – a binding custom or practice of a community – a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority. There’s the big problem today ‘enforced by a controlling authority’.  They may have the control, but do they have the authority? I believe not.  The first 9 Clauses of our Constitution can never be changed and any others cannot be changed without the consent of the people in a Referendum. This means every valid law must conform to the Constitution.  At every level of governing practice here, our Constitution is being over-ridden. Some examples: I’m learning that, birth certificates and registration, motor driver licences, motor registration, traffic laws, road tolls, speed cameras are unconstitutional.

I am learning that ‘statutes’ are not laws, but rather rules generally made up by private companies and as such, are binding only on the employees or contractors with that company.  Since our Governments, Local Councils and others who pretend to be “government” today, are in fact private Companies/Corporations, their “rules” are statutes, not valid laws.  In other words, they have no authority over anyone outside that private company. It’s like IBM or Coca-Cola saying I have a contract with them, and I don’t know about it. When Government Departments and the Courts claim to represent the “Crown” they do not mean they are representing Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 11 of the House of Windsor. Most of us think they do.

The “Crown” they speak of is a fake crown – a crown corporation … THE CROWN CORPORATION HER MAJESTY IN RIGHT OF ENGLAND.  This is not Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.  It is the Sovereign independent Nation of London – a private company.  Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 of the House of Windsor has sworn to uphold the Laws of God. She is the Defender of the Faith, Defender of God’s Law and Defender of Common Law.  She is the Defender of our God-given Human Rights. I am beginning to get a glimpse of the importance of the Monarchy for our Nation.  There are many do-gooders seduced by the not-so-do-gooders who are all for dumping this system in favor of a “Republic of Australia.”

I say the do-gooders are seduced because of their ignorance of what’s in the Constitution.  If we go down the Republican path we will lose all the freedoms of the Constitution.  We’re losing many of them now because of our ignorance of which “Crown” it is that rules over us. But while we still have it intact and no really important issues for our freedom can be changed or removed without a national referendum, I believe with God’s guidance we can be alerted to and stand against the dangerous evils that have come and are coming in “very pleasant shapes”. Surely this is the task of a Christian.  How wrong that our church “leaders” and “fathers” are not addressing this.  What a deception it is when they say, “we don’t get involved in politics!”

Is it politics, or is standing up for those freedoms and speaking up for those who can’t speak up for themselves?  No wonder most people don’t see us to be much different than them.  I have never heard a church leader address this issue.  I’ve heard plenty say we are to be obedient to the authorities and laws of the nation … but it seems they prefer ignorance as to who’s what and what’s which so far as legitimacy is concerned.  These are the people who stand in pulpits and declare, “The truth will set you free – amen?” I marvel that God has given us the freedom He has!  But I can also see why our freedoms are being eroded … and we cannot blame the devil.

The Australian Constitution was written by godly men and therefore I believe it should be defended by godly men.  I don’t know whether Thomas Jefferson was a godly man but I agree with the statement he supposedly made: When injustice becomes law then resistance becomes a duty.  Does this mean we become militant Christians? Perhaps not. It means we should become repenting Christians, then praying Christians … humbling ourselves before God about this 2 Chronicles 7:14. God will guide us from there.  It means also for many church leaders that they must repent and sever themselves from their demonic Secret Society, the Freemasons.  They’re on their way to hell if they don’t. We cannot serve both God and Satan.

I do not believe it would be impossible for Noah to obey God today.  We just have to stand for God and His biblical laws, principles and patterns rather than those that conflict with them. And, we don’t have to violate Romans 13:1-7 to do so. Whoever and whatever is appointed by God is never appointed by using corrupt and illegitimate means.   Someone says, “But can’t you see that this points to the One World Government that the Book of Revelation tells us is coming with the reign of the Antichrist?”  Yes, I can.  But that government is not the will of God, it is the will of godless man.  My freedoms come from obedience to the will of God, not from the will of godless man … neither the do-gooder or the not-so-do-gooder! What to do then? I’m in prayer about it. “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29.      

© 2012 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then in mid-June 1985 he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community house to house ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel since 1992. Now streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM AUSTRALIA EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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