By way of gradualism

One of the ways the Holy Spirit of God has always burned His truths deep into my spirit is to draw my attention to written or verbal statements made by others, whereby I will dwell on or meditate on them for hours, searching out the meanings and ramifications contained within. Statements such as this: “If …

The greatest loss of all

Just before He ascended into heaven, Jesus told his people that soon they were going to receive a power from God the Holy Spirit which would enable them to spread His message not only locally, but right around the world. He was not speaking about a power that could be developed by human strategies, He …

You’ve opened my eyes today

Leila was a Ukrainian lady in her early seventies who used to love coming to our church services on a Sunday morning after attending mass at her Ukrainian Catholic church, which was just a few hundred meters up the street.  She was proud of the fact that she attended two services and participated in, “two holy communions today.”  Doing such, gave her the …

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