UnScriptural Religious Traditions & Church Programs

A pastor of a church privately shared that God had shown him his “black heart.”  He left it at that.  He was asked what he was going to do about it and he replied that it was so horrible he wasn’t going to do anything about it.  He was advised that if he didn’t, then eventually it would be all over for him.  Sexual immorality was part of that blackness.  Adultery was to be exposed later.  Prior to this sad situation, he was for a few years mightily blessed by God, a gifted preacher, teacher and church builder.  Some years later, another pastor came into thatsame church.  He too was gifted and popular.  But he too fell into adultery and lost his ministry in that place.

As I understand it, (unless their college is grossly liberal) most Bible students who are training to be leaders of churches learn early on in their studies that they are going to be key targets of Satan the devil, who will at many points in their future ministry tempt them with three “G’s” – Glory, Gold and Girls.  Well, it lines up with Scripture  … pastor or not, the experience of 1 John 2:16 is real for all people including born again Christians.  The purpose of this post is not to attack pastors who fall as a result of yielding to any or all of these three “G’s.”  I am not a pastor, but I do know I could blacken my own heart were it not for the daily grace, mercy & power of God.

Without implying perfection on my part, I know every action begins with a thought … and I want God to know the very worst of mine at all times!  To inherit the promise of Proverbs 12:5 on a daily basis, I’m only too pleased to give the Lord those that I know to be wrong whenever they come up.  Glad to be rid of them! – along with any He may reveal.  So why would some pastors not do the same?  In other words, why do some allow a “three G’s” thought to prolong to the point where it develops into an action?  An opinion only.  I have never heard a church leader publicly or privately speak of their personal vulnerabilities and enticements in this area.

Many a sermon have I heard with 1 John 2:16 being used – but the emphasis was for the listener not the speaker.  Does that mean the speaker is not aware of his vulnerabilities?  No, but perhaps there is an impression that he thinks we think he should be above reproach.  Many of those smiles, voice tones, hand gestures etc, presented with each Sunday’s sermon-delivery from the pulpit are well rehearsed before-hand in front of wardrobe mirrors at home.  As a result, prayers of intercession for a pastor’s vulnerabilities and enticements are rare.  Because he’s “the man of God,” the church thinks the pastor is the one man who’s got it altogether.  Who gave that impression?  He did.

Recently I read an article about the daily problems and pressures that pastors face in the USA, but I believe they are the same for pastors all over the western world.  The demands on most of them seem crushing.  Most feel they are expected to be friendly all the time expressing perfect behavior, never getting upset or annoyed, they’re expected to have a popular, always loving, always caring wife and always well behaved children.  Many of them don’t have someone they consider to be a close friend, half feel unable to meet the demands of the job, and about 40% say they are suffering from burnout, hectic schedules and unrealistic expectations.

Elsewhere the article said that depression, stress, burnout and emotional breakdown occur at abnormally high rates among pastors.  So, how come this deplorable, sorry situation?  An opinion only.  Too many churches operate like corporate businesses.  In the corporate business world, “it’s lonely at the top” is a popular belief that’s thrived on by many who’ve reached the top.  Could it be that church leaders believe the same lie?  There are those who act as though they do.  In talking with them, I have never met one whom I felt was being totally real with me.  I have never met a pastor/elder who was willing to speak from his guts and tell it how it is for him – warts and all!  Yet, I have met a few who would expect that of me.

The culture of all church leadership I’ve been associated with has been one of “me and them” and “them and me” or “them and us” and “us and them.”  Unspoken, most certainly, but only in words, not in reality.  For the discerning it is true, actions do speak louder than words.   However, not necessarily is this the fault of church leadership alone.  The church must take some ownership of the problem too, because nowhere in the New Testament do we see this happening with the first churches.  Those leaders knew their function as pastor/elder was simply that – a function, rather than an office.  There was no “first among equals” nonsense.  Nobody played games with words.

It was never “lonely at the top” for any one of them.  Everybody knew there was only One at the top – The Lord Jesus Christ.  As a result, the work of the ministry was carried out by a church of (becoming) equipped saints Ephesians 4:12, not simply a mouth in the pulpit and passive ears sitting in pews.  Admittedly they needed guidance and encouragement and even rebuking, but there was no prolonged “them and us” mentality among them and nowhere do we read of anyone “in charge” of a church suffering with such emotional and social pressures that are mentioned above.  For it to be any other way would be to dishonor God’s way and they were learning that.

Corporately, today’s people of God must embrace the ways of yesterday’s people of God.  That is – we must come back and embrace the word of God in the same manner as they endeavored to do in those first churches.  It is time to shed ourselves of all unScriptural religious traditions & church programs.  Whether we like it or not, they are a cancer in the church and a blight on society and they have been for centuries.  All lip-service paid to “Jesus Christ is Lord” must give way to the indwelling Holy Spirit creating and developing an on-going, undisputed reality within that this is so, and that it would be clearly evidenced in us by others … for our Lord, our life, plus the lives of others.

That’s a big challenge, because as we embrace this way, things are not always going to look pretty.  In fact, they could look ugly.  It was so with the folks in the first churches.  I am ugly at times.  I think the wrong thing, I say the wrong thing and I do the wrong thing.  At times I am impatient, hasty and intolerant.  But, without making any excuses, I have God the Holy Spirit … and He gently speaks through me or through my wife and it is not too long before reality kicks in, acknowledgement for such sin is made and the on-going cleansing blood of the Lord is experienced.  That’s the normal Christian life whether we think so or not.

Anything less is not real.  There is no need for a cover-up.  Proverbs 28:13 makes it clear that if we cover up sin we will not prosper.  No wonder so many leaders fail to prosper spiritually.  If emotional and social pressures are weighing them down then that is not God’s way … and if it’s not God’s way, it is sin.  It matters little what unreality seeks to whisper into the ear to the contrary……it is sin.  Cover it up and you will fail to prosper spiritually – end of story.  I don’t know for sure but it seems to me that some leaders see themselves as standing above the truths they preach.  A deception perhaps rather than deliberate, and that’s the problem.

Embracing the ways of yesterday’s first-churches people of God would keep a check on that.  The apostle Paul noted the apostle Peter playing religious games that caused others to carried away by hypocrisy and he, “withstood him to his face……” Galatians 2:11-15.  He didn’t do it to be rude, he did it so all could be real.  The problem today though, if someone in the church tries that on with a leader whom they discern to be acting the hypocrite, that one will be seen by his or her leader as real rude! – and more. A certificated or ordained leader who sees himself as “first among equals” is well and truly set up to reject (and resent) anything that is likely to come from “them.”

Some years ago when I knew little of the ways of God, I said to the pastor of my church, “You minister to us, but who ministers to you?”  He said, “God.”  That’s a grand truth, but it would have been realized much more so in that man’s life if his church was an every-member-functioning church expressing the ministry of God to him too, as well as to one another.  But it was not, as most are not, nor will ever be.  What does that mean for you who decides you will shed all ties with unScriptural religious traditions & church programs and embrace the word of God as they endeavored to do in days of old?  First – it will mean you will be much misunderstood and criticized by your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Second – the work of Satan the devil on you (through your mind and out of the mouth good people) will be difficult to discern as being his.  It will more than likely feel as though it’s coming from the Holy Spirit.  Satan loves to play God with our soul.  Third – this will force you to press into God whereby you will cry out for the Holy Spirit and you will tell Him something like, “Lord, I want either Your way, or no way.”  Then you will be tested on that statement.  By His grace and power you will come through that test.  Fourth – the work of Satan on you will never cease.  But neither will the work of the Holy Spirit!  He will build your confidence and protect you Proverbs 3:26.

Five – at some point you will probably leave your church and it will be extremely difficult to find one that is any different to the one you’ve just left.  Six – if that is the case, there will be a waiting period on God for Him to reveal the next step.  Seven – God will give you a peace about that and ministry will come to you from others in various ways – you will not be idle.  Eight – God loves the church and He has placed that same love for it into our hearts.  That being the case, again at some point we will gather with others who too have shed all ties with unScriptural religious traditions & church programs.  “There is a way that seems right to a man but its end is the way of death” Proverbs 14:12. “Stand in the ways and see, ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls……..” Jeremiah 6:16. 

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet www.radiorevelations.com Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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