I’m having the most beautiful experience

I had just finished a time of prayer and ministry with Jean in her home when her next door neighbor Helen called in.  Jean introduced me to her and explained the reason for my visit and suggested to Helen that perhaps she would like me to pray with her also.  On a previous visit with Jean, she told me a little about “the couple next door” and the fact that some years earlier they had experienced tragedy in their lives.

Helen was a quiet, gentle lady who said she had been reading her Bible for a long time but didn’t know if the Lord Jesus was “in my heart or not.”  She knew the gospel of Christ, saying she believed it was true that God became a Man, that He came into our world and died for our sins and that three days later He rose again from death.  She said she also believed that He lives today. 

Once again however, like so many people I meet doing this work, that was the extent of Helen’s knowledge.  As the discussion continued it was clear to me that Helen had not made a personal commitment to the Lord.  I discerned that she knew about Jesus Christ, but she did not know Jesus Christ.  So I asked her if she would like to ask the Lord to come and live within her, just like the Scriptures promise He will, upon invitation.  She said she would “like that very much.”  

Our prayer together was long and meaningful, with Helen telling the Lord that even though she’d lived life so far as a good citizen, she knew she was a sinner and asked His forgiveness.  No sooner had she finished the prayer when she told us, “I’m having the most beautiful experience from head to foot – a warm and cool peace, all at the same time.”  It was evident to us that she was experiencing the reality and power of Jesus Christ, a peaceful glow came into her eyes and upon her face.

This new experience for Helen enabled her to talk of the tragedy that took place quite a few years earlier.  She said that her husband suffered much guilt in his daily life, because he was driving the family car when there was a crash and their young daughter was killed.  And although he has no memory of the crash, Helen said her husband  “has never forgiven himself.”  As if that wasn’t enough for a family to bare, Helen then told me that they have another daughter, now married, but dying of cancer.

Some time later I visited Helen’s home and her husband came to the door.  He knew of my meeting with his wife, but said too much had gone wrong in his life for him to believe in a merciful God.  I told him I did not pretend to understand his pain, thoughts and feelings but I did say that Jesus Christ knew exactly where he was at and would be willing to come to his aid upon his invitation.

He said he thought he was beyond changing, “but I hope I’m wrong.”  He then said his wife had told him of her experience with Jesus so, “perhaps one day……”  He thanked me for the visit, telling me it was nice to talk with someone about his problems.

Two months after that visit I called again.  They informed me that their daughter was deteriorating quickly.  I said that I was praying for them, that they would all experience the reality of God’s comfort and peace in this tragic time.  Helen’s husband responded in a resigned manner by saying, “Well pray that she dies quickly.”  We spoke for some minutes and once again they were grateful for the time we had together.

Twelve months went by before I saw this couple again.  I had visited twice in that period but they were not home.  They informed me their daughter did die a few days after my last visit.  By now however, Helen said she was coming through the worst of her grief and gave testimony to the Lord Jesus as being very real to her since her first encounter with Him and especially so, during this recent sadness. 

She spoke about looking forward to the return of Christ, then she spoke of the wonders of our being made up of a body, soul and spirit and that even though our present body dies, one day it will be resurrected anew to rejoin our soul and spirit and we’ll live forever. 

Her husband said he “was not convinced of any of this.”  And even though that appeared to be the case, he was opening up and sharing his thoughts and opinions – to which I give Christ all the glory.

Later in the conversation he shared that he was responsible for the road death of his young daughter, saying that he still had no memory of the event, but the guilt he experienced all these years was going.  As he told me this, I prayed that this was due to the reality of Christ touching his life, so I used the opportunity to remind him that Jesus spoke about forgiveness, healing and love and that these could all be his – all he needed to do was believe for them and ask for them. 

The invitation was left open for both these dear people to get in touch with me and/or my church for any help or assistance they might need in the future, but the offer was never taken up.  Like so many occasions in the past however, I once again considered it to be a great privilege to be used of God for His ministry to them.  “……Death has been swallowed up in victory.  Where, O death, is your victory?  Where, O death, is your sting?”  1 Corinthians 15:54-55.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet www.radiorevelations.com Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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