To support Evolution and the Big Bang theory, Pope Francis reported recently, “When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so…….” What a silly thing to say! No wonder Roman Catholics are confused about what it is they are to believe. When their leaders are unwilling to humble themselves in submission to the crystal clarity of the Creation account in Genesis, there’s not much hope of their people ever doing so. It’s common for religious minds to settle for Evolution and the Big Bang over a literal six-day account of Creation; it is also common for unregenerate minds.
What are unregenerate minds? Minds that haven’t been quickened by the Holy Spirit; therefore they are dead in trespasses and sin Ephesians 2:1. That’s the spiritual condition of everyone who has not been born again. It’s also the spiritual condition of most religious people, leaders and otherwise. Nicodemus is the classic biblical example of a spiritually dead man. He was a good religious leader, committed to his religion but Jesus told him unless one is born again he cannot understand the things of God, nor can he enter heaven John 3:1-21. Another classic example of a good, religious but spiritually dead man is the scribe who questioned Jesus. Jesus told him, You are not far from the kingdom of God Mark 12:28-34. Not far from, but he wasn’t in!
Bible Christians must always be mindful of Satan’s tactics against the word of God. Has God indeed said……? was the tactic Satan used on Eve in the garden Genesis 3:1; he has never deviated from it and he never will. This is what it comes down to for every human being: you either believe God’s explanations of Creation in the first two chapters of Genesis, or you do not; there is no middle ground. Scientific knowledge is not the prerequisite for belief here; humility, faith and trust are the prerequisites. ‘God said it, I believe it,’ is not blind faith, it is revelation faith. In other words, God reveals Himself and His truths to the humble, the repentant, the faithful and the trusting person only; He’s got nothing to say to anyone else except, “Repent.”
The acceptance of a literal six-day Creation account does not require anyone to think of God as a magician with a magic wand. The religious or unregenerate mind that hints of such a suggestion is also a blasphemous mind. Moses possessed no thoughts of God as a magician with a magic wand, but he did tell us in no uncertain terms, For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them Exodus 20:11. Six literal, 24-hour days he was referring to, not six billion-year days. Moses was the real deal too – a true man of God and a true leader. He was an educated man, learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians Acts 7:22. But when he met the Lord God, it was His knowledge and wisdom he sought, from there on.
As Bible Christians, we must not allow ourselves to get satanically trapped by pseudo scientists and their disingenuous “how?” questions of Creation either. No scientist was there at the time. In any case, as I understand it, science is the study of natural law. But nothing about God’s Creation was natural; it was supernatural; a miraculous, six-day, never-to-be-repeated event. Never to be repeated that is, until God does away with this present earth and universe and creates a new one – which He will do in a flash of seconds Isaiah 65: 17; 66:22; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1. Speaking of Moses, science is not able to explain the flame of fire from the midst of a bush…..the bush burned with fire, but the bush was not consumed Exodus 3:2. Another miracle!
Science is not able to explain any miracles of God; that’s why so many cowardly say they don’t believe in them. But that’s a lame excuse; one which we shouldn’t let them away with because the Bible is full of miraculous events. A ‘miracle’ is a supernatural intervention into the course of nature. God changes the laws that control nature; He’s not bound by any of them – all are subject to Him. That means science is subject to God. It’s a pity unbelieving scientists don’t subject themselves to Him for they would make the world a far better place if they did so. God used/uses miracles to protect His people, to provide in times of need, to give healing and restoration, to bring judgment and discipline and, to confirm His word.
The miracle of Creation is followed by at least eighty three other miracles in the Old Testament. Miracles such as: the destruction of humanity apart from 8 people, for gross sin, by the Flood Genesis 7:17-24. Confusion of languages at Babel Genesis 11:3-9. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah for gross sin Genesis 19:24-25. The Ten Plagues of Egypt Exodus Chapters 7 to 12. The Pillar of cloud and fire Exodus Chapters 13, 14. Crossing the Red Sea Exodus 14:21, 23. Manna sent from heaven Exodus 16:13-36. Water from the rock Exodus 17:5-8; Numbers 20:8-11. The Jordan River crossing Joshua 3:14-17. The fall of Jericho Joshua 6:6-20. Science is unable to rightly explain any of these supernatural events, so they are wrongly explained or denied.
The Gospels are full of the miraculous too. Jesus turned water to wine John 2:1-11. Withered hand made whole Matthew 12:10-11. Widow’s son raised from dead Luke 7: 11-17. Jairus’ daughter raised from dead Matthew 9:23. Loaves and fish feeding, five thousand, then four thousand Matthew 14:15-21; 15:32-39. Jesus walking on water Matthew 14:25-33. Ten lepers healed Luke 17:11-19. Man born blind given sight John 9:1-7. Malcus’ ear healed Luke 22:50-51. The resurrection of Jesus Luke 24:6. Every miracle recorded in the Bible happened instantly. None took years to evolve, none were big-banged, none were done with a magic wand. Instant miracles or a literal six-day Creation, it’s all the same to an Almighty powerful God.
How about Lazarus? He lay dead in a tomb for four days before Jesus got to him. Lord, by this time there is a stench, Lazarus’ sister said to Jesus, who told them to take away the stone from the tomb. Lazarus, come forth! He said, and that’s exactly what Lazarus did John 11:38-44. Top that one, unbelieving scientist! Top that one, pseudo scientist! You know you have no explanation for a four-day, rotting, stinking corpse rising up and walking again. Just as it is for a literal six-day Creation, this is outside everything science knows or will ever know. I understand why Pope Francis does not accept the Genesis account of the Creation; popes have never accepted the Bible as the Final Authority on any matters.
Bible Christians need to know the theology of their leaders regarding a literal six-day Creation account too. If they deny it, holding a similar theology to that of Pope Francis, what else might they deny? How about the Lord Jesus Christ being the (only) way, the (only) truth and the (only) life. No one comes to the Father except through Me John 14:6 ? Francis doesn’t believe that. Does your man believe it? Those non-submissive to crystal clear Scripture declaration in one doctrine can be just as non-submissive in other doctrines. How about sin, holiness and righteousness? How about the imminent return of Jesus Christ for the church? How about the various judgments of God? How about the seven year Tribulation? We must know.
We need to make sure when we follow leaders that we’re not following them into hell! A wrong theology of the Creation account won’t put us there, but our denial of the true biblical Lord Jesus Christ will. So will our disregard for sin, holiness and righteousness. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, not ‘some’ Scripture. Again, All Scripture is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, not ‘some’ Scripture 2 Timothy 3:16. People who pick and choose from Scripture possess no spiritual power and no spiritual authority. Whatever they profess to possess in a church means nothing when coming face to face with Satan and his hordes. That’s the true test of a believer.
God Almighty, whose name is Jesus, did not need Evolution or a Big Bang to assist Him in Creation. His powerful word is enough; Then God said – not, ‘Then God did!’ All of God’s creation is subject to Jesus’ word, All things were created through Him and for Him Colossians 1:16. Since the beginning of Creation Jesus has been upholding all things by the word of His power Hebrews 1:3. Most Popes, unbelieving scientists and pseudo scientists have never experienced the power of Jesus’ word; they’ve never wanted to. To submit to the crystal clarity of Bible Scripture means their whole world would be turned down side up! Surgery is a more attractive prospect for them than doing that! In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God John 1:1. His name is called the Word of God Revelation 19:13.