“Jesus, plus nothing equals everything.” – John MacArthur.
“Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” CT Studd.
Now on the Internet: radiorevelations.com
For nearly 30 years ‘Radio Revelations’ has been a one-hour, weekly Bible-Christian program broadcasting Sunday mornings from Radio Station 98.9 North West FM in Melbourne, Australia. Whilst we pray the program continues to be broadcast there again in the future, we believe now is the time to extend its presentation, plus other forms of it, to the many people Internet Radio communicates to across the nations.
Broadcast Streaming Times Presently
SUNDAY 9:05 AM to MONDAY 6:15 PM – Uninterrupted Replays: Music & Spoken Word Programs – AUSTRALIA EST
‘Radio Revelations – Good News on the Radio’ Christian programs with a difference – designed to inform and encourage; to build faith and bring hope to your life.
I’m so happy I’ve found your radio station. I used to regularly listen to you on Sunday mornings, but lost which radio band you were on. Just couldn’t fathom out if it was AM or FM. Somewhere among my books I have found the paper with the details and thought why not give it a try on the website.
On Sun 27/11/11 before you finish your radio segment these were the words you read God does not know the meaning of impossible ( and stand corrected.)
GOD bless you Roger
Hello Margaret
Thank you for making contact and for listening.
I’m glad you kept details because for the past few months, streaming on the Internet has been the main source of getting the message out.
The radio broadcast reach presently is extremely limited due to failing, 20 year-old equipment. We purchased a new, stronger transmitter and antenna some time ago and at the invitation of the local Council we placed it in and on top of their building. Something went wrong when we switched it on that (according to them) caused damage to their equipment.
We only work with professional Commercial Radio Broadcasting technicians at the Station and they say it was not our equipment that caused the damage. Nevertheless, the same people who invited us in at the Council now want us out.
They are helping us find a new location as I understand it, but I’m not up to date as to when we can get back to proper broadcasting.
Thanks again, Margaret and God bless you heaps
Many thanks for your reply which I only looked up today. So besides the Sunday 6 am to 9 am on the radio its not possible to hear you later during the morning. Just thinking of an alternative.
my email: mission_600@hotmail.com
Hi Margaret … I tried to email you privately but it didn’t send.
Until we get this sorted out with the Council our hands are tied unfortunately. It’s high on my prayer list and I don’t think it’ll go on for too much longer.
If you like, go to my Contact Page here and send me your email address. When we’re back radio broadcasting I’ll inform you.
Thanks again and God bless you, Margaret