
Thank you for visiting, my name is Roger Williams.

This blog has been specifically created to bring testimonies to the practical reality, revelations and power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Living in a world immersed in fears, confusions, doubts, half-truths, lies, deceptions, skepticisms and cynicisms, it is my prayer and belief that as you read these testimonies with an open teachable spirit, you will experience the reality of Jesus Christ for yourself.

This is not a “religious” blog

The Biblical Jesus Christ does not respect man-centered religious traditions, rules, laws and observances. Why? These practices habitually hinder people from experiencing a personal encounter with God. Not only do such practices hinder, but they cause people to develop faulty concepts of God – “religious” concepts. The result then too often becomes one of conceit, smugness, self-satisfaction and self-righteousness for such practitioners; they are in fact, worshiping a god of their own creation.  “And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.”  Acts 7:41.

In writing these testimonies, it is difficult for me to explain the how, what, when or why of what Christ did or didn’t do.  I’ve always found it difficult to explain the unexplainable of God.  Therefore, taking my example from the Gospels I simply share these experiences making no attempt to convince someone who’s unconvinced.

In 1988 I began working in Christian outreach ministry in the streets of a middle-class suburb of Melbourne, Australia.  I was/am not an officially ordained minister of a church in the traditional sense, but I did this work 3½ days a week for 3½ years and regularly witnessed first-hand this reality and power of the Lord Jesus Christ in people’s lives.

I wish it were otherwise, but this is not a blog that gives testimony to continuous, successful and perfect outcomes.  It could have been that way for many more people but for their choices – and I quickly learned that God, in His mercy, never violates or over-rules the choices people make.

What I also learned though, even though each one of us has the freedom to choose in life, we are never free to determine the outcomes of our choices – those outcomes are already determined.  They’re already locked in – unshiftable – just like the outcomes of any violation to the Universal Laws of physics and gravity.  “For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush.”  Luke 6:44. 

On Saturday evening in mid-June 1985, I had my own dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and I got to experience this reality and power of His for myself. It took place in the form of two miraculous physical healings, one on my right shoulder-blade and a few moments later, another one on my right arm.  The feeling of divine heat going into those two areas of my body was astonishing – mind-blowing!

I have never forgotten that experience.  Neither have I  forgotten other instant and gradual healings (there have been numerous) since that time.  I was 39 years old when this first happened and it was the beginning of the transformation of my whole life.  (Some background to this event can be viewed on my post But they still have a god.

That first encounter with the Lord did not happen in a church

It happened as I was lying on the floor suffering from a hangover, as well as trying to get shoulder relief.  At the time, I was reading a secular book that quoted some sayings of Jesus Christ, so I said, “Jesus, if You are true, prove Yourself, I’m willing to believe.”  He did.  When I felt that awesome heat in my shoulder-blade, I said, “That’s You, Jesus.  If so, heal my arm.”  He did.

After that experience, I read every book I could get hold of on Jesus Christ and the Bible – anything from new books to those going back three hundred and fifty-plus years, even 10 cent books from junk shops etc, plus the reading of a Gideon’s New Testament which was given to one of my children at first-year secondary college.  I “ate” as many books as I could and haven’t stopped in all those years.

It was nearly two years after that encounter before I stepped inside a church.

Like those first disciples of Jesus Christ, I have never been to a Bible College; I have had no formal teaching.  But again, just like those first disciples, I sat under “informal” teaching for a few months and then under the authority of my local church and according to 2 Timothy 4:1-5, I went out into people’s homes and simply “learned on the job” applying what I knew, knowing that Christ was in the midst to show and teach me more.  The Lord never let me down – even when He may have been given opportunity to do so.

Looking back on it, I did and said some silly things at times but God was faithful to me and to the person/people I was ministering to, plus I had a desire to learn.

I no longer do that kind of work.  Since 1992 I’ve been producing and presenting a weekly one hour Bible-based, Christ-centered radio program that endeavors to bring Biblical answers to the many questions those dear people asked about God, Jesus Christ and the Bible when I was working among them.  I believe the questions they asked back then are the same questions people are asking today.

I was a driving instructor for seven years and then a crash-avoidance driver consultant for another six years working with the corporate world.  No matter what the job or task, I continue to experience the practical reality, revelations and power of the Lord Jesus Christ in my life.

There’s even been three occasions in six months when the Lord has given me authority over unpleasant weather conditions for the benefit of other people, as well as myself.  I invite you to read more about that here: I Spoke To The Weather.

I pray the Lord Jesus Christ will bless you with His reality, revelations and power as you read the testimonies and posts on this blog.

Know too, God has no favorites. If He did, I would not be one of them; what He’s done for others He’ll do for you. Click on that link and let God confirm it to you.

“…..and the one who comes to Me I will not cast out.” John 6:37

2 replies on “About”

  1. I googled a statement our minister said in church this weekend and your website was listed second (after our minister!). You have a wonderful website as I’m sure many, many people have commented. Mark Balmer of Calvary Chapel is minister where I attend church in Viera (he’s located in Melbourne). The quote I searched is “Every unbeliever is empty, lonely, guilty and afraid of death. I’ve been a Christian since I was a very young girl, and believe that statement to be true. I was trying to identify who originated it. Thank you.

    1. Hi Christine

      In the world of language it’s difficult to know who said what, but I’m glad it has been said because it fits our experience perfectly … it’s what governs the world system. It gives us lots to pray about, doesn’t it? Bless you & thank you, Christine, for your comment and kind words.


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