“Why this increase of evil? Why do we see it progressively getting worse?” That’s the question some people from the baby boomer generation are now seriously asking. They should know why though and had they taken biblical proclamation just as seriously, they would know why! Jesus told us why – because of open rebellion against God. Referring to the times of the end Jesus prophesied lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold Matthew 24:12. There it is, that’s the payoff – lawlessness and lovelessness. When honor for Christ decreases, evil increases.
Another way of saying it: Shut the door on the Spirit of Jesus Christ and you open the door to the spirit of the Antichrist. That’s how it works; we’re under the influence of one or the other, there is no third option. When Jesus told us He was the way, the truth and the life He was also saying any other way is a lie and it leads to death – spiritual and eternal death. That explains the rampant evil permeating the world today. What was once evident in a single nation or region for a season of time, is now evident globally in our time with no turning back unless people humble themselves before God and turn to Christ. There are multitudes of baby boomers who know they should do that; they are not as ignorant of Christ and His gospel as they make themselves out to be.
What is the spirit of the Antichrist? Short answer: It is the spirit that denies Jesus Christ (fully God and fully human), has come in the flesh 1 John 4:3. People who deny this are controlled by this evil spirit. This same spirit is also known biblically as the god of this age, 2 Corinthians 4:4 and “the father of lies,” John 8:44. As it is presently, the spirit of the Antichrist blinds the minds of unbelievers, blinding them from the truth of Christ’s gospel. But when Jesus removes the Church from the earth, the Antichrist himself will arrive on the scene masquerading at first as a man of peace – the world’s savior! Three and half years later he will remove that “mask” to become the world’s ultimate dictator wielding the ultimate in evil – such evil as has never been seen before worldwide.
Biblical definition of evil: degenerate, calamitous, diseased, culpable, derelict, vicious, facinorous, grievous, lewd, malicious, wicked. Secular definition of evil: wicked, bad, morally wrong, immoral, foul, vile, base, ignoble, dishonourable, corrupt, iniquitous, depraved, degenerate, villainous, nefarious, sinister, vicious, malicious, malevolent, demonic, devilish, diabolic, fiendish, dark, black-hearted. “How on earth did it come to this?” is a question some asked with regards a US Governor receiving a standing ovation for signing into law the Reproductive Health Act (itself an evil and deceptive title), allowing the expansion of abortion rights for women up to the moment of birth. Look again at the definitions. This is the nature of the spirit of the Antichrist. That’s how it came to this!
Paul the apostle also prophesied of last days lawlessness and lovelessness. But know this, that in the last days perilous (dangerous, fierce) times will come 2 Timothy 3:1. He said of such people that they would be unloving (without natural affection, heartless, unfeeling), unforgiving (implacable, unappeasable, bitter haters, merciless, uncooperative, unyielding, truce breakers), slanderers (false accusers, back biters), without self control (unsubdued passions, degenerate, incontinent), brutal (fierce, violent, savage) despisers of good (hating all good, opposed to goodness) 2 Timothy 3:3. Yes, and multitudes of them stand and sit before us dressed in expensive suits and beautiful clothing giving the strongest of impressions that butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth!
In other words, they are masters and mistresses of evil in disguise. They’ll call evil any name other than what it is! But God has the final say always. Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness (misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness) for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20. Examples: the killing of babies in a mother’s womb they call, “planned parenthood.” The “mercy” killing of old or terminally ill people they call, “dying with dignity.” What does God call this? Murder! What does God call the perpetrators of this? He calls them lawless murderers! You shall not murder Exodus 20:13. All evil is cursed by God, as are all who engage in it.
Political Correctness is evil in disguise. The late Charlton Heston identified it correctly; he called it Tyranny with Manners. The primary goal of PC being, to shut down your mouth. When PC achieves that, then what follows is the shutting down of your mind. In other words, PC is all about the control of humanity; it has nothing to do with protecting the excluded, the marginalized, or groups of people socially disadvantaged or discriminated against. Such people are PC’s useful idiots! Quote: “Terrified into complete intellectual surrender.” – George Orwell. That was the final accomplishment of Big Brother. PC is BB! PC is simply the bastard child of Marxism, Communism and Socialism, all of which the spirit of the Antichrist has foisted upon the world to keep people from Jesus Christ!
Then the LORD saw that wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually Genesis 6:5. For baby boomers deluded into believing God will not divinely intervene with judgment upon the world for its present day increasing evil, recall what He did in the antediluvian age. So widespread and intense was the evil of that age God drowned all but 8 people. Quote: “Abundance of sin was committed in all places, by all sorts of people: and those sins in their own nature most gross and heinous, and provoking: and committed daringly, with a defiance of heaven….. A sad sight, and very offensive to God’s holy eye. This was the bitter root, the corrupt spring……”
Quote continued: “all the violence and oppression, all the luxury and wantonness that was in the world, proceeded from the corruption of nature; lust conceives them, and sin, when it is full-grown brings forth death James 1:15. The heart was evil, deceitful, desperately wicked; the principles were corrupt, and the habits and dispositions evil….. They did not do evil only through carelessness, but deliberately and designedly, contriving how to do mischief. ‘Twas bad indeed, for it was only evil, continually evil, and every imagination was so. There was no good to be found among them…… the stream of sin was full and strong, and constant; and God saw it…… He did not see it as an unconcerned spectator, but as one injured and affronted by it……” – John Wesley.
For baby boomers who believe the Flood and Noah’s Ark are simply myths, be careful you don’t fall into the spirit of the Antichrist’s trap and call Jesus Christ a liar. In reference to His return to earth He said the following: But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be Matthew 24:37-39. Human nature isn’t changed. Noah preached repentance to the people of his day for 120 years and they did what most people do in our day when the gospel is preached; they slighted and despised his warnings.
Therefore God gave them over to continue on in their evil. Judicial blindness and hardness of heart came with it though. No doubt when the waters began to rise to flood proportions many would have had a change of mind, but by then it was too late. On the day Jesus returns to set up His earthly rule it’ll be too late for a change of mind about Him too. Now is the time for that! Some baby boomers I have spoken to gave the implication that they might get around to it one day. It’s not that simple! We can’t turn to the Lord in repentance any old time that suits. We can only do so when the Spirit of Jesus Christ comes upon us. Ignore that opportunity and the spirit of the Antichrist will move in with his message. Which is? “Don’t listen to that nutcase! You’re already a good person.”
In between the rapture of the Church and the earthly return of the Lord comes the Great Tribulation. This will be the time of God’s wrath and judgment upon the world for its evil. Multitudes of people across the globe will turn to Jesus Christ then, when they discover the true nature of the actual Antichrist. But many will be slaughtered for doing so; they’re going to lose their head Revelation 6:9-11; 20:4. Note: The spirit of the Antichrist has a strong foothold in churches globally today. How can we discern such? Any man, woman, group, teaching or doctrine that fails to elevate the biblical Lord Jesus Christ to the Center is under the control of that spirit. When honor for Christ decreases, evil increases. In mercy and truth atonement is provided for iniquity; and by fear of the LORD one departs form evil Proverbs 16:6. Abstain from every form of evil 1 Thessalonians 5:22.
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