The Christ-less Ones

Christ-less men and woman galore have recently come out of the woodwork here to sneer at and or chastise the Federal Government for daring to consider placing the persecuted Christian people ahead of Muslims when they bring in 12,000 refugees from Europe who fled the Middle East. Whether that’s what will happen or not, it certainly shows up what’s in the heart of this crowd – they hate Christians! And going by the deafening silence of protest against such bigotry from our church leaders, who are never normally deafeningly silent on refugee matters, one can be forgiven for thinking they too might be Christ-less!

The Christ-less ones have done a good job so far of silencing leaders when it comes to standing up for Jesus Christ and biblical Christianity in this country. Numerous posts on this blog speak of such, so for the purposes of this post I’m suggesting that if there is to be any standing up for the Lord and the Bible to come in the days ahead, it will come from us “ordinary” Christians, who will in fact, become the true leaders! We will lead people to Christ. No, we will not be called “Reverend” or “Pastor” – we will not be given churches to preach in or people to preach to in the traditional sense, we will stand up and speak whatever to whoever, wherever and whenever the Holy Spirit calls the shots! Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season 2 Timothy 4:2.

Unlike too many traditional church leaders, we will not be silenced by the Christ-less ones’ accusations that Christians are haters. We are led by the Holy Spirit, we live in the Spirit, we have spiritual discernment. The very moment we hear their silly, infantile accusations we know they’re speaking their master’s language – Satan. In other words, when Satan says it’s down, we know it’s up. When he says it’s out, we know it’s in. When he says Christians have no love, we know it is he who has no love. Therefore, when his Christ-less ones tell us we are haters, we know it is they who are the haters. Not only do we know it, we tell them so. Personal reputation means nothing to us; the reputation of the Lord means everything to us!

For new Christians reading this post, God stands with you, not with them. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one……………… But we have the mind of Christ 1 Corinthians 2:14-16. “There are two types of men (people). There is the spiritual man, whose spirit is the temple and dwelling-place of the Spirit of God. He knows the thoughts of God, because he has a living union with the eternal Mind. And there is the natural man, possessing merely the intellect and conscience of ordinary humanity.” – FF Meyer.

“Christians are haters,” is the new hate speech. We mustn’t be afraid to throw that reality into the face of the Christ-less ones; it is they, not we, who are the nasty human beings here. It’s one thing for people to reject us and our Christian message and move on, it is quite something else when these nasties hang around but refuse to engage in intelligent conversations whereby we can discuss principles and their outcomes with them. They don’t dare speak of Muslims in such a manner. They know which side their bread is buttered on! As for those among them who pontificate on what Jesus would or wouldn’t do in today’s society, it is His people alone who possess sound, rock-solid explanations for successes and failures in life, never them.

The fruits of the rebellious, Christ-forsaking 1960’s generation (of which I was one!) are really showing up now, but not in us so much as in our children and grandchildren. Even though they rejected their Christian beliefs and practice, many did have godly parents or grandparents. I believe it was their unceasing prayers on our behalf that is the cause of us being mightily blessed and protected through the years. But now that most of them are dead the prayers have stopped. We failed to pray for our children, they’re failing to pray for theirs, so now we have Christ-less ones en-masse. They don’t even know why they hate Christians. All they hear of is atrocities have been carried out in Jesus’ name historically and they think that’s Christianity.

The best movements of God in the world have only ever been as a result of prayer. Pagan communities, cities and societies were turned upside down and inside out by it, as the New Testament Book of Acts shows us. It was through Spirit-led prayer that lives were changed, bodies and minds were healed and people were raised from the dead. It was through that kind of prayer that wicked-living people were transformed into holy-living people. However, if it’s true that prayer changes things, it just as true that lack of prayer changes things. The Christ-less ones I know are happy to be Christ-less, but they are far from happy with what they see going on around them and the fact that much of it threatens their well-being and that of their loved ones.

The Christ-less ones have no solutions to the evils and lawlessness running rampant in every society. More rules and more laws is the best they can come up with. Christians say the solution is not found in rules and laws but in redeemed hearts, forgiven, made new and clean through the blood of Jesus Christ Colossians 1:13-14. The first thing Satan has them thinking of is those atrocities, so they dismiss our message labeling us “haters” in the process. Satan doesn’t think of the atrocities, what he thinks of is the blood of Jesus – pure and powerful to us, powerful but poison to him! No wonder when you go into most churches today you don’t hear them singing,There is power, power, wonder working power in the blood of the Lamb.”

Speaking of the Christ-less ones ways of doing things, there are a variety of media campaigns going on around the nation against family violence. “Enough!” says one. “No!” says another. “Break the silence!” yet another. Last week a man ran his former wife off the road and bashed her to death with a metal bar. Another man killed his 6 year old daughter. A man walked into McDonald’s, put a headlock on his wife, shot her through the head and then shot himself. A man stabbed his mother to death, then chased his 7 year old nephew and did the same to him. So much for, “Enough” “No” and “Break the Silence!” If only the Christ-less ones would humble themselves! Satan doesn’t bow to human commands; he bows to God’s commands.

A spirit of treachery reigns supreme among Christ-less ones holding the highest offices of the land here in Australia. In the past 5 years for example, we have had four Prime Ministers; each one of them being shafted by their treacherous colleagues, including those who took over the top job. It happened again last week! And as for the Christ-less ones employed by the nation’s media who unceasingly feed this, a more treacherous bunch would be difficult to find anywhere. Of course we know it is the agenda of the Christ-less ones at the United Nations to strip each nation of its sovereignty and that can never happen without a relentless destabilization program taking place within that nation.

What’s at the top flows down. That means treachery cannot limit itself to Christ-less politicians and media people alone. It must go on to entice everyone who chooses to be   dishonest, immoral, unethical and unprincipled in life. Another word for ‘treachery’ is ‘betrayal’ – same spirit, different name. Betrayal is what we Christians face in the days ahead if the Lord fails to return for the church soon, as many expect Him to. Therefore, it’s not enough to know we are hated by the Christ-less ones, that’s relatively harmless. But to be betrayed by them, as Christians have been in times past and present in other lands, we need to ready ourselves for that. How many of us are ready to be betrayed by parents, siblings, relatives and friends? Not many, I venture to say at this point.

The Christ-less ones face betrayal up ahead too. Presently all their trust is placed in their qualifications, jobs, careers, finances, savings and Governments. An economic and financial collapse of major proportions is coming. Putting it simply, what they’re trusting in is going to betray them big time! That’s where we come into the picture. Some will stop hating us and come running for help. “Jesus Christ is with you,” they’ll say. “I want Him too! Lead me to Him.” Will it be a sudden revelation for these “some” that Christ is with us? No, they know it now. It’s just that they think they have a better deal already. The collapse and betrayal will shatter that thought. Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life John 5:24.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. “Some will stop hating us and come running for help. “Jesus Christ is with you,” they’ll say. “I want Him too! Lead me to Him.”

    Francis Frangipane says, “People are deceived until their faith for their deceptions run out.” This will be the time for many of them.

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