On Sunday June 5, an estimated 10,000 people here in Melbourne rallied as part of a national climate change campaign urging the federal government to set a carbon price. And one of the newspapers carrying the story showed a picture of a young boy about twelve years old holding a green placard. Written on the placard were the words, “The Earth Is In Our Hands!” Looking into that picture I thought how sad it is that a boy so young should be burdened by such a lie. I’m told that many young people are so fearful of what the future holds for them that they have no hope. As a result, it’s one of the major reasons why they later decide to end it all by taking their lives.
Further looking into that picture I began to ask myself about his parents. Who are they? Where are they? What are their thoughts on all this? What is it that they believe? What is it that comes out of their mouths on a daily basis and goes into his mind? How about his teachers … what do they stand for? Based on what I’ve observed and discerned about climate change proponents, it’s possible that none of them stand for anything … at least not on the basis of truth. Statements such as, “The earth is in our hands” and “We must do what we can to save the planet” are lies. God Almighty Himself would call these damnable lies!
That word “damnable” is mentioned only once in the Bible, it seems that God is reluctant to use it. It means: ‘destruction’ ‘die’ ‘perish.’ Which is exactly what is happening for all those who cling to these climate change statements without giving any consideration for the Creator of this earth. The earth is not in our hands it is in God’s hands. What disturbs me in all this is how easy it is for the ignorant and the gullible to be sucked in. Is climate change real? Probably so, but not according to man’s doing. The information Jesus gives us in Luke 21:25-28 suggests God is bringing these changes, as does New Testament Revelation.
The climate turmoils that the world is experiencing are wake-up calls from God. God is saying to spiritually asleep people, “Wake up! Look up! Get up! Get real!” The earth is not going anywhere. God Himself says, “(the) earth is My footstool.” Isaiah 66:1; Matthew 5:35; Acts 7:49. In other words, the earth is subject to God, and at His dispose. Earth, being God’s footstool, “represents (as one of the old-time saints of God puts it) the majesty, sovereignty and immensity of God; who is the maker of all things……” How arrogant, blasphemous and foolish these leading evolutionary humanist climate-change proponents are. What an immoral bunch too.
Why do I call them an immoral bunch? Because even though, “the heavens declare the glory of God” Psalm 19:1, these people refuse to do so … they’re earth-bound creatures with eyes for nothing but self-righteous opinions. Most of them refuse to acknowledge that there is a God, they refuse to acknowledge any viewpoint other than their own. And it is with that one-sided arrogance that they then go about foisting it upon everybody else, filling them with fear and guilt but also making them just as arrogant, blasphemous and foolish as they are. It truly is the case of the blind leading the blind – and into the ditch do both fall!
I grieve for all parents and guardians of such twelve year-olds. Why? Because they too were once twelve year-olds. Question is, what were their minds being filled with at that age? When I was a twelve year-old it was a time of world-war-3-threats ever hanging over us … communists/nuclear bombs-type stuff. But in those days at least there were some people around who gave acknowledgment that there was a God and there were some indications that He was being sought in prayer for guidance. Political leaders of nations, civic leaders, teachers, parents etc, they were doing it. Nobody carried a placard back then declaring, “The world is in our hands.” They were intelligent and humble enough to know that it wasn’t!
In three and a half years doing gospel street-ministry I know what happened to some of the parents of today’s twelve year-olds. They remained twelve year-olds themselves inside adult bodies. Fearful, worried, confused, lonely, empty, guilty. No matter how hard one tries to cover that stuff up, it always shows up under a crisis – and that’s when it gets passed on to the kids. There are no exceptions. It may never get spoken about by a parent, but it’s there and the kids will tell you it’s there if one is blessed to gain their confidence. The sad thing about this whole climate-change thing is that most give the impression that they’re clued up on it. The fact is, most are clue less.
The following day there was another headline on an Internet website. “Australian Religious Leaders and the Carbon Tax.” These religious leaders represented Australia’s Hindu, Uniting Church, Jewish, Bahai, Buddhist, Catholic, Jain and Anglican communities. Comments such as: “the issue was a moral one.” “Caring for the environment was at the core of all faiths … the greatest moral challenge of our time.” “It impacts on every aspect of life … it was a threat to political and military security.” “The Anglican church was united in its concern globally.”
More. “Faiths of all persuasions had more to unite them than divide them.” “This morning over a plate of corn-flakes, the superior of our congregation said, ‘before anything I am an earthling’ and I agree wholeheartedly.” “Combating climate change is a moral imperative no matter what religious beliefs people had.” “This isn’t actually an issue to whether one believes in God or not or how one believes in God.” How about that!
More than one Christian leader in that report spoke to the “moral” aspect of this issue. Amazing isn’t it? You can’t get them to stand up and speak out against that which God says is immoral … things like sexual immorality, same-sex marriage, abortion, lying civic, state and federal government officials and corruption in high places. And all too often they’re the first to come down on biblical Christians who do so, labeling them as judgmental, intolerant, lacking compassion etc. I’ve written on this blog about Spiritual Cowards and these people fit that description to a tee. These are the ones that will join with the forces of hell in the creation of the One-World Church and lead multitudes into that hell!
Let me add to this. How about the real moral challenge of their own time? How immoral is the church leader who denies the Bible as being the sole word of God to man and the Lord Jesus Christ being the sole way to God? If more of them took their stand on those truths we’d have less twelve year-olds riddled with deception, fear and gloom … including twelve year-olds trapped in twenty, thirty, forty and fifty-plus year -old adult bodies. It can be promised, when those leaders stand before Christ on Judgment Day and give Him an account of their lives, climate change will be the furthest thing from their mind. They will know what pretentious frauds they have been. Some of them know it now.
The Dictionary tells us that a heathen is ‘an unconverted individual of a people that do not acknowledge the God of the Bible.’ I don’t say that, the dictionary says it. But based on that description, what I do say is, regardless of what these people claim for themselves under the banner of Christian and Christianity, they are in fact heathens. They have absolutely nothing in common with Jesus Christ, nothing in common with God, nothing in common with the word of God and therefore, nothing in common with the people of God. They are the reason why so many heathens in society continue to be heathens. They take one look at these creatures and then say, “Who wants that? No thank you!”
It is my belief in the coming days that unless Christians begin to truly take the word of God Almighty seriously they too will become candidates of deceptions similar to, “The earth is in our hands!” By this I mean, that it’s time now to stop feeding your spirit solely on the words of men from Sunday pulpits and mid-week Bible study home-groups. It is time to begin feeding on the word of God Himself, for yourself. In other words, find the mind of God for yourself on issues important to you. If you don’t you will be spiritually immature – a spiritual twelve year-old.
How many Christians are caving in to the manipulations and lies thrown at them from the media and they’re falling in a heap over it? How many are falling in a heap over dire economic predictions, disease threats, terror, war, etc and they haven’t sought the mind of God about any of it? They go to church, they do all kinds of church stuff but they are not sustained by faith in the testing times. No, they don’t carry placards, but too many take things into their own hands and they drag their fellow Christians into joining them … using tactics similar to the proponents of climate change. They’re crowd-followers, not God-followers.
The Christian who disciplines him/herself to the mind of God and the voice of the Holy Spirit only, is never going to be a pushover for the mind and the voice of anybody else no matter how good, true and noble their cause may be. The Bible declares that born again Christians (there is no other kind of Christian) have the mind of Christ 1 Corinthians 2:16. That means we have a supernatural mind and as such, our mind should at all times be focused on the supernatural, not the natural. Let the earth-bound, “before anything else I’m an earthling”-creatures wallow in their arrogance, blasphemy and foolishness. Avoid being side-tracked by them.
An opinion: Man-made climate change is a lie. Why? Because the loudest voices in the world are united in saying it’s true. And yet, down through history the loudest voices have never been united for truth … they hate truth. The Old Testament is full of practical examples. They are lovers of lies, not truth. Lovers of truth pay a high price for that love. These people are not paying any price, they’re in it for self-gain. That’s why they don’t mind dragging the ignorant and gullible by the multitudes into their trap. Too cynical? Take it to the Lord and see what He reveals to you.
Another reason man-made climate change is a lie. The proponents and their followers of this are not liberated (free) people. They are anything but free … deeply angry, resentful, fearful, bitter, manipulative, intimidating … all the things that people walking in truth can never be – at least not for long. Why not? Because all of that stuff clashes big-time with what Jesus tells us about TRUTH.
Applying truth to our entire being really does put us on the pathway to freedom and liberty – from climate change or any other “change” that the world seeks to bombard us with. Again, the earth is not in our hands, it is in God’s hands and always will be. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1. “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22. “One generation passes away, and another generation comes, but the earth abides forever.” Ecclesiastes 1:4. “….and we (God’s people) shall reign on the earth.” Revelation 5:10.
© 2011 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.
“…and let them [men] rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing on the earth.” (Genesis 1:26)
This is the authority which God gave to Adam, which then would have been passed on to us, if Adam would not have sinned and lost his birthright to Satan. Notice what’s missing: climate, weather, control over ocean tides, seasons, etc.
So, once again, some Christian leaders are trying to do what can’t be done with authority they don’t have. Ho hum! A bunch of Don Quixotes being made fools of by empty philosophy and high sounding nonsense that comes from human wisdom and evil powers and not from Christ (Colossians 2:8 NLT).
Yes, good points, Larry. Thanks for bringing them to attention. As for those leaders, fools they are indeed. Empty headed blasphemous fools.
Setting a price for carbon makes as much sense as setting a price for bad works. Paying the price won’t change anything, but it will fill the coffers of those who persist in selling such falsehoods – and alleviate the guilt of those who fail to live up to proper standards.
Another example of “eyes being blinded” and “ears being stopped.”
How true, Lynn. Blind, deaf and mad. God has seen to it that this is so – 2 Thessalonians 2-11. What a price they’ll pay on the day they stand before Him.